How am I am threat to Democracy?

You are funny. In 2019 Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter both claimed that Trump was not the legitimate president:

"Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday."
"In June, former president Jimmy Carter used similar language to diminish Trump’s presidency. Carter said that in his view Trump lost the 2016 election and was put in office by the Russians."

These were statements made by prominent democrats more than TWO YEARS AFTER Trump was elected.

Did either one claim there was voter fraud?
Uh, if they are alleging that Trump is an illegitimate president, then they must think he didn't win fairly, so they must be alleging some kind of fraud.
Well, no.

In Hillary's case, the Russians interfered on Trump's side. This was proven by Mueller and the US Senate.

It was confirmed that Russia hacked the DNC and released the hacked e-mails.

So that does lend itself to illegitimacy. What the democrats wouldn't come out and say was that all of that didn't force Hillary to not campaign in Wisconsin.

What your blob is doing is claiming that the powers that be are corrupt in allowing and/or participating in election fraud. That is a difference. It isn't an outside force putting English on the cue ball. It is direct malfeasance that is being alleged for 2 years now in an attempt to undermine the electoral process. You can see the difference, right?

Of course you'll claim that it isn't different...which would make you just another idiot on this message board.
Well, no.

In Hillary's case, the Russians interfered on Trump's side. This was proven by Mueller and the US Senate.

It was confirmed that Russia hacked the DNC and released the hacked e-mails.

So that does lend itself to illegitimacy. What the democrats wouldn't come out and say was that all of that didn't force Hillary to not campaign in Wisconsin.

What your blob is doing is claiming that the powers that be are corrupt in allowing and/or participating in election fraud. That is a difference. It isn't an outside force putting English on the cue ball. It is direct malfeasance that is being alleged for 2 years now in an attempt to undermine the electoral process. You can see the difference, right?

Of course you'll claim that it isn't different...which would make you just another idiot on this message board.
Zero proof there was any impact from those FB posts. Zero. Especially since 99% of mainstream media buried Trump and promoted HRC. Keep giving me laughing emojis. That’s all you got, old hag.
Zero proof there was any impact from those FB posts. Zero. Especially since 99% of mainstream media buried Trump and promoted HRC. Keep giving me laughing emojis. That’s all you got, old hag.
Weren’t you just making the case that the dishonest media was responsible for stealing the election for Biden?!
Of course she did. She had no "Stop the Donald" Ralys after conceding. She never fund raised off the prospect that she was cheated after conceding. Not one riot did she start on the day Congress officially counted the EC votes and declared our Great Pussy Grabber was the President of the United States.

Try as you might there is no equivalence.
Did she claim, after she "conceded" that Trump was an illegitimate president?..

She's an election denier.
When Trump won the election Repubs controlled the house the Senate and the executive branch...and SCOTUS for that matter. No Democrats had the authority to appoint Mueller.

The evidence was in plain site. Trump asking Russia to hack his apponents server on the national stage.

Imagine if Obama asked Xi to hack Trumps server before an election on the national stage. Oh my Lord, Repubs heads would have exploded.

Trump penned his own sons lie regarding the Trump tower meeting...I mean really, how low can a father go then to throw his own son under the bus.

Trump took Putin's side on the global stage in Helsinki. Reagan had to have been rolling over in has grave.

Regardless, according to the Nunes memo, it was Papadopoulos and his big mouth that kick-started the whole investigation.

Collusion is not a crime. What they were looking for was "coordination" between the Trump campaign and Russia. We did see some coordination from Manafort giving Russia polling data but evidently their was a lot of obstruction of justice that presidents are evidently immune too.

Ah. Ok. I thought it might be from a scene in MASH. Thanks.
Collusion "coordination", same thing. Point is, no evidence was found that Trump coordinated or colluded with Russia.

He never asked Russia to hack anything, he, in jest said "Russia, if you're listening..." etc. Do you really think he's going to go on live TV and actually seriously ask another country to interfere with our elections? Trump was being boisterous, as he often is.
Different election. Yes.
See laptop story suppression
Do you think people were forced by the government to suppress the story.? Do you think an organization suppressed the story that didn’t have the right to suppress it if they want to? Did networks like Fox News OAN and Newsmax push the story?
So give me an example of one of their lies, and I will show you it is one of your lies that is the problem as always. Your media is garbage propaganda period ours is journalism, even if I admit CNN and MSNBC are also politics obsessed and don't show enough news reporting period,,... Al Jazeera has more foreign offices and foreign reporters than all of our media combined, absolutely ridiculous how we look at our navel endlessly....
Seriously? If you have a news organization who's every story is anti republican, and pro democrat....that should give you a clue.

And no, they are not journalism, they are opinion. Journalism isn't biased.
Well, no.

In Hillary's case, the Russians interfered on Trump's side. This was proven by Mueller and the US Senate.

It was confirmed that Russia hacked the DNC and released the hacked e-mails.

So that does lend itself to illegitimacy. What the democrats wouldn't come out and say was that all of that didn't force Hillary to not campaign in Wisconsin.

What your blob is doing is claiming that the powers that be are corrupt in allowing and/or participating in election fraud. That is a difference. It isn't an outside force putting English on the cue ball. It is direct malfeasance that is being alleged for 2 years now in an attempt to undermine the electoral process. You can see the difference, right?

Of course you'll claim that it isn't different...which would make you just another idiot on this message board.
So you think that there is only propaganda campaigns that only benefit the repubs? You do realize that foreign influence is quite common in elections, and I'm sure it goes for and against both sides. He'll, Hillary was INVOLVED with a disinformation campaign with that whole Steele dossier.

Trump had no part in the whole ad placement campaign by Russia so it doesn't affect his legitimacy. I'd be curious if it even swayed any voters...unlike the hunter Biden laptop story that was suppressed, that people say, had they known, it would have affected their vote.

Also, Russia didn't "hack" anything, podesta was a victim of a phishing scam and GAVE them his password.
Sorry but this actually occurred. You turds do this all the time. Mail In Ballots are how you steal elections.

Stealing Military Mail In Ballots and sending them to the home of a Democrat Politician to be filled out straight Dem is another reason Democrats are a threat to Democracy!

She has been stealing ballots like this for 10 years in Wisconsin. Bet she stole 1,000s in 2020.

She was The Deputy Director of Elections.

No, you’re just lying and being a sycophant.
So you think that there is only propaganda campaigns that only benefit the repubs? You do realize that foreign influence is quite common in elections, and I'm sure it goes for and against both sides. He'll, Hillary was INVOLVED with a disinformation campaign with that whole Steele dossier.

Trump had no part in the whole ad placement campaign by Russia so it doesn't affect his legitimacy. I'd be curious if it even swayed any voters...unlike the hunter Biden laptop story that was suppressed, that people say, had they known, it would have affected their vote.

Also, Russia didn't "hack" anything, podesta was a victim of a phishing scam and GAVE them his password.
Do you think people were forced by the government to suppress the story.? Do you think an organization suppressed the story that didn’t have the right to suppress it if they want to? Did networks like Fox News OAN and Newsmax push the story?
Zuckerberg said yes

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