House Armed Services Cmte. Republicans cover ass at expense of DoD


VIP Member
Jul 17, 2012
So McKeon held a press conference this morning at 10:30. McKeon introduced the people around him as members of the House Armed Services Committee. He began his speech. Second sentence out he puts complete blame on the President for the situation. Third sentence McKeon blames Reid and the press to not attacking Reid. Soon he states, "Sequestration was the President's idea." A little after that he adds, "When Woodward tried to lay out the truth he was crucified, vilified. I don't know to what extent this White House will go but it has to end."

After McKeon finished his speech which included most all of the Republican talking points what the did the Democrat have to say? Oh, wait. It was only the Republican Committee members. Rather than presenting a unified message from the Committee of what is important to them they went out there to cover their own fucking asses. This is exactly the kind of behavior which is the reason we are in a sequester right now. Throw these bums out of office and don't let anywhere near a military base. I have so more choice words for them but I will leave them out of print. Wow, I wish I could speak my mind right now.
I guess you have forgotten your dear leader saying he would veto any legislation that tried to rebalance the cuts. But hey, let the emotions go, no need for facts.
I guess you have forgotten your dear leader saying he would veto any legislation that tried to rebalance the cuts. But hey, let the emotions go, no need for facts.

Speaking of facts do you have any idea whatsoever what S. 16 said or are you just parroting Repug talking points?
I guess you have forgotten your dear leader saying he would veto any legislation that tried to rebalance the cuts. But hey, let the emotions go, no need for facts.

Here's another question. Do you know why the Republicans who voted against it did so?
So McKeon held a press conference this morning at 10:30. McKeon introduced the people around him as members of the House Armed Services Committee. He began his speech. Second sentence out he puts complete blame on the President for the situation. Third sentence McKeon blames Reid and the press to not attacking Reid. Soon he states, "Sequestration was the President's idea." A little after that he adds, "When Woodward tried to lay out the truth he was crucified, vilified. I don't know to what extent this White House will go but it has to end."

After McKeon finished his speech which included most all of the Republican talking points what the did the Democrat have to say? Oh, wait. It was only the Republican Committee members. Rather than presenting a unified message from the Committee of what is important to them they went out there to cover their own fucking asses. This is exactly the kind of behavior which is the reason we are in a sequester right now. Throw these bums out of office and don't let anywhere near a military base. I have so more choice words for them but I will leave them out of print. Wow, I wish I could speak my mind right now.

The cognitive dissonance on the right is reaching a boiling point. GOP Message: "The sequestration bill we sponsored and passed in the US House will not cause harm, but let us hurry up and blame Obama for the coming harm the sequester bill we sponsored and passed in the US House will bring?"
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For the last time (I hope), 2% cut in federal spending will not turn the US Military into a 3rd rate operation. Obama is busy doing that on his own.
I agree.. Throw them all out. ALL
Start fresh
Except Corker... I like Corker
First what the hell is S. 16?

And since you didn't provide a link, I can only comment on what you posted and the speech I saw your dear leader give.

Any more questions?
Love to continue this rant but I am way behind schedule evaluating threats. Catch up tomorrow.

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