How am I am threat to Democracy?

Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is 2 years later with zero proof of significant voter fraud, still singing that song and the ridiculous "bombshells" you guys keep foisting out there with one goal: undermining the confidence in our elections.

Did either one claim there was voter fraud; tens of thousands of ballots being ran through twice, truckloads of ballots from other states, ballots printed in North Korea, the US Military seizing servers of the voting machine companies in Germany, official malfeasance...etc...? If so please show me the quotes.
Uh, if they are alleging that Trump is an illegitimate president, then they must think he didn't win fairly, so they must be alleging some kind of fraud.

And yes, supposedly Hillary conceded in 2017, but 2 years later, and beyond she is claiming Trump is still an illegitimate president. Same with Abrams, here refusal to conceded must indicate that she believes she was chested out of the election.

Remember, you all investigated Trump for over 7 years and stillallege he colluded with Russia, despite no evidence that he or anyone on his team conspired with Russia to steal an election. So, exactly who is undermining the confidence in elections?
You MAGAts are so insulated you can't even recognize truth and facts when it conflicts with the QAnon MAGAt crap you are fed.
You havent presented any facts, you simply levied an insult.....refute what I said or conceed that your whole point in that post was nothing more than a petty attempt at an insult.
There is only one media outlet that is wrong in the entire developed world. Fox noise. And the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post, all Murdoch garbage.
I bet you think msnbc, vox and salon are "fair and balanced", right?
Uh, if they are alleging that Trump is an illegitimate president, then they must think he didn't win fairly, so they must be alleging some kind of fraud.

And yes, supposedly Hillary conceded in 2017, but 2 years later, and beyond she is claiming Trump is still an illegitimate president. Same with Abrams, here refusal to conceded must indicate that she believes she was chested out of the election.

Remember, you all investigated Trump for over 7 years and stillallege he colluded with Russia, despite no evidence that he or anyone on his team conspired with Russia to steal an election. So, exactly who is undermining the confidence in elections?
No. Republicans investigated Trump...for a couple years...and there was plain site even.

On a side note, if you don't mind me asking, where did you get your avatar name?
Yes, I voted for DJT. What else? I have a job and pay taxes. I have a lawful license to carry. I have a wife and two kids and no criminal record. I support low taxes, a strong police force, secure border, energy independence and a powerful military to act as a deterrent to our enemies. I support women’s sports as I have two daughters. I believe that gender dysphoria is a disease and not something we should accept as the norm. Meaning biological boys should not be allowed to compete in physical sports against biological girls no matter what gender they identify as.

I believe in fair elections where one should have to present ID to vote and REQUEST a mail in ballot if one cannot vote in person due to being out of state or medically unable to only.

How the HELL does that make me the enemy of America and Democracy? Joe Biden needs to explain this.
Conservatives denying the fact that there was Russian interference in the 2016 election – and ongoing interference – is a threat to democracy.

You are funny. In 2019 Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter both claimed that Trump was not the legitimate president:

"Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday."
"In June, former president Jimmy Carter used similar language to diminish Trump’s presidency. Carter said that in his view Trump lost the 2016 election and was put in office by the Russians."

These were statements made by prominent democrats more than TWO YEARS AFTER Trump was elected.

Yes they are saying it was illegitimate because he won on pure misinformation and emails!! And that GOP idiot James comey.... Democrats have never said that votes were counted wrong or there were fake voters or any of the other crap which is idiocy on the face of it. The only way to steal an election is the way trump and the Republicans do it with voter suppression pure misinformation and now they're trying putting in GOP election officials who believe in the steal. Absolute garbage.
That's what matters. Imagine how many of her followers would have believed her if she didn't concede and then announced that she had proof that she had actually won and the election was stolen? Then launched a years long campaign denying the truth of the 2016 election with most of the Democrats echoing her statement as if they were true?

She did nothing that compares to Benedict Donald's continued post election antics.

Neither did the Dem party.
That's what matters.

No, that's not what matters. She obviously doesn't accept her own concession because she still claims that Trump didn't win legitimately.

Imagine how many of her followers would have believed her if she didn't concede and then announced that she had proof that she had actually won and the election was stolen

Probably every single one. You all would have believed, and supported her investigation into Trump. Youu see, Hillary could have claimed election fraud and you would have been all in, but if Trump does it, it's some big conspiracy.

Then launched a years long campaign denying the truth of the 2016 election with most of the Democrats echoing her statement as if they were true?

That's exactly what you all would have done.

She did nothing that compares to Benedict Donald's continued post election antics.

She's still an election denier, as are the majority of dems, and you leftys here on usmb.
I bet you think msnbc, vox and salon are "fair and balanced", right?
They are not misinforming lying big money garbage propaganda, it's called journalism. Unlike your crap Murdoch fox post journal and Internet conspiracy nut jobs.... The whole world outside your bubble of baloney agrees except for authoritarian conspiracy nuts and greedy idiot bastards....
No. Republicans investigated Trump...for a couple years...and there was plain site even.

On a side note, if you don't mind me asking, where did you get your avatar name?
Really? It was thr repubs investigating Trump for the last 7 years? Hmm, I'll have to look into that, cause it sure appears it'd been thr dems doing the investigating.

Also, where is the evidence? Show me where Trump told anyone he was asking zelensky to do that investigation in order to benefit him for his re election bid? The Mueller Report even said that it did not establish that any collusion took place.

My avatar means nothing, just random.
They are not misinforming lying big money garbage propaganda, it's called journalism. Unlike your crap Murdoch fox post journal and Internet conspiracy nut jobs.... The whole world outside your bubble of baloney agrees except for authoritarian conspiracy nuts and greedy idiot bastards....
Yes, they are lying, misinformation propaganda, especially salon and vox.

Look, I always say all media is biased, because they all are. They all have an agenda to push. This means they are going to have a biased slant in their reporting, which means they are all suspect in the "truth" they present.

Your lefty stations are no better than fox, or newsmax.
You havent presented any facts, you simply levied an insult.....refute what I said or conceed that your whole point in that post was nothing more than a petty attempt at an insult.

I don't feel the need to backtrack. Suffice to say that this line is dead. Get over it.
She obviously doesn't accept her own concession
Of course she did. She had no "Stop the Donald" Ralys after conceding. She never fund raised off the prospect that she was cheated after conceding. Not one riot did she start on the day Congress officially counted the EC votes and declared our Great Pussy Grabber was the President of the United States.

Try as you might there is no equivalence.
That was a republican investigation and it cost nothing thanks to Manafort.
Hahaha…holy fucking shit you filth get stupider every day. Who originated the Russia investigation and can you show us that Manafort’s assets were liquidated and The People were reimbursed?
Conservatives denying the fact that there was Russian interference in the 2016 election – and ongoing interference – is a threat to democracy.

It was almost nonexistent. Look at the stats. And FB posts? That was it. They were few and far between and zero evidence it did anything. Meanwhile the mainstream media was basically pushing Clinton to victory.
Really? It was thr repubs investigating Trump for the last 7 years? Hmm, I'll have to look into that, cause it sure appears it'd been thr dems doing the investigating.

When Trump won the election Repubs controlled the house the Senate and the executive branch...and SCOTUS for that matter. No Democrats had the authority to appoint Mueller.

Also, where is the evidence? Show me where Trump told anyone he was asking zelensky to do that investigation in order to benefit him for his re election bid?

The evidence was in plain site. Trump asking Russia to hack his apponents server on the national stage.

Imagine if Obama asked Xi to hack Trumps server before an election on the national stage. Oh my Lord, Repubs heads would have exploded.

Trump penned his own sons lie regarding the Trump tower meeting...I mean really, how low can a father go then to throw his own son under the bus.

Trump took Putin's side on the global stage in Helsinki. Reagan had to have been rolling over in has grave.

Regardless, according to the Nunes memo, it was Papadopoulos and his big mouth that kick-started the whole investigation.
The Mueller Report even said that it did not establish that any collusion took place.

Collusion is not a crime. What they were looking for was "coordination" between the Trump campaign and Russia. We did see some coordination from Manafort giving Russia polling data but evidently their was a lot of obstruction of justice that presidents are evidently immune too.

My avatar means nothing, just random.
Ah. Ok. I thought it might be from a scene in MASH. Thanks.
Hahaha…holy fucking shit you filth get stupider every day. Who originated the Russia investigation and can you show us that Manafort’s assets were liquidated and The People were reimbursed?
Rosenstein initiated it.

I probably could if I worked at it but certainly I am not going to dig for information on Manafort's assets lol.

Are you saying all the reports that say so are a lie?
Aww, small hands goes to propaganda and again measure’s his hands.
Sorry but this actually occurred. You turds do this all the time. Mail In Ballots are how you steal elections.

Stealing Military Mail In Ballots and sending them to the home of a Democrat Politician to be filled out straight Dem is another reason Democrats are a threat to Democracy!

She has been stealing ballots like this for 10 years in Wisconsin. Bet she stole 1,000s in 2020.

She was The Deputy Director of Elections.

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