Hous Repblicns Wrong On Intrnet Sales Tax Bill!

Sorry, but on this one you are completely wrong. Collecting different tax rates for every single taxing authority and having to write out checks to make payments to as many as a few hundred taxing authorities per month would be one massive headache for any Internet company.

It's not as if they just need to collect sales tax for their own state; they have to collect it for every state where they ship their product.

My apologies, but you are incorrect. What you post is not in the bill.

1. They will only have to interface with 45 Taxing Administration points. The bill requires simplified tax filing and a single point for each state. There are currently on 45 states that have sales tax.

2. Secondly, they will not be writing checks to remitting payment to the 9,600 taxing authorities (or even hundreds as you claim). They will file with one tax administration entity for each state.

3. The law requires that States that want to participate in the program provide software that allows for the automatic computation of the tax at the time of sale and files the state tax returns. States already have online funds transfer when it comes to the payment portion.

4. The legislation exempts online retailers with less than $1,000,000 in sales during the previous tax year, any business doing online sales through the internet so electronic filing and remittance will not be that much of a headache and no one is going to have to sit down and right hundreds of checks each month.


Yes only 45. Great use of time. How would you like to do your taxes 45 times at the end of the year?

What exactly is this software going to do? The shopping cart is where the tax will have to be calculated and collected. Will this software provide the programming for every website? Something tells me no. Many shopping carts will have to be upgraded just for this. All the taxes will have to be manually setup in the shopping cart. It's a huge mess. If states want all this work done then they should pay companies to collect it.

I'm a database guy by trade, I work with HR and not retail, but the fundamental concepts remain the same.

Shopping Cart software already has to include tax calculations for the state the seller is in. When a customer makes an online purchase, it looks up the address of delivery, if the state of the seller and the purchaser are the same - tax is calculated. If they are not the same, then currently no tax is calculated. For sites with over a $1,000,000 in sales - ya, an upgrade will be patched into the database. The States are required to provide the underlying tables free to the business community. In the future when the address is looked up, it will access the table for that address in that state and compute the tax and return it to the cart for display. The law also requires that the software prepare the returns for electronic filing.

I have no disagreement with the concept of the businesses getting some type of compensation for the additional work. I was talking to a business person on another board and he was saying that by filing timely returns that they get discount on the total tax owed. Such a discount in essence paid the company because they were allowed to keep a percentage of the taxes collected which covered expense.

I hope liberals realize this tax hurts the poor more than the rich. It is the same % for everyone regardless of income.

This tax helps the poor by retaining jobs in brick and mortar stores.

Why give preferential treatment to cyber mouse clicks?

Fuck that shit.

If you want to exempt internet sales from sales taxes, then also do away with point-of-sale taxes.

Wow...A giant leap.

Ahhhh.... shaddap. :D
I buy locally all the time. I pay a little more to buy locally. But local stores don't always have what I want. And some local stores charge obscene prices. Not being rich like you I can't afford to get hosed. I still don't see how Walmart is getting killed.

Most everyone buys on the internet. If this passes everyone will then be paying more for the same stuff. They will then have less money than before and hence less to spend. All businesses will be hurt. Consumers having less to spend is bad for all.

You've been getting hosed since this thread was created.

If your local stores don't have what you want, then go without... or pony up the sales tax to buy your blow-up dolls online.

If this bill passes, everyone will be paying the SAME. And the brick and mortars will be on an even playing field with the fat fucks clicking their mouses taking internet orders.

Everyone will be poorer because of new taxes. This will slow the economy and all businesses will hurt. The poor will be paying more for the same items, making them poorer.

"Poorer". 5%-10% poorer? :lol:

You fuckin' crack me up.
The tax-free holiday is over folks. Get over it.

Why do you think the USPS is in its death throes?

Brick and mortar can not compete with the click of a mousy-shmousy.

Cyber-commercial bullying is killing retail America.

Selling the same product for less money while providing jobs for workers is bullying? What about global warming? Think of all the greenhouse gasses you won't be putting in the atmosphere when you shop at home. Yes, I am being sarcastic about the greenhouse effects but I'm sure some idiot will make that point. I'm still not sure how creating a better product is bullying though.
Did you newspaper bully the town crier?
Did the internet bully the newspapers?
Did the Greyhound bus bully the stage coach?
Did the T.V. bully the radio?
Did Ford bully the horse?
There is no bullying going on. The only thing that's going on is entrepreneurship inventing superior products at a lower price while creating jobs. Ya know, the one thing our government seems incapable of doing due to corruption and incompetence. The government of course is trying to leach on anything that is successful to pay for it's own obesity. For any working class moron who thought the government was only going to tax the wealthy better buy a jar of vaseline while he has enough money left (preferably over the internet... it's cheaper).

Did video kill the radio star?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTT3-vA25Zk]The Buggles, Video Killed The Radio Star (With Lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]

I think not. Radio has survived the onslaught of MTV, iTunes, etc. because of enforcement of copyright and royalty law. Such enforcement maintained (to a degree) an even playing field.

And this is precisely what sales taxes on internet transactions will do.

I'd rather a poor pimple faced kid retain his/her job in a brick and mortar than see it supplanted by some fat fuck sitting at a monitor making mouse clicks.

For what? A 5%-10% savings on purchases? And you think that will drive our population into poverty? :lol:

You must admit that radio isn't what it used to be in its heyday but that is still not quite the point I was making (although I do love the Buggles!). My point is that new technology always overcomes old technology. After all, what did computers do to typewriters? No amount of new tax laws would have saved the typewriter makers. Also, 5% to 10 % is a lot of money for many people. Especially for that poor pimple faced kid who works in a brick and mortar and gets paid minimum wage. I wonder where he buys his pimple cream? Pimplecream.com is my guess. This whole "to big to fail" idea was always something I disliked. This whole "to small to fail" is something that just confuses me.
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This reminds me..

Today I went to two different gun shops looking for a Henry AR7. Neither had it, both told me to go to Wal*Mart and order it.

I went on line and found another local shop that was Henry Dealer so I called them and asked their price on it. $289 plus tax.

I could order it from Wal*Mart and have it in two days for $220. I called the dealer back and told them I would be willing to pay a little extra to support the local business, but $70 was just too much. I said that if they would come down to $250, I would buy it from them.

He wouldn't deal. Said his price was his price and that was it. Meanwhile he was cussing out Wal*Mart for selling it at $25 over cost.

Seems to me that the greedy one is the guy wanting to make $100 profit.

When I buy from the internet, the tax isn't what sends me shopping there.

It's the availability and the cost. 6.5% sales tax doesn't phase me at all.

It's the same as when I was looking for a new hat. No one in town carrys men's hats. Ball caps, by the ton. But a hat? Not a one.

Why should I be penalized because the local shops don't or won't carry what I want?

And don't give me that crap that taxes make that much a difference. It doesn't. It's about what I want and who, if anyone sells it and are they trying to making their monthly bonus off of my purchase.

I don't mind paying a little extra to support the small business man, but don't ask me to carry your note for you.
This reminds me..

Today I went to two different gun shops looking for a Henry AR7. Neither had it, both told me to go to Wal*Mart and order it.

I went on line and found another local shop that was Henry Dealer so I called them and asked their price on it. $289 plus tax.

I could order it from Wal*Mart and have it in two days for $220. I called the dealer back and told them I would be willing to pay a little extra to support the local business, but $70 was just too much. I said that if they would come down to $250, I would buy it from them.

He wouldn't deal. Said his price was his price and that was it. Meanwhile he was cussing out Wal*Mart for selling it at $25 over cost.

Seems to me that the greedy one is the guy wanting to make $100 profit.

When I buy from the internet, the tax isn't what sends me shopping there.

It's the availability and the cost. 6.5% sales tax doesn't phase me at all.

It's the same as when I was looking for a new hat. No one in town carrys men's hats. Ball caps, by the ton. But a hat? Not a one.

Why should I be penalized because the local shops don't or won't carry what I want?

And don't give me that crap that taxes make that much a difference. It doesn't. It's about what I want and who, if anyone sells it and are they trying to making their monthly bonus off of my purchase.

I don't mind paying a little extra to support the small business man, but don't ask me to carry your note for you.

You know firearms is a tight market these days.

What I've been trying to preach is an even board. Sales tax in store, sales tax in space.

Why give the fat fuck mouse clicker a break while breaking the balls of retail outlets?
I cant believe there are ass clowns out there who WANT more taxation.

Ol JimOfPenisAnal really stepped in it.

I don't have an issue with the tax itself. Internet companies that do not charge sales tax cost local businesses a lot of lost business, directly due to the fact they do not charge sales tax. The problem is that there is no simple way to collect the tax and pay it to the correct governing body. Unlike a retail store where they only collect their local sales tax rate, an Internet company would need to collect taxes and pay them based on where their customers live. This would be a nightmare even with good software programs.

I'm in transportation and we have vehicles travel all over the country, each state has its fuel tax and we spend many hours a month compiling where the vehicles travel, if they bought fuel and how much in each state verses the miles traveled in each state. You get a credit for purchasing the gas in the state your in, than if you just travel thru. We have to account for every mile we travel, on every piece of equipment. We are then subject to audits of any DOT or any other revenue office in those states we travel through.

I can't see how this will work for Internet sales, other than it being a total cluster.
This bill in Congress requiring internet companies to collect state sales taxes on merchandise they sell through the internet should have sailed through to enactment. Instead, the bill which passed the Senate is hung-up in the House and you guessed it right the obstacle is the House Republicans. The House Republicans if asked will give you all kinds of baloney why they cannot vote in favor of the bill like this requirement that internet company's collect out of state sales taxes for orders on deliveries out of state is too onerous on small internet businesses. The truth of the matter on why the Republicans won't support this bill is that collectively the Republican caucus has sold their soul to the business lobby and the business lobby doesn't want this sales tax obligation because it will increase internet customers bills on internet purchases and thereby cause these customers to purchase less!

Somebody needs to tell House Republicans that their job is to do the right thing when it comes to voting on bills and it is a no brainer that the right thing is that this bill become law. Presently, out of state internet companies have an advantage over in-state retailers in a state because they don't collect a state sales tax for internet orders where the delivery is in-state and there is no valid reasoning for this advantage. Further, this is unfair to the state in question for if a company sells an item of merchandise to a customer where the customer takes possession of the merchandise in state X it doesn't matter where the order was made whether it was made in-person, over the phone, by mail, by internet inside or outside state X because it is a sale in state X that is where the customer takes possession of the merchandise. States have a right to tax sales within their state this is a simple matter of states rights. The Republican criticism that this is too onerous on small internet companies who will have the task of applying all the states in America different sales tax schemes give me a break the Republicans have got to be kidding with this one were not talking about applying the Federal income tax code here these are state sales tax standards hundreds of millions of people across America understand these standards. With many states really hard up for revenue making education cuts, making cuts in the criminal justice system, etc. House Republicans where is your brains here why incur the anger of a lot of people who will benefit from states sales tax money for an indefensible position from a justice standpoint! Come to think of it one can expect this behavior by many rank and file House Republican who won't support this legislation because their track record indicates clearly their under the control of the business lobby in America, they have sold their soul to this lobby unfortunately. But House Speaker John Boehner coming out saying he is not sure he can support the Senate bill here, where is your courage John? Speaker Boehner you're supposed to be a first rate representative doing the right thing for the American people no matter who is for or against the issue! John if you make the effort to hear past the clanging of chains which shackle your caucus' colleagues you'll hear grass roots America proclaiming loudly and clearly the message "John Grow A Spine And Pass This Legislation"!!!

I find myself confused, you claim they are wrong, but you never explain why.

While you are at it you can tell me when Amazon started paying you to lobby for a bill that will enable them to take over the internet.
I've already contacted my reps to vote against this bill.

So did I, she hung up on me because she is a wacko Democrat who thinks we owe the government money simply because we exist.

She also thinks we need to pass the bill to see what is in it, it never occurred her to read it first.
Right, it would be so easy to collect sales taxes for more than 6,900 different taxing authorities and have to answer to each taxing authority if some how you make a mistake. In theory it sounds great, kind of like Maobamacare, but when it comes down to implementation it will be a nightmare. I've asked my congressman to vote no.

Did you know Amazon has a program that they are willing to sell to anyone who needs it that will let them do just that? No wonder they think this is a great idea.
This bill in Congress requiring internet companies to collect state sales taxes on merchandise they sell through the internet should have sailed through to enactment. Instead, the bill which passed the Senate is hung-up in the House and you guessed it right the obstacle is the House Republicans. The House Republicans if asked will give you all kinds of baloney why they cannot vote in favor of the bill like this requirement that internet company's collect out of state sales taxes for orders on deliveries out of state is too onerous on small internet businesses. The truth of the matter on why the Republicans won't support this bill is that collectively the Republican caucus has sold their soul to the business lobby and the business lobby doesn't want this sales tax obligation because it will increase internet customers bills on internet purchases and thereby cause these customers to purchase less!

Somebody needs to tell House Republicans that their job is to do the right thing when it comes to voting on bills and it is a no brainer that the right thing is that this bill become law. Presently, out of state internet companies have an advantage over in-state retailers in a state because they don't collect a state sales tax for internet orders where the delivery is in-state and there is no valid reasoning for this advantage. Further, this is unfair to the state in question for if a company sells an item of merchandise to a customer where the customer takes possession of the merchandise in state X it doesn't matter where the order was made whether it was made in-person, over the phone, by mail, by internet inside or outside state X because it is a sale in state X that is where the customer takes possession of the merchandise. States have a right to tax sales within their state this is a simple matter of states rights. The Republican criticism that this is too onerous on small internet companies who will have the task of applying all the states in America different sales tax schemes give me a break the Republicans have got to be kidding with this one were not talking about applying the Federal income tax code here these are state sales tax standards hundreds of millions of people across America understand these standards. With many states really hard up for revenue making education cuts, making cuts in the criminal justice system, etc. House Republicans where is your brains here why incur the anger of a lot of people who will benefit from states sales tax money for an indefensible position from a justice standpoint! Come to think of it one can expect this behavior by many rank and file House Republican who won't support this legislation because their track record indicates clearly their under the control of the business lobby in America, they have sold their soul to this lobby unfortunately. But House Speaker John Boehner coming out saying he is not sure he can support the Senate bill here, where is your courage John? Speaker Boehner you're supposed to be a first rate representative doing the right thing for the American people no matter who is for or against the issue! John if you make the effort to hear past the clanging of chains which shackle your caucus' colleagues you'll hear grass roots America proclaiming loudly and clearly the message "John Grow A Spine And Pass This Legislation"!!!

Do you realize there are over 10,000 taxing authrities within the US? Do you realize the nightmares and monies that would cause small companies?

1. Do you realize that there will be a single point input for each state? Individuals will not have to interact with 10,000 taxing authorities, all out of state tax remittance will be thorugh a single portal.

2. Do you realize that small companies are exempt from this? They are.


Does your mighty brain have any idea how expensive this will be?

Now to your obviously false points.

  1. A single payment to each state does not mean that they do not have to figure out exactly which taxes within the state apply to each purchase.
  2. The law actually does apply to small companies because it requires any company that does over $1 million in sales to collect taxes, and it is written in such a way that it applies to every single seller on Ebay because Ebay does a lot more than $1 million in sales every year.
You really should stop posting now.
Link is behind a plan that would eliminate or consolidate some of Illinois' nearly 7,000 taxing authorities. Illinois leads the nation with the number of taxing bodies. Pennsylvania is No. 2 on that list with about 4,900 taxing districts, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Just from 2 states.
Link: Too many taxing authorities in Illinois | Evanston Now

From the text of the law as a requirement:
"(2) implements each of the following minimum simplification requirements:

(A) Provide--

(i) a single entity within the State responsible for all State and local sales and use tax administration, return processing, and audits for remote sales sourced to the State;

(ii) a single audit of a remote seller for all State and local taxing jurisdictions within that State; and

(iii) a single sales and use tax return to be used by remote sellers to be filed with the single entity responsible for tax administration."

Text of S. 743: Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013 (Passed the Senate (Engrossed) version) - GovTrack.us

Out of state retailers will not have to deal with local tax authorities.


Yes, that is what the state has to do. Want to point to the part where the company can pretend there is only one sales tax for the entire state?

Stop posting before you look like a complete idiot.

By the way, why are you the idiot defending the idiot OP who can't even write?
Somebody needs to tell House Republicans that their job is to do the right thing when it comes to voting on bills and it is a no brainer that the right thing is that this bill become law.

What part is a no brainer?? are you suggesting they should pass all bills presented?? Or just the ones you like?

We give enough money to and states,there is a huge difference between need and want.

Sorry, but there's nothing the slightest bit right about it. It's just another tax increase. the argument of "fairness" is bullshit. Only demagogues argue that fairness is a justification for increasing your taxes. Only fools swallow such arguments.

Out of state retailers may not pay a sales tax, but their customers do have to pay for delivery. The result of both is pretty much a wash in terms of total price. There's nothing stopping local retailers from marketing their wares on the internet. This is just another revenue grab by Democrats.

On this we agree, it is not about "fairness", it's about states not receiving taxes that are already on the books. Current the collection of sales or use taxes which have been on the books for years has been on the "honor system" for most things. As interstate commerce has grown because of the internet a lot of sales tax revenue is now going to online sales. The individuals were required (in many cases) to report and pay the appropriate tax, but they don't.

In VA there is a line item on our state tax returns for the remittance of sales tax on out of state purchases. Wanna bet how often it's used?

The states are trying to close the loophole so taxes that aren't being collected after the fact are shifted to tax collection at the time of sale. Not supprising really.


Remember last year when we were running against the Dem's, their position was increase rates to increase revenue. Our (Republican plan) was to maintain rates and cut spending and to increase revenues be closing loopholes. Well, now it's happening and people are whining because a loophole is being closed. Surprising isn't it?


I have one thing to say about that, tough fucking shit.

By the way, my plan is to cut spending then talk about taxes.

Stop saying we, it makes you look like you are Obama.
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just to remind you that Obama was against it before he was for it
"I will cut taxes - cut taxes - for 95 percent of all working families, because, in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle class."
Barack Obama

Obama's a lying politican.

But I don't understand the point, these are state sales/use taxes that are owed not federal taxes.

True, but it became a federal matter since Congress took up the matter. Which in the end means that Barrack will have the choice to sign it into law.

He could veto it, except he has signed every single tax increase that landed on his desk. In fact, he supported them, just like he does this one.
A sales tax is justifiable because people use roads and sewers to access the store. It costs a city to provide the brick and morter store. This is true whether the city where I make purchases is my home city or not. Consequently, a sales tax actually increases econ activity by allowing customers to access stores.

If I can buy an item without the store, at a cheaper price, my doing so actually benefits the overall economy because I will have money to spend on more stuff and increase econ activity.

If a city needs to raise more revenue for something, it can get that via property taxes or even raising fees, such as water and garbabe.

People get to the stores through sewers? Are you drunk?

By the way, are you aware that every single thing you mentioned to support sales taxes is actually paid for by other taxes?
Obama's a lying politican.

But I don't understand the point, these are state sales/use taxes that are owed not federal taxes.


Taxation large and small is a confiscation of wealth regardless of the level of government, ability to pay, or benefit (a weak premise at best) produced by its end use.

If I make a $1.00 purchase and the law imposes a 5% sales/use tax and I don't pay, then ya legally it's "owed". IIRC 45 of 50 states have sales/use taxes. Those that don't have decided on other revenue streams - which still are effectively taxes. I think the State of Alaska uses oil for that. Deleware uses a Business tax, although there the business pays the tax directly - that cost is still passed to consumers. So I'm talking practical application here, not high philosophy.

If people don't want to "owe" the tax, then they need to elect politicians that will repeal the law.

At the end of the day the citizens demand certain services as part of living in a modern society: roads, water, sewer, emergency services (police, fire, medical, disaster), then want schools, safe food, etc. TANSTAAFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch), you can't demand services and then not provide revenue to supply them.


The state is perfectly free to prosecute you for tax evasion when you don't pay taxes.

By the way, did you know that if you went to that same store and asked them to ship the item out of state that you would not have to pay a sales tax?
The easy way to do this is for each state that charges sales tax to charge that tax on all internet purchases made from businesses in their state.

For example I live in CT if i sell on line and a person buys a taxable item from me I add the 6.35% state sales tax to his bill just as if he was standing at my register in person.

This way the business owner is only obliged to collect, record and disburse the sales taxes of one state just as it is now.

It's a no brainer.

The perfect solution.

That explains why no one in Congress is willing to vote for it.

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