House repubs advance bill that would eliminate 220, 000 teacher jobs


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
This bill would decimate our educational system.
We have an education system? Have you talked to any kids recently?

School systems are already struggling to keep qualified teachers.
Probably because all the good ones go to private schools to get away from the DoE.
House Democrats warned that hundreds of thousands of teachers could lose their jobs if legislation advanced Friday by a Republican-controlled appropriations subcommittee becomes law.

And it can never be law unless the Democrats support it and a Democrat president signs it.

This bill would decimate our educational system. School systems are already struggling to keep qualified teachers.

Not this shit again? :heehee:



Seems you are saying that the are posting from the left but their factual reporting is high.


It seems like a right nice bill. Good job, Republicans!

"Overall, there are 50 programs are proposed for reductions and another 60 programs are eliminated - most of them are unauthorized or have expired authorizations.

Title I grants to states are cut by nearly 80 percent, or more than 14 billion dollars. While Title I grants do support school districts everywhere, including rural schools in districts like my own, these funds disproportionately support big city public schools: the same public schools that failed to educate the most-vulnerable children entrusted to them, by closing their doors for almost two years.

It is estimated that over 31 billion dollars in unspent funding still remains available from funds provided during the pandemic to these schools. Until this funding is drawn down and it is used responsibly, the Committee will not continue to make further investments in these failing schools.

At the same time, this bill puts a priority on biodefense, programs that support rural America, targeted education programs including those for children with special needs, and Congressional oversight responsibilities.

The bill also maintains support for Pell Grants and language to ensure borrowers can quickly resume payments of their student loans following the recent Supreme Court decision.

Other programs for certain vulnerable populations, such as Americans with disabilities, older Americans, and foster children are maintained at current levels. child care block grants, which provide vouchers for families to choose the child care setting of their choice, are maintained at 8 billion dollars.

In response to the Executive Branch overreach of this Administration, this bill prohibits funding for programs focused solely on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and it eliminates funding for Planned Parenthood and other controversial grantees.

It also protects religious freedom and values by stopping Biden’s regulation that would require schools to allow biological boys to compete against girls in women’s sports programs, and prohibiting any federal funding from going toward enforcing gender identity politics or social, hormonal, and surgical interventions to look like the opposite sex.

The bill prohibits funding for controversial ideologies like Critical Race Theory. These radical views do not belong in public schools. Schools should be teaching our students how to think – not what to think.

The bill maintains the longstanding Hyde amendment to ensure that taxpayer funds are not used for abortion-on-demand, and that no one is forced to participate in an abortion or refer for one under federal programs. The bill also makes sure that taxpayer funds are not used to circumvent state laws restricting access to abortion and ensures that federal research funds are not used on human fetal tissue obtained from an elective abortion.

The bill also includes provisions preventing this Administration from moving forward with job-killing regulations relating to independent contractors, joint employer status and federally forced wage rates for agricultural workers. Furthermore, this Administration's regulatory agenda is stifling small businesses, which should be incubators for innovation.

To protect against future man-made pandemics, the bill prohibits any funding from going to Ecohealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or any lab located in Russia or China. The bill also prohibits funding from being used for any “gain-of-function” research, as was being done on the bat coronaviruses prior to the COVID pandemic, and prohibits enforcement of the CMS COVID vaccine mandate on healthcare workers."

Aderholt Remarks at FY24 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Bill Markup

This bill would decimate our educational system. School systems are already struggling to keep qualified teachers.
Start the countdown to the first "the media is against us" whine from the right... The media isn't against you; the media reports the crazy policies you want to enact and it leads to your unpopularity.

This bill would decimate our educational system. School systems are already struggling to keep qualified teachers.
As the majority of the teachers seem to be indoctrinating the children into Marxist ideologies, I don't see a problem with getting rid of the Department of Education. It's an indoctrination center.

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