How am I am threat to Democracy?

She still conceded when the election was called and urged he supporters to accept the defeat. Abrams made a poor choice and should have conceded and vowed to fight what she felt were the reasons she lost.
post her concession.
The citizens of blue state and cities carry your free loading ass by paying more taxes, providing more economic growth and social freedoms while you shit your BVDs over not being born in 1901.
post a link :link:
Scroll. You have Yet to give me an example of a MAGA voter who isn’t a threat.
Wrong I gave you two examples. See post 788

See I just showed you lying. You said I haven’t given an example, I pointed to two that I gave. Your lie is proven.

Also, not giving examples is not proof of me lying either. Want to try again.?
Wrong I gave you two examples. See post 788

See I just showed you lying. You said I haven’t given an example, I pointed to two that I gave. Your lie is proven.

Also, not giving examples is not proof of me lying either. Want to try again.?
CO2 is your friend. Try it sometime.
But you give all the Russia hacked the election, election deniers a pass, right?

The fact Democrats are pushing this so hard only makes me believe more that the election was stolen.

If the public believed you and your election purity beliefs, your propaganda wouldn't be necessary.
They know it was stolen. This is why they pushed Cancel Culture and Censorship so hard.
No, that doesn't work. An election denier is an election denier, regardless of what happens. You know there were those that objected to and voted against the 2016 certification and tried to hold up the counting.
Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is 2 years later with zero proof of significant voter fraud, still singing that song and the ridiculous "bombshells" you guys keep foisting out there with one goal: undermining the confidence in our elections.
Your side does it too is my point. Yes, Hillary conceded, but she still says Trump was an illegitimate president, Stacy Abrams still hasn't conceded. It's not silly, it's fact.
Did either one claim there was voter fraud; tens of thousands of ballots being ran through twice, truckloads of ballots from other states, ballots printed in North Korea, the US Military seizing servers of the voting machine companies in Germany, official malfeasance...etc...? If so please show me the quotes.
Any Republican that doesn’t fit Bidens description. Federico Mercury, my neighbor for example. You from a few days ago when you were sane enough to admit the election wasn’t stolen. I believe you changed your mind since then it AZOG of old didn’t fit Bidens definition.

There you got two examples. Happy?
so republicans aren't allowed to challenge an election? only demofks can? wow. You skated right out on that thin ice I see.
They know it was stolen. This is why they pushed Cancel Culture and Censorship so hard.
well we keep learning how they do it now. It is all being exposed. Now keying machines to only read demofk ballots. wow!!!! Saying republicans can't vote because of no staff. Wow, unverified ballots sent out like PA, 250,000 ballots unverified. hmm, but republicans are the issue. Well, like everything in demofk land, only point at conservative with accusations of things we do.
Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is 2 years later with zero proof of significant voter fraud, still singing that song and the ridiculous "bombshells" you guys keep foisting out there with one goal: undermining the confidence in our elections.
impeachment was done you fked up demofk.
Russia did hack and interfere. That was confirmed by Trumps intel agencies and his AG. As for Clinton who used that as an excuse to say the election wasn’t fair… That’s fine she can complain all she wants. She conceded to him and stayed quiet for a spell. She didn’t start a poor loser movement that led to an insurrection at our capital
what exactly did they "hack"?
so republicans aren't allowed to challenge an election? only demofks can? wow. You skated right out on that thin ice I see.

well we keep learning how they do it now. It is all being exposed. Now keying machines to only read demofk ballots. wow!!!! Saying republicans can't vote because of no staff. Wow, unverified ballots sent out like PA, 250,000 ballots unverified. hmm, but republicans are the issue. Well, like everything in demofk land, only point at conservative with accusations of things we do.
250,000 ballots plus whatever they print up in New Jersey and ship across state lines to illegitimately put Uncle Festerman in charge of the PA Shit Show.
OZ should win this in a landslide. Watch how it gets stolen from him Wednesday Morning.
No, it's not fact, it's not even a rebuttal to what I said, it was just a petty dig. Did it make you feel better?

Anyway, the fact is that both sides do election denying, happens every election.

You MAGAts are so insulated you can't even recognize truth and facts when it conflicts with the QAnon MAGAt crap you are fed.
Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is 2 years later with zero proof of significant voter fraud, still singing that song and the ridiculous "bombshells" you guys keep foisting out there with one goal: undermining the confidence in our elections.

Did either one claim there was voter fraud; tens of thousands of ballots being ran through twice, truckloads of ballots from other states, ballots printed in North Korea, the US Military seizing servers of the voting machine companies in Germany, official malfeasance...etc...? If so please show me the quotes.

You are funny. In 2019 Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter both claimed that Trump was not the legitimate president:

"Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday."
"In June, former president Jimmy Carter used similar language to diminish Trump’s presidency. Carter said that in his view Trump lost the 2016 election and was put in office by the Russians."

These were statements made by prominent democrats more than TWO YEARS AFTER Trump was elected.

She conceded, and then still 2 years later she was
That's what matters. Imagine how many of her followers would have believed her if she didn't concede and then announced that she had proof that she had actually won and the election was stolen? Then launched a years long campaign denying the truth of the 2016 election with most of the Democrats echoing her statement as if they were true?

She did nothing that compares to Benedict Donald's continued post election antics.

Neither did the Dem party.

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