How About We Discuss Life After Slavery?

Black codes were restrictive laws designed to limit the freedom of African Americans and ensure their availability as a cheap labor force after slavery was abolished during the Civil War. Though the Union victory had given some 4 million enslaved people their freedom, the question of freed blacks’ status in the postwar South was still very much unresolved. Under black codes, many states required Black people to sign yearly labor contracts; if they refused, they risked being arrested, fined and forced into unpaid labor


White planters in these states denied Black people the chance to rent or buy land and paid them a pittance. The 1865 ratification of the 13th Amendment prohibited slavery and servitude in all circumstances “except as a punishment for crime.” This loophole resulted in Southern states passing the black codes to criminalize activities that would make it easy to imprison African Americans, and effectively force them into servitude once more.

Africans did not do this either.
Oprah Winfrey...........$2.8 billion

Robert F. Smith.....$2.5 billion

Michael Jordan........$650 million

Sean Combs..............$620 million

Tiger Woods..............$590 million

Mariah Carey...........$510 million

Magic Johnson.......$500 million

Jay-Z............................$475 million

Sheila Johnson..........$400 million

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Wow! He named 11 whole people.

But there are approximately 47 million blacks.

Out of 47 million blacks 36,000 are worth at least a million. I bet there are 36,000 whites worth a million in New York City alone.

Try again...
Blacks are so pitiful. Not for what has been done to you, but for what you are incapable of doing. You are incapable of independently competing in a highly technological world.
So, to compensate for that inadequacy, you blame others. Sadly, instead of pushing you to the side, they embolden you by accepting the blame.
Enjoy your time with whites as the Chinese will not be as kind.
You take offense to racist pigs. That's good. Most of us do. Do you take as much offense to racist pigs of other colors?

Like IM2's constant and glaring racial piggotry?
There is none of that from me. You call it that because what I show you is white racism and you don't like what you see in the mirror.

Every one of you racists want to talk about slavery so you can make your claims blaming africans like Africans held guns to white folks necks forcing them to buy slaves. But the stories you guys tell on that are inaccurate and disingenuous.

But slavery ended and things happened which those like you have always been too much of a pu--y to discuss.
Blacks are so pitiful. Not for what has been done to you, but for what you are incapable of doing. You are incapable of independently competing in a highly technological world.
So, to compensate for that inadequacy, you blame others. Sadly, instead of pushing you to the side, they embolden you by accepting the blame.
Enjoy your time with whites as the Chinese will not be as kind.
That is incorrect. The pitiful ones are whites like you who cannot compete if the field was level.

We don't blame, we show the facts.
You are kind of blaming.
No, it's called holding people accountable fi=or what has been done and for what continues to be done. All this punk ass gaslighting gets you nowhere.
That's what you're being shown. You try to gaslight with that dumb shit blame garbage. This ain't blame son, this is accurately stating who caused the problem.
No, it's called holding people accountable fi=or what has been done and for what continues to be done. All this punk ass gaslighting gets you nowhere.


I wonder if successful Blacks whine about slavery as much as you do.

Yeah some people are racist. You ain't going to change that so you can either keep complaining or you can improve your own situation.
That's what you're being shown. You try to gaslight with that dumb shit blame garbage. This ain't blame son, this is accurately stating who caused the problem.
Three fingers point right back at you. That is the MO of the black. Blame, blame me. Disgusting succubae.
Black codes were restrictive laws designed to limit the freedom of African Americans and ensure their availability as a cheap labor force after slavery was abolished during the Civil War. Though the Union victory had given some 4 million enslaved people their freedom, the question of freed blacks’ status in the postwar South was still very much unresolved. Under black codes, many states required Black people to sign yearly labor contracts; if they refused, they risked being arrested, fined and forced into unpaid labor

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White planters in these states denied Black people the chance to rent or buy land and paid them a pittance. The 1865 ratification of the 13th Amendment prohibited slavery and servitude in all circumstances “except as a punishment for crime.” This loophole resulted in Southern states passing the black codes to criminalize activities that would make it easy to imprison African Americans, and effectively force them into servitude once more.

Africans did not do this either.
So why didn't black ex-slaves in the deep south leave? There were no laws keeping them there, or ex-slave hunters working to force them back in to the southern states. Many left, the ones that stayed did do for reasons that seemed good to them. It was their choice and the outcome was their responsibility. Don't try to make me feel bad about someone who allowed themselves to be abused.

I wonder if successful Blacks whine about slavery as much as you do.

Yeah some people are racist. You ain't going to change that so you can either keep complaining or you can improve your own situation.
The successful blacks I've known don't waste their time complaining about slavery, or anything that happened in history. Their complaints are reserved for people like IM2, Paul and Mariyam who endlessly and tirelessly work to hold their fellow Black Americans back from the success that is so easy to achieve.
Wow! He named 11 whole people.

But there are approximately 47 million blacks.

Out of 47 million blacks 36,000 are worth at least a million. I bet there are 36,000 whites worth a million in New York City alone.

Try again...
Well duh. Obviously all of them aren't going to be millionaires.

The point is slavery and racism hasn't held these people back from success. So, your premise is wrong.

Try again.
Well duh. Obviously all of them aren't going to be millionaires.

The point is slavery and racism hasn't held these people back from success. So, your premise is wrong.

Try again.
The fact you could name a few black people who got rich doesn't mean racism is not a problem. Besides these people are still rich and face racism. So your premise is the wrong one not mine.. But you're white so you can deny racism and try finding examples to make an untrue claim.

In my lifetime I saw a story about a man who skydived and his parachute failed yet he lived. Apparently using your logic since that one man lived, it's not necessary to have a parachute to skydive.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.
That premise is correct.
The successful blacks I've known don't waste their time complaining about slavery, or anything that happened in history. Their complaints are reserved for people like IM2, Paul and Mariyam who endlessly and tirelessly work to hold their fellow Black Americans back from the success that is so easy to achieve.
The blacks I know who are sucessful are the ones who fight white racism the most. You don't know any black people do you?

Funny how you white people complain about history all the time, but I guess that's a privilege reserved for whites. But you stupid bastard, we arre linking past policies to modern problems and it's apparent your ass is too stupid to do that.

I wonder if successful Blacks whine about slavery as much as you do.

Yeah some people are racist. You ain't going to change that so you can either keep complaining or you can improve your own situation.
Given that I have helped build 3 sucessful non profits, I can say that the most sucessful blacks fight WHITE RACISM. Racism can be stopped. Racism is taught so it can be untaught and not taught. Again, the gaslighting won't work. I don't complain about slavery, this thread is not about slavery.

This thread is about all the years since slavery so you dumb motherfuckers understand just how much damage your racism keeps doing to this country.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Brentin Mock, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable”
The fact you could name a few black people who got rich doesn't mean racism is not a problem. Besides these people are still rich and face racism. So your premise is the wrong one not mine.. But you're white so you can deny racism and try finding examples to make an untrue claim.

If racism was such a problem in this country, there would be no need for people to tell false racist stories. No one denies racism exists, but it occurs with all races these days.

It's not what is holding blacks (or anyone) back from succeeding in life, if it were there would be no blacks that disagree with you..........but many do.
The fact you could name a few black people who got rich doesn't mean racism is not a problem. Besides these people are still rich and face racism. So your premise is the wrong one not mine.. But you're white so you can deny racism and try finding examples to make an untrue claim.

In my lifetime I saw a story about a man who skydived and his parachute failed yet he lived. Apparently using your logic since that one man lived, it's not necessary to have a parachute to skydive.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.
That premise is correct.
The root cause of the problems blacks face comes from other blacks and their own sub culture. This is why W. African immigrants make more $$$ than AAs. Hell even Haitian Americans make more.

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