How am I am threat to Democracy?

Yes, they are lying, misinformation propaganda, especially salon and vox.

Look, I always say all media is biased, because they all are. They all have an agenda to push. This means they are going to have a biased slant in their reporting, which means they are all suspect in the "truth" they present.

Your lefty stations are no better than fox, or newsmax.
So give me an example of one of their lies, and I will show you it is one of your lies that is the problem as always. Your media is garbage propaganda period ours is journalism, even if I admit CNN and MSNBC are also politics obsessed and don't show enough news reporting period,,... Al Jazeera has more foreign offices and foreign reporters than all of our media combined, absolutely ridiculous how we look at our navel endlessly....
When Trump won the election Repubs controlled the house the Senate and the executive branch...and SCOTUS for that matter. No Democrats had the authority to appoint Mueller.

The evidence was in plain site. Trump asking Russia to hack his apponents server on the national stage.

Imagine if Obama asked Xi to hack Trumps server before an election on the national stage. Oh my Lord, Repubs heads would have exploded.

Trump penned his own sons lie regarding the Trump tower meeting...I mean really, how low can a father go then to throw his own son under the bus.

Trump took Putin's side on the global stage in Helsinki. Reagan had to have been rolling over in has grave.

Regardless, according to the Nunes memo, it was Papadopoulos and his big mouth that kick-started the whole investigation.

Collusion is not a crime. What they were looking for was "coordination" between the Trump campaign and Russia. We did see some coordination from Manafort giving Russia polling data but evidently their was a lot of obstruction of justice that presidents are evidently immune too.

Ah. Ok. I thought it might be from a scene in MASH. Thanks.
Trump in a speech told Russia to go ahead and hack hillary's emails, and a couple of hours later they started. How much collusion do you think the Russians actually wanted from GOP idiots?
It means I wont start but you’re one strange dude. Biden apologist but you rightfully dislike Newsome.
I’m a small gov guy. Don’t like either political party but would likely be a Republican if they could run respectable and HONEST candidates. The last few years has been an utter embarassment for that party
I’m a small gov guy. Don’t like either political party but would likely be a Republican if they could run respectable and HONEST candidates. The last few years has been an utter embarassment for that party
Huh? What is dishonest about Desantis?
Huh? He is exactly the opposite.
Not from what I’ve seen… the spineless ass kissing he gave Trump prior to running for Governor and then the poor trump mimic attempts to act like a tough guy just turn him into a joke IMO
Not from what I’ve seen… the spineless ass kissing he gave Trump prior to running for Governor and then the poor trump mimic attempts to act like a tough guy just turn him into a joke IMO
You’re entitled to it. There is a reason people are leaving blue states and flocking to Fla. You should listen to his Sunday Conversation with Ben Shapiro. Should but won’t.

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