Honestly....Why did trump surround himself with so many liars?

Is there anyone in D.C. who isn't a liar?
there has been a deliberate degradation of what it means to be less than honest in government.

flip-flops and shades of double triple speak are one thing, but trump is the type of liar this country has never ever seen.

He lies about things that he doesn't need to lie about....like it is a game....
It's a sickness.

It's one of many reasons why Trump is unfit to be president.
Just why did trump surround himself with liars? Putting the real possibility of a criminal conspiracy aside.....Why so many liars?
Oh, you....One of the site's leading manic party man hacks, starting a thread with the word "honestly"...Just stop it...I'm going to spit iced tea all over my laptop.

they cheated on their taxes.....wow--big deal
AND they never investigated all this shit for Obama---if they did, they would've found just as many LIARS
Just why did trump surround himself with liars? Putting the real possibility of a criminal conspiracy aside.....Why so many liars?

It's you who has the CNN googles on. Trump is mostly speaking the truth with some hyperbole thrown in.

So, you're one of those idiots who think that there is nothing wrong with Trump's "truthful hyperbole"? Hate to tell you, but those two words do NOT belong in the same sentence, as they are complete opposites.

Here.................let me help you out.........................

telling the truth, especially habitually: a truthful person.
conforming to truth: a truthful statement.
corresponding with reality: a truthful portrait.

noun Rhetoric.
obvious and intentional exaggeration.
an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

So, as you can clearly see, using those two words in the same sentence makes it an oxymoron.

Wait.....................you might not understand what an oxymoron is, let me help you out again........................

[ok-si-mawr-on, -mohr-]
noun, plural ox·y·mo·ra [ok-si-mawr-uh, -mohr-uh] /ˌɒk sɪˈmɔr ə, -ˈmoʊr ə/, ox·y·mor·ons. Rhetoric.
a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”
Because he is one terrible judge of human character?

He judges people and accepts then because they share his morals or lack thereof....

the idiots that voted for him are too damn stupid to know when they are being lied to ...
I believe that the establishment was going to destroy him and he had to accept establishment people into his administration when he became the Repub nominee in 2016. The influence of his family may have been an affect also. It was easy for the establishment to cause strife as the have been in charge for many decades. Perhaps it is like Jackie Robinson going to the Major Leagues to break the color barrier. Like Robinson he takes/took constant condemnation and accusations by people/other players/fans/voters and from those who say/said very little with also. Within the family/owner circle there were people who continued to try to influence things. So Jared/Ivanka and the owners back then were holding the reigns to slow down real progress because of beliefs that needed to end. Real equality is common sense.
Just why did trump surround himself with liars? Putting the real possibility of a criminal conspiracy aside.....Why so many liars?

Once again the 'whatatool' award goes to JimH52 for being so naïve... Jim everyone lies... Especially politicians... :banghead:
Just why did trump surround himself with liars? Putting the real possibility of a criminal conspiracy aside.....Why so many liars?
Oh, you....One of the site's leading manic party man hacks, starting a thread with the word "honestly"...Just stop it...I'm going to spit iced tea all over my laptop.


You need to spit out the orange balls first...

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