House Republicans To Defund ACORN Again, Even Though It Still Does Not Exist

Gotta love it.

House Republicans To Defund ACORN Again, Even Though It Still Does Not Exist

WASHINGTON -- House Republicans are scheduled to vote on two separate budget bills this week, each of which would reject funding for the poverty activism group ACORN, despite the fact that ACORN disbanded three years ago.

ACORN, also known as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, came under heavy fire in the fall of 2009 after conservative videographer James O'Keefe released a set of selectively edited videos that appeared to show its employees offering advice on tax avoidance related to prostitution and child smuggling. Independent investigations by the California attorney general, the Massachusetts attorney general and the Brooklyn, N.Y., district attorney would later clear ACORN of criminal wrongdoing, and an investigation by the Government Accountability Office would clear ACORN of charges that it mishandled federal funds.

But in the fall of 2009, Congress banned federal funding for ACORN using broad language that applied to "any organization" that had been charged with breaking federal or state election laws, lobbying disclosure laws or campaign finance laws or with filing fraudulent paperwork with any federal or state agency. The funding ban also extended to any employees, contractors or others affiliated with any group so charged.
House Republicans To Defund ACORN Again, Even Though It Still Does Not Exist

:clap2: Good work folks.

You guys should be a shoe in come 2014.
Are they awesome or what? For their next trick they are going to vote on blacks becoming 3/5 citizens.
Going to de-fund something that doesn't exist? What's the problem then?

Congress is suppose to put up legislation to address real live problems?

That's their function, you know.

Otherwise..they are getting paid, and very well, for nothing.

Government spending is a real live problem. Defunding junk like Acorn is a perfect example of them working to solve it. Whether you like it or not. Jeebus, you're about as bright as a burnt out bulb.

Well..the same could be said about you..being that you haven't thought this out all that well.

ACORN was involved in finding housing for the homeless and ex-cons.

What happens to those folks when they don't have homes?

Generally..what happens is more expensive then finding them homes.

They either get sick or go back to crime.

ACORN was a way to help with that problem..and in a way that was very cheap.
Congress is suppose to put up legislation to address real live problems?

That's their function, you know.

Otherwise..they are getting paid, and very well, for nothing.

Government spending is a real live problem. Defunding junk like Acorn is a perfect example of them working to solve it. Whether you like it or not. Jeebus, you're about as bright as a burnt out bulb.

Government spending is a problem, but defunding an organization that doesn't exist isn't going to solve anything. If only 31 Million was ever spent on it to begin with, they are wasting time over an infinitesimal drop in the bucket. Political grandstanding is all it is. You seem to be rather dim yourself.

Again, just because you think it's a waste of time, doesn't mean it's not address a problem. Which was the OPs contention, Cork. Everything this government does is wasteful. Like most partisans, you only want to see the special interests YOU like being addressed. It's the typical football game, cork.
Congress is suppose to put up legislation to address real live problems?

That's their function, you know.

Otherwise..they are getting paid, and very well, for nothing.

Government spending is a real live problem. Defunding junk like Acorn is a perfect example of them working to solve it. Whether you like it or not. Jeebus, you're about as bright as a burnt out bulb.

Well..the same could be said about you..being that you haven't thought this out all that well.

ACORN was involved in finding housing for the homeless and ex-cons.

What happens to those folks when they don't have homes?

Generally..what happens is more expensive then finding them homes.

They either get sick or go back to crime.

ACORN was a way to help with that problem..and in a way that was very cheap.

ACORN was involved with shaking down banks and rent-seeking via the government to get taxpayer money.
For all those who are trying to deflect from the facts, here is an actual bill with a Republican provision to ban funding for the extinct ACORN, dated May 28, 2013.

Go to the 60th page:

SEC. 410. None of the funds made available in this
Act may be distributed to the Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidi-
aries or successors.
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Government spending is a real live problem. Defunding junk like Acorn is a perfect example of them working to solve it. Whether you like it or not. Jeebus, you're about as bright as a burnt out bulb.

Government spending is a problem, but defunding an organization that doesn't exist isn't going to solve anything. If only 31 Million was ever spent on it to begin with, they are wasting time over an infinitesimal drop in the bucket. Political grandstanding is all it is. You seem to be rather dim yourself.

Again, just because you think it's a waste of time, doesn't mean it's not address a problem. Which was the OPs contention, Cork. Everything this government does is wasteful. Like most partisans, you only want to see the special interests YOU like being addressed. It's the typical football game, cork.

Government is certainly wasteful. They are wasting time and money on stupidity like this. What problem does it address other than the Republican's lack of doing anything productive?
Are the House Republicans still bringing up Obama-Care for a vote every so often just so they can vote no?.
Won't be long until the House Republicans start voting on FDR's NEW DEAL measures. Wonder how they will vote on Social Security or on FDR's request we declare war on the Japanese after what they did the other day at Pearl Harbor?

For all those who are trying to deflect from the facts by ad hominem fallacy toward HuffPo, here is an actual bill with a Republican provision to ban funding for the extinct ACORN, dated May 28, 2013.

Go to the 60th page:

SEC. 410. None of the funds made available in this
Act may be distributed to the Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidi-
aries or successors.

The loophole here is big enough to drive a truck through. Subsidiary and Successor are definitions for legal entity structures. It is very easy for ACORN to set up completely separate entities and for staff to work for the Brand New Entities. That is what they've done.
For all those who are trying to deflect from the facts by ad hominem fallacy toward HuffPo, here is an actual bill with a Republican provision to ban funding for the extinct ACORN, dated May 28, 2013.

Go to the 60th page:

SEC. 410. None of the funds made available in this
Act may be distributed to the Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidi-
aries or successors.

The loophole here is big enough to drive a truck through. Subsidiary and Successor are definitions for legal entity structures. It is very easy for ACORN to set up completely separate entities and for staff to work for the Brand New Entities. That is what they've done.

The point of that provision is so the author, Rep. John Carter (R-Texas), can brag to the ignorant rubes in the GOP he cut off funding to ACORN. I bet he has already sent out mass emails to that effect.
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The maggots formerly associated with acorn have moved on to crawl out from beneath other rocks......

Lets hope the right keeps shining the spotlight on those beggars....

Unlike the sterling men at Halliburton.

Who sold the government such crappy equipment it electrocuted our troops.

That's what you folks support.

Three cheers for our murderous conservative politicians..


This thread is about ACORN.

Stay focused.

The maggots formerly associated with acorn have moved on to crawl out from beneath other rocks......

Lets hope the right keeps shining the spotlight on those beggars....

Unlike the sterling men at Halliburton.

Who sold the government such crappy equipment it electrocuted our troops.

That's what you folks support.

Three cheers for our murderous conservative politicians..


This thread is about ACORN.

Stay focused.


Definition: Bill of Attainder.

I know it's tough.
For all those who are trying to deflect from the facts by ad hominem fallacy toward HuffPo, here is an actual bill with a Republican provision to ban funding for the extinct ACORN, dated May 28, 2013.

Go to the 60th page:

SEC. 410. None of the funds made available in this
Act may be distributed to the Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidi-
aries or successors.

The loophole here is big enough to drive a truck through. Subsidiary and Successor are definitions for legal entity structures. It is very easy for ACORN to set up completely separate entities and for staff to work for the Brand New Entities. That is what they've done.

I suppose the fact that ACORN was cleared of almost all the charges brought against them doesn't matter to you.

Or that Halliburton STILL does business with the government.
Working Families Party is still around. They were hatched out of the same cockroach incubator as Bertha Lewis's ACORN. They both draw their moral support out of harlots like this one and her male counterpart: "I'm not here looking for work, I'm just here to get me some more Obamabucks"

Welfare Queen: ?Who Would Want To Work In America? This Is What The Taxpayers Are Paying For?? | Weasel Zippers

Anyone offer you $500 in food stamps for $200 lately? Brave new world out there in Obamaville, today.

Hardwork, Industry, Enterprise? Those are so Nineteenth and Twentieth Century!
As part of the effort by some chapters to stay afloat by severing ties with the national organization, members and staff of California ACORN founded a new organization, the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment,[8] New York ACORN members and staff founded New York Communities for Change,[11] and an offshoot of the ACORN organization called Acorn Housing changed its name to Affordable Housing Centers of America[114] yet has retained the same tax and employee identification numbers that it held under its former name.[115]

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gotta love it.

House Republicans To Defund ACORN Again, Even Though It Still Does Not Exist

WASHINGTON -- House Republicans are scheduled to vote on two separate budget bills this week, each of which would reject funding for the poverty activism group ACORN, despite the fact that ACORN disbanded three years ago.

ACORN, also known as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, came under heavy fire in the fall of 2009 after conservative videographer James O'Keefe released a set of selectively edited videos that appeared to show its employees offering advice on tax avoidance related to prostitution and child smuggling. Independent investigations by the California attorney general, the Massachusetts attorney general and the Brooklyn, N.Y., district attorney would later clear ACORN of criminal wrongdoing, and an investigation by the Government Accountability Office would clear ACORN of charges that it mishandled federal funds.

But in the fall of 2009, Congress banned federal funding for ACORN using broad language that applied to "any organization" that had been charged with breaking federal or state election laws, lobbying disclosure laws or campaign finance laws or with filing fraudulent paperwork with any federal or state agency. The funding ban also extended to any employees, contractors or others affiliated with any group so charged.
House Republicans To Defund ACORN Again, Even Though It Still Does Not Exist

:clap2: Good work folks.

You guys should be a shoe in come 2014.

ACORN still exists, they just changed to COI (Community Organizers Int'l). I guess they thought that a name change would erase their jaded history. Many still refer to them by their original name just to remind people of what group this is.

A pile of shit by any other name still stinks.
Many ACORN members and organizers formed new state-wide organizations.[8][/B]

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In most cases, the same leftist fanatics are working out of the same offices, supporting the same socislist causes, using the same stationery (still with the ACORN name on it), and breaking all the same laws. But the charter name in some dusty file cabinet in Delaware, now has a different title.

And those leftist fanatics are hoping you will be stupid enough to believe ACORN is "gone"... just because they say so.

Looks like the only people who are that stupid, are the leftists in this thread who are insisting it's true. :cuckoo:
For all those who are trying to deflect from the facts, here is an actual bill with a Republican provision to ban funding for the extinct ACORN, dated May 28, 2013.

Go to the 60th page:

SEC. 410. None of the funds made available in this
Act may be distributed to the Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidi-
aries or successors.

These Republicans even read the Constitution?
For all those who are trying to deflect from the facts, here is an actual bill with a Republican provision to ban funding for the extinct ACORN, dated May 28, 2013.

Go to the 60th page:

SEC. 410. None of the funds made available in this
Act may be distributed to the Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidi-
aries or successors.

These Republicans even read the Constitution?

That is not a bill of attainder.

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