How About We Discuss Life After Slavery?

Given that I have helped build 3 sucessful non profits, I can say that the most sucessful blacks fight WHITE RACISM. Racism can be stopped. Racism is taught so it can be untaught and not taught. Again, the gaslighting won't work. I don't complain about slavery, this thread is not about slavery.

This thread is about all the years since slavery so you dumb motherfuckers understand just how much damage your racism keeps doing to this country.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Brentin Mock, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable”
By successful non-profits, you must mean organizations that take taxpayer money and spend it for no appreciable gain to society. Whatever you started had to be totally staffed by black racists because no decent person would associate with someone as filled with hatred as you are. You are the prototypical race pimp making money off the suffering of your own people. That admission explains the rationale behind your endless posts.
By successful non-profits, you must mean organizations that take taxpayer money and spend it for no appreciable gain to society. Whatever you started had to be totally staffed by black racists because no decent person would associate with someone as filled with hatred as you are. You are the prototypical race pimp making money off the suffering of your own people. That admission explains the rationale behind your endless posts.
No. I mean places that provide services for profit places won't provide because they can't make a buck. You have a problem with true independent black thinkers. The non profits had mixed staff, because unlike you, I look for the best. And unlike you, a racist who lies about his racism even as everbody sees it as p;lain as day, I am no racust. So just because I'm not one of those house blacks people like you love because they kiss your white ass, I'm the brother you saltines love to hate because I wont back down or genuflect. And because I don't kiss your whites ass and run around thanking whitey for making us free I am full of hate.


You assume things that just aren't so son. One organization I helped build in my hometown is caled Habitat for Humanity. And since our town is majority white, the majority of the homes built go to white people. So you see foolio, you're just a dumb ass white dude in a debate with someone who is way above your pay grade.

Last, you talk about endless posts but you don't mind the endless posts by whites full of actual racism. When that stops, I stop. So until then shut the hell up with your whining.
No. I mean places that provide services for profit places won't provide because they can't make a buck. You have a problem with true independent black thinkers. The non profits had mixed staff, because unlike you, I look for the best. And unlike you, a racist who lies about his racism even as everbody sees it as p;lain as day, I am no racust. So just because I'm not one of those house blacks people like you love because they kiss your white ass, I'm the brother you saltines love to hate because I wont back down or genuflect. And because I don't kiss your whites ass and run around thanking whitey for making us free I am full of hate.


You assume things that just aren't so son. One organization I helped build in my hometown is caled Habitat for Humanity. And since our town is majority white, the majority of the homes built go to white people. So you see foolio, you're just a dumb ass white dude in a debate with someone who is way above your pay grade.

Last, you talk about endless posts but you don't mind the endless posts by whites full of actual racism. When that stops, I stop. So until then shut the hell up with your whining.
Habitat for Humanity has been around for at least thirty years so it’s very doubtful you had anything to do with it. The more you talk about yourself, the more holes you poke in your projected persona.
You are a racist, it’s evident in every one of your posts. They are all about race. Like most people I care very little about race, nationality or religion. I only care about character. I also post on a wide variety of subjects and on other boards as well. The only place you post is here and the only sub forum you post on is this one. You are obsessed with race and other people’s racism as you perceive it. You constantly assign false motives to people you don’t know. Like I have said before, if you really were the success that you want us to believe you are, you would be working with disadvantaged young blacks, helping them to succeed instead of wasting your entire life posting here. At best you are a hypocrite, at worst, you have a serious mental condition.
Habitat for Humanity has been around for at least thirty years so it’s very doubtful you had anything to do with it. The more you talk about yourself, the more holes you poke in your projected persona.
You are a racist, it’s evident in every one of your posts. They are all about race. Like most people I care very little about race, nationality or religion. I only care about character. I also post on a wide variety of subjects and on other boards as well. The only place you post is here and the only sub forum you post on is this one. You are obsessed with race and other people’s racism as you perceive it. You constantly assign false motives to people you don’t know. Like I have said before, if you really were the success that you want us to believe you are, you would be working with disadvantaged young blacks, helping them to succeed instead of wasting your entire life posting here. At best you are a hypocrite, at worst, you have a serious mental condition.
Habitat for Humanity has individual chapters that are started by local people. So in this city, I helped build the local chapter.

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