House Democrats pushing censure instead of impeachment.

I have nothing against Russians in general except for the fact they are led by a homosexual. That's right, I'm calling your Czar wannabe a pole smoker.
I have nothing against Russians in general except for the fact they are led by a homosexual.

So you admit you’re a homophobe.
Nope, not even a little bit but it's a great way to piss off Russians. No real American gives a fuck if I call Putin gay.
You have a crush on Putin? Weirdo
He has this poster on his bedroom ceiling.
View attachment 294248
He definitely has a weird obsession with him. Odd.
With the implosion of the Ukraine witch-hunt they’re struggling for anything. In his case he’s living in 2018 waiting for the Mueller report to nail Trump.
So you admit you’re a homophobe.
Nope, not even a little bit but it's a great way to piss off Russians. No real American gives a fuck if I call Putin gay.
You have a crush on Putin? Weirdo
He has this poster on his bedroom ceiling.
View attachment 294248
He definitely has a weird obsession with him. Odd.
With the implosion of the Ukraine witch-hunt they’re struggling for anything. In his case he’s living in 2018 waiting for the Mueller report to nail Trump.
Leftists are an odd bunch. Deranged.
Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Why do you feel the need to defend just about the worst person in the world? Fuck him and his crap country. Your country is America now and it is under attack.
Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Why do you feel the need to defend just about the worst person in the world? Fuck him and his crap country. Your country is America now and it is under attack.
I am not defending anyone. I am attacking you because you’re ruining my country. America.
Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Why do you feel the need to defend just about the worst person in the world? Fuck him and his crap country. Your country is America now and it is under attack.
And where da fuck are you from Amigo...............Not your country then shut the hell's none of your business.
House Democrats are scrambling around like rats in a maze looking an exit on impeachment. It was only a week ago that Pelosi said no way they vote on impeachment until after the holidays. Now with impeachment support collapsing and Trump kicking their ass in battle ground states Dem's seem desperate to vote asap and quickly move past this disaster.
Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Why do you feel the need to defend just about the worst person in the world? Fuck him and his crap country. Your country is America now and it is under attack.
I am not defending anyone. I am attacking you because you’re ruining my country. America.
Sure you are. I am not saying a damned thing any conservative would have disagreed with until Trump divided the loyalty of all his supporters.
Good post and true.

Also it should be noted that Russia like The US under Trump opposes Globalism. The Left hates it when you donthat!

Censure? Yeah that will keep Trump from trying to rig the election.
Already rigged. Now we just wait for his second inauguration.
He certainly has the Russian vote he can count on.
Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

The Russian people threw off Communism. For that the Democrats will hate them forever.
And it does have something to do with homosexuality...just not the way occupied said. American homosexuals were traveling to Russia and adopting little boys. After one particularly horrific case the Russians banned gay adoptions. That’s about when I noticed the maniacal hatred starting.
At the same time Putin signed laws banning homosexual propaganda aimed at children. All this was 2012-2013 right about the time degenerates in Hollywood and DC were just ramping up their attacks on American morals.

Russia's Putin signs law banning gay adoptions
Trump has near 90% support from Republicans.

Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Why do you feel the need to defend just about the worst person in the world? Fuck him and his crap country. Your country is America now and it is under attack.
I am not defending anyone. I am attacking you because you’re ruining my country. America.
Sure you are. I am not saying a damned thing any conservative would have disagreed with until Trump divided the loyalty of all his supporters.
Russians are not as big a boogie man as The Left makes them out to be, but you need to watch them like a hawk like any other Foreign Nation.

Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Russians are not as big a boogie man as The Left makes them out to be, but you need to watch them like a hawk like any other Foreign Nation.

Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Watching ain't worth shit if you refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing.
Censure? Yeah that will keep Trump from trying to rig the election.
Already rigged. Now we just wait for his second inauguration.
He certainly has the Russian vote he can count on.

Russia wants Democrats to win so they can ban fracking and cause oil prices to rise.
Trump is absolutely the most pro-Russia president of the modern era. It's half the reason the Russia thing will not go away.
Oh, nobody said anything about excusing what they have done. That is why President Trump slapped the most aggressive sanctions against them in several Decades.

In fact, if you believe in Bible Prophecy, and read Ezekiel 38 Certain Nations like Russia, Syria and Iran along with Turkey seem to be in some kind of Financial Distress that causes them to look at Israel as some kind of prize or treasure to come down from The North and be raided in the last days, maybe for natural resources or something and God destroys and obliterates near 90% of their combined armies when God puts a hook in their jaws from which their is no escape.

In Isaiah 17 I believe The Curse on Damascus is also part of that where it is turned to smoking rubble and made inhabitable for humans.

Russians are not as big a boogie man as The Left makes them out to be, but you need to watch them like a hawk like any other Foreign Nation.

Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Watching ain't worth shit if you refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing.
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He will be impeached again. Trump is a compulsive criminal.
So you're willing to risk the entire reputation of the Democrat Party... Wow. You guys and girls are stupider than I thought. What makes you believe that you won't lose control of the House in 2020? You may not realize it now, you you goobers have more to lose than you do to gain.
You win the Internuts!!! Yeah ... TDS rage and bitterness have released a scorched-earth mentality in every leftard and they can't focus on anything - including the oncoming 2020 red tsunami - because they are bat-shit crazy.

The damage our Hysterical House Dems (#Resistance) have done and are doing to this country will reverberate perhaps forever ... they don't care. They hate America and Americans that much.

Meanwhile the November results are in: 266,000 more new jobs created and unemployment down to 3.5%.
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Oh, nobody said anything about excusing what they have done. That is why President Trump slapped the most aggressive sanctions against them in several Decades.

In fact, if you believe in Bible Prophecy, and read Ezekiel 38 Certain Nations like Russia, Syria and Iran along with Turkey seem to be in some kind of Financial Distress that causes them to look at Israel as some kind of prize or treasure to come down from The North and be raided in the last days, maybe for natural resources or something and God destroys and obliterates near 90% of their combined armies when God puts a hook in their jaws from which their is no escape.

In Isaiah 17 I believe The Curse on Damascus is also part of that where it is turned to smoking rubble and made inhabitable for humans.

Russians are not as big a boogie man as The Left makes them out to be, but you need to watch them like a hawk like any other Foreign Nation.

Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Watching ain't worth shit if you refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing.
Are you one of those who think a man who exemplifies all seven deadly sins has been sent by God like some kind of prophet?
Why do you hate Russian people? What have they ever done to you? Listen to Sting. Russians love their children too.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Why do you feel the need to defend just about the worst person in the world? Fuck him and his crap country. Your country is America now and it is under attack.
I am not defending anyone. I am attacking you because you’re ruining my country. America.
Sure you are. I am not saying a damned thing any conservative would have disagreed with until Trump divided the loyalty of all his supporters.
I dont belong to a party. I say Let the people decide. You don’t like it. I dont Care.
I have no idea who you are talking about. Blindboo? G5000? Lakota?
Adolph Schiffler?

Oh, nobody said anything about excusing what they have done. That is why President Trump slapped the most aggressive sanctions against them in several Decades.

In fact, if you believe in Bible Prophecy, and read Ezekiel 38 Certain Nations like Russia, Syria and Iran along with Turkey seem to be in some kind of Financial Distress that causes them to look at Israel as some kind of prize or treasure to come down from The North and be raided in the last days, maybe for natural resources or something and God destroys and obliterates near 90% of their combined armies when God puts a hook in their jaws from which their is no escape.

In Isaiah 17 I believe The Curse on Damascus is also part of that where it is turned to smoking rubble and made inhabitable for humans.

Russians are not as big a boogie man as The Left makes them out to be, but you need to watch them like a hawk like any other Foreign Nation.

I KNEW you were one of those Russians. Spotted it instantly. There aren't as many as there used to be in 2016, anyway.
I am a Russian Jew who lives in Boston but I was born in America. My parents came here in the late 70s. Never denied any of this. LOL. So you’re more American than I am? How so? LOL
Watching ain't worth shit if you refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing.
Are you one of those who think a man who exemplifies all seven deadly sins has been sent by God like some kind of prophet?
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