House Democrats pushing censure instead of impeachment.

Uh-oh. Looks like Nazi Pelousy and Schifferbrains don't have a unified party.

Small group of Democrats floats censure instead of impeachment
It will be an impeachment. 2 counts.

That is irrelevant. The Senate will drop the impeachment, Trump will win again, and you get to start all over.
He will be impeached again. Trump is a compulsive criminal.

We've been hearing that for three years.

You started out saying he would not last a year.

You've not been right about anything yet.
So you're willing to risk the entire reputation of the Democrat Party as being "legislators", on the fact that you lost an election in 2016?

Wow. You guys are girls are stupider than I thought. What makes you believe that you won't lose control of the House in 2020? You may not realize it now, you you goobers have more to lose than you do to gain.

Sexist. You left out the other 172 genders.
IT is important to note that the worst traitors as Presidents in US history never got impeached or censored....

Andrew Johnson
Cocksucker Obama
Andrew Johnson was impeached. Survived Senate trial by 1 vote.
Extremely weak articles of impeachment,, what happen to quid pro quo, bribery??

I have read a lot about the Andrew Johnson impeachment after the Civil War. He wanted to fire a cabinet member -- which current presidents do all the time -- and they said that was the grounds for impeachment. No legal basis, really, just a hopped up law they passed quickly ad hoc. I personally believe that they REALLY impeached him for being a hopeless drunk --- which he was, of course.

Point being, that impeachment for being a drunk (Johnson), or a philanderer in the Oval Office (Clinton), or winning the election when they thought he wouldn't (Trump) --- it's all good, they can and do impeach anyone they want to if they can scrape up the power.
I think Johnson was more about a president refusing to use the military to carry out Reconstruction laws passed over his veto that basically punished the former Confederate states. And I think the basic consensus today is that Congress really should not have had the power to force the president to order the military to do things. And Johnson did fire Stanton even though congress passed a law, over his veto, saying he could not. The law was probably unconstitional but who knows what a supreme court will do.
Censure? Yeah that will keep Trump from trying to rig the election.
Already rigged. Now we just wait for his second inauguration.
He certainly has the Russian vote he can count on.

Russia wants Democrats to win so they can ban fracking and cause oil prices to rise.
Trump is absolutely the most pro-Russia president of the modern era. It's half the reason the Russia thing will not go away.

Would banning fracking in the US help Russia or not?
it may be that Trump just doesn't see the US as having any real interest in who controls eastern Ukraine. And in Trump world any action he takes must have some furtherance of his personal interests …. if Ukraine wants something, they have to be more useful to him personally than Vlad is. And Trump still wants a Moscow Trump Towers someday.
Already rigged. Now we just wait for his second inauguration.
He certainly has the Russian vote he can count on.

Russia wants Democrats to win so they can ban fracking and cause oil prices to rise.
Trump is absolutely the most pro-Russia president of the modern era. It's half the reason the Russia thing will not go away.

Would banning fracking in the US help Russia or not?
it may be that Trump just doesn't see the US as having any real interest in who controls eastern Ukraine. And in Trump world any action he takes must have some furtherance of his personal interests …. if Ukraine wants something, they have to be more useful to him personally than Vlad is. And Trump still wants a Moscow Trump Towers someday.
That would be Obama who sold out Ukraine to Putin.
Uh-oh. Looks like Nazi Pelousy and Schifferbrains don't have a unified party.

Small group of Democrats floats censure instead of impeachment
It will be an impeachment. 2 counts.

That is irrelevant. The Senate will drop the impeachment, Trump will win again, and you get to start all over.
He will be impeached again. Trump is a compulsive criminal.
He will be impeached again. Trump is a compulsive criminal.

I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Why do you feel the need to defend just about the worst person in the world? Fuck him and his crap country. Your country is America now and it is under attack.
I am not defending anyone. I am attacking you because you’re ruining my country. America.
Sure you are. I am not saying a damned thing any conservative would have disagreed with until Trump divided the loyalty of all his supporters.
I dont belong to a party. I say Let the people decide. You don’t like it. I dont Care.
I didn't call you anything except a Russian sympathizer. Something that did not exist in conservative circles before Trump came along. This development was something that used to seem impossible yet here we are, liberals desperately trying to convince conservatives that Russia is a threat.

liberals always have the best interests of conservatives at heart don’t they? The days of liberals telling their opposition what position to take are over. You and those “conservatives” will just continue to lose.
The only one who says Russia is no threat was Barack Hussein and Hillary. Want me to put up the videos of Hussein making fun of Romney for calling Russia a threat? How about the one of Obama on a hot mic whispering “tell vlad....”
Then comes Hillary with the KGB feeding her documents against Trump. And schiff sending his aids to the Ukrainian embassy to get what he thought were Russian documents compromising Trump.
You are not only treasonous but you are a klutz at being a dishonest serf. You may put those events out of your mind but I remember them I do the DNC being fined by the SEC for accepting money from Chinese Communists.
Vox Day was correct when he said “leftists always project”.
Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Why do you feel the need to defend just about the worst person in the world? Fuck him and his crap country. Your country is America now and it is under attack.
I am not defending anyone. I am attacking you because you’re ruining my country. America.
Sure you are. I am not saying a damned thing any conservative would have disagreed with until Trump divided the loyalty of all his supporters.

Back to helping out the conservatives? Tell us how much you admire “conservative” stances.
Censure? Yeah that will keep Trump from trying to rig the election.
Already rigged. Now we just wait for his second inauguration.
He certainly has the Russian vote he can count on.

Russia wants Democrats to win so they can ban fracking and cause oil prices to rise.
Trump is absolutely the most pro-Russia president of the modern era. It's half the reason the Russia thing will not go away.

How about Tulsi Gabbard. A Russian asset? LOL
Why do you feel the need to defend just about the worst person in the world? Fuck him and his crap country. Your country is America now and it is under attack.
I am not defending anyone. I am attacking you because you’re ruining my country. America.
Sure you are. I am not saying a damned thing any conservative would have disagreed with until Trump divided the loyalty of all his supporters.
I dont belong to a party. I say Let the people decide. You don’t like it. I dont Care.
I didn't call you anything except a Russian sympathizer. Something that did not exist in conservative circles before Trump came along. This development was something that used to seem impossible yet here we are, liberals desperately trying to convince conservatives that Russia is a threat.

liberals always have the best interests of conservatives at heart don’t they? The days of liberals telling their opposition what position to take are over. You and those “conservatives” will just continue to lose.
The only one who says Russia is no threat was Barack Hussein and Hillary. Want me to put up the videos of Hussein making fun of Romney for calling Russia a threat? How about the one of Obama on a hot mic whispering “tell vlad....”
Then comes Hillary with the KGB feeding her documents against Trump. And schiff sending his aids to the Ukrainian embassy to get what he thought were Russian documents compromising Trump.
You are not only treasonous but you are a klutz at being a dishonest serf. You may put those events out of your mind but I remember them I do the DNC being fined by the SEC for accepting money from Chinese Communists.
Vox Day was correct when he said “leftists always project”.
If it's bad for Obama it's bad for Trump. Might want to check the timeline on your claims. Russia did a lot of shit since 2012.
Censure? Yeah that will keep Trump from trying to rig the election.
Already rigged. Now we just wait for his second inauguration.
He certainly has the Russian vote he can count on.

Russia wants Democrats to win so they can ban fracking and cause oil prices to rise.
Trump is absolutely the most pro-Russia president of the modern era. It's half the reason the Russia thing will not go away.
How is it Putin wants America to not frack?
Censure? Yeah that will keep Trump from trying to rig the election.
Already rigged. Now we just wait for his second inauguration.
He certainly has the Russian vote he can count on.

Russia wants Democrats to win so they can ban fracking and cause oil prices to rise.
Trump is absolutely the most pro-Russia president of the modern era. It's half the reason the Russia thing will not go away.
How is it Putin wants America to not frack?

The Russians bankrolled anti-fracking liberal groups for years. But we beat them.
Already rigged. Now we just wait for his second inauguration.
He certainly has the Russian vote he can count on.

Russia wants Democrats to win so they can ban fracking and cause oil prices to rise.
Trump is absolutely the most pro-Russia president of the modern era. It's half the reason the Russia thing will not go away.
How is it Putin wants America to not frack?

The Russians bankrolled anti-fracking liberal groups for years. But we beat them.
And Democrats work for Putin, pushing his agendas for him.
I am not defending anyone. I am attacking you because you’re ruining my country. America.
Sure you are. I am not saying a damned thing any conservative would have disagreed with until Trump divided the loyalty of all his supporters.
I dont belong to a party. I say Let the people decide. You don’t like it. I dont Care.
I didn't call you anything except a Russian sympathizer. Something that did not exist in conservative circles before Trump came along. This development was something that used to seem impossible yet here we are, liberals desperately trying to convince conservatives that Russia is a threat.

liberals always have the best interests of conservatives at heart don’t they? The days of liberals telling their opposition what position to take are over. You and those “conservatives” will just continue to lose.
The only one who says Russia is no threat was Barack Hussein and Hillary. Want me to put up the videos of Hussein making fun of Romney for calling Russia a threat? How about the one of Obama on a hot mic whispering “tell vlad....”
Then comes Hillary with the KGB feeding her documents against Trump. And schiff sending his aids to the Ukrainian embassy to get what he thought were Russian documents compromising Trump.
You are not only treasonous but you are a klutz at being a dishonest serf. You may put those events out of your mind but I remember them I do the DNC being fined by the SEC for accepting money from Chinese Communists.
Vox Day was correct when he said “leftists always project”.
If it's bad for Obama it's bad for Trump. Might want to check the timeline on your claims. Russia did a lot of shit since 2012.
Yeah I listed them. They gave Hillary a file called the Steele Dossier which they thought would help her win the election.
But it didn’t work thank God.
They’ve done other “bad stuff” as well...while Obama said “hey Romney the Cold War called”...
They played Obama and Hillary like puppets.
So Crimea a River. The Russians, at the time, weren’t seen to be bucking the globalists yet. They weren’t yet refusing to use the dollar. And Obama waited until he fooled the electorate and said “tell vlad that after the election...”
What a treasonous fool. So keep projecting. It’s what liberals do. You have a mental illness and a moral void.
He certainly has the Russian vote he can count on.

Russia wants Democrats to win so they can ban fracking and cause oil prices to rise.
Trump is absolutely the most pro-Russia president of the modern era. It's half the reason the Russia thing will not go away.
How is it Putin wants America to not frack?

The Russians bankrolled anti-fracking liberal groups for years. But we beat them.
And Democrats work for Putin, pushing his agendas for him.

It’s a combination of naïveté and hatred for America these Democrats bring to the table.
And Putin succeeded in weakening Trump using Democrats. From Ted Kennedys asking for Soviet help against Reagan to feting the Sandanistas with Hollywood parties the Democrats have always looked overseas for help in gaining power in the US.
Liberals ALWAYS project. Always. They are utterly predictable.

He certainly has the Russian vote he can count on.

Russia wants Democrats to win so they can ban fracking and cause oil prices to rise.
Trump is absolutely the most pro-Russia president of the modern era. It's half the reason the Russia thing will not go away.
How is it Putin wants America to not frack?

The Russians bankrolled anti-fracking liberal groups for years. But we beat them.
And Democrats work for Putin, pushing his agendas for him.

His agenda, quite simply, is to delegitimize US elections. Probably Putin’s read on the US election was a more realistic one and he knew Trump was going to win. So he got in front of it by compromising Hillary. His files on her probably listed her narcissism and psychopathy as areas he could use. And he did.
What a loser she is. And played so easily after losing.
Already rigged. Now we just wait for his second inauguration.
He certainly has the Russian vote he can count on.

Russia wants Democrats to win so they can ban fracking and cause oil prices to rise.
Trump is absolutely the most pro-Russia president of the modern era. It's half the reason the Russia thing will not go away.

Would banning fracking in the US help Russia or not?
it may be that Trump just doesn't see the US as having any real interest in who controls eastern Ukraine. And in Trump world any action he takes must have some furtherance of his personal interests …. if Ukraine wants something, they have to be more useful to him personally than Vlad is. And Trump still wants a Moscow Trump Towers someday.


and you didn't answer my question.

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