Honestly....Why did trump surround himself with so many liars?

It’s how Trump supporters justify it of course.

I'm sure it's no different for them than it was for you justifying it for Obama.

I’ll be happy to compare the rap sheets of Obama’s cabinet and WH Staff with Trump’s. You can go first.

Ah, okay, so lying to the American people is perfectly fine as long as your guy does it less than the other guy.

Sounds about right.

Again, I’ll be happy to compare the rap sheets of both administrations. As for lying, I pointed out that Obama did tell his share of whoppers. Except I called them lies. I should have said they were “truthful hyperboles”

Remember when "you lie" was shouted out when Obama was giving a speech before Congress. Never happened before. That it just so happened when Obama was speaking...sure; not racist at all.

Because the fact he is a liar had nothing to do with it, right? When has the man told the truth about anything? I don't think he can distinguish the difference anymore. He's gotten so comfortable lying it doesn't even concern him. He makes Nixon look like Honest Abe.

Well, he's told his share of whoppers. That is for sure. Everything from keeping your insurance plan to setting limits on campaign finance. Name a President who hasn't told some degree of whoppers in their administration.

He's gone far beyond "some degree" to the point that almost nothing that comes out of his mouth anymore is truthful. He's the most dishonest and manipulative president we've ever had.

Did anyone in Congress every shout "you lie" at them? There is a palpable level of disrespect for Obama from other elected officials.

And rightly so. He's a crook and a liar and should be impeached for multiple Constitutional violations. However, Bill Clinton got treated far worse by the Republicans than Obama has. The House actually did impeach him. The treatment that Bush got by the Democrats if fairly comparable to what Obama has endured by the right.

I think it is largely based on race.

That's because you're ignorant and biased.

You stated the following about Obama:

"He's the most dishonest and manipulative president we've ever had.”

Does he still hold the “record” in your mind?

You also stated:

"He's a crook and a liar and should be impeached for multiple Constitutional violations”

Still feel that way? Based on what?

It's not my point to compare the two nor am I going to waste my time doing so when nobody's mind will be changed. My point is the shear hypocrisy. If all the TDS sufferers had given even one-tenth of the scrutiny to the prior administration that they do to this one there would be many more oppressive shitbags behind bars and far more people in this country awoke to how corrupt our government truly is.

The thing is, "this one" means the present, i.e. where we're standing. What's the point of going "yabbut whaddabout that one from back then"? I dunno, when the number three hitter is up to bat we don't go 'yabbut whaddabout the number seven hitter?".

And whence do you derive your figure of "one-tenth"? Did you measure it?
Mueller's in hot water after that ridiculous raid the other morning....Whitaker chewed his old man ass out....

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