How Are We Gonna Pay for the $7.9 Trillion that Obama Added to the National Debt?

Predictably, liberals here are screaming about how we're gonna "pay for" the $1.4 trillion that the Trump tax cuts are returning to the American people, while they refuse to admit that federal revenue has increased after every major tax cut since the early 1900s.

Well, I would like liberals to explain how we're gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the national debt. Just to be extra fair, this is not counting Obama's first year, because, technically, it was operating under Bush's last budget (even though Congress jacked up spending in Bush's last year over his objections, even though Obama approved a huge spending boost to the FY 2009 budget right after coming to office, and even though Obama would have added much more debt had it not been for Republican-imposed sequestration). National debt increases by president in dollar amounts and percentages:

Obama: $7.9 trillion/68 percent
Bush Jr.: $5.8 trillion/101 percent
Clinton: $0/0 percent
Bush Sr.: $2.8 trillion/54 percent
Reagan: $1.8 trillion/186 percent

Again, if Obama had not been modestly restrained by a Republican-controlled Congress, he would have added a lot more debt. Without Obama's and the Democrats' pressure for higher and higher spending, spending would have been substantially less after the Republicans took control of Congress.

Presidents didn't used to increase the debt by such large percentages. Debt increases used to be in low double digits or in single digits in terms of the percent of the increase, which is the most important number. Dollar values change over time because of inflation, which is why the percent of the increase is the most important figure:

LBJ: $42 billion/13 percent
JFK: $23 billion/8 percent
Eisenhower: $23 billion/9 percent
Truman: $7 billion/3 percent

So, liberals, how are we gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the debt? How? Or do you only worry about "paying for" something when it involves letting Americans keep more of their own money?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
By not financing a tax cut that merely adds to the debt; instead of cutting costs, like ending the drug war.
That money is not there to begin with, so the federal government cannot claim it.
Yes, they can. Congress is Obligated to Pay the Debts of the United States via the social Power to Tax.
Once a tax cut is put in place it was like was not even there... like fat in the wind.
It needs to forgotten forever, you need to quit living in the past... lol
Predictably, liberals here are screaming about how we're gonna "pay for" the $1.4 trillion that the Trump tax cuts are returning to the American people, while they refuse to admit that federal revenue has increased after every major tax cut since the early 1900s.

Well, I would like liberals to explain how we're gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the national debt. Just to be extra fair, this is not counting Obama's first year, because, technically, it was operating under Bush's last budget (even though Congress jacked up spending in Bush's last year over his objections, even though Obama approved a huge spending boost to the FY 2009 budget right after coming to office, and even though Obama would have added much more debt had it not been for Republican-imposed sequestration). National debt increases by president in dollar amounts and percentages:

Obama: $7.9 trillion/68 percent
Bush Jr.: $5.8 trillion/101 percent
Clinton: $0/0 percent
Bush Sr.: $2.8 trillion/54 percent
Reagan: $1.8 trillion/186 percent

Again, if Obama had not been modestly restrained by a Republican-controlled Congress, he would have added a lot more debt. Without Obama's and the Democrats' pressure for higher and higher spending, spending would have been substantially less after the Republicans took control of Congress.

Presidents didn't used to increase the debt by such large percentages. Debt increases used to be in low double digits or in single digits in terms of the percent of the increase, which is the most important number. Dollar values change over time because of inflation, which is why the percent of the increase is the most important figure:

LBJ: $42 billion/13 percent
JFK: $23 billion/8 percent
Eisenhower: $23 billion/9 percent
Truman: $7 billion/3 percent

So, liberals, how are we gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the debt? How? Or do you only worry about "paying for" something when it involves letting Americans keep more of their own money?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

How Are We Gonna Pay for the $7.9 Trillion that Obama Added to the National Debt?

Um...define the word 'We'.

I don't have it. They can confiscate everything everyone has, but then who is going to buy it to generate the cash?

I predict that the Federal Reserve will adopt bitcoin as a medium of exchange. That way, when all the wealth evaporates, the politicians can blame it on the computers.
How are we going to pay for Trump's $666 billion deficit for 2017 and his $1.5 trillion stimulus deficit-spending package?
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Ever since the GOP took over Congress in 2014, they have been increasing our federal deficit. Each year, it has been getting bigger and bigger.

Of course, the tards are never told to talk about this fact by their Parroting Tard news feeds.

We blew past the $20 trillion debt level a few months ago without so much as a peep from the parrots.

Trump and the GOP congress have raised the debt ceiling without so much as a peep from the parrots.

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."
To answer the original question.

"How are we gonna pay for the 7.9 trillion dollar debt of Obama..."

Couldn't we sell all the Jaboni's back to Africa and all the Beaners
back to Mexico and get a large portion refunded?
The Anti-Christ wanted to spend even more!


Which President Rang Up the Highest Deficit?
Predictably, liberals here are screaming about how we're gonna "pay for" the $1.4 trillion that the Trump tax cuts are returning to the American people, while they refuse to admit that federal revenue has increased after every major tax cut since the early 1900s.

Well, I would like liberals to explain how we're gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the national debt. Just to be extra fair, this is not counting Obama's first year, because, technically, it was operating under Bush's last budget (even though Congress jacked up spending in Bush's last year over his objections, even though Obama approved a huge spending boost to the FY 2009 budget right after coming to office, and even though Obama would have added much more debt had it not been for Republican-imposed sequestration). National debt increases by president in dollar amounts and percentages:

Obama: $7.9 trillion/68 percent
Bush Jr.: $5.8 trillion/101 percent
Clinton: $0/0 percent
Bush Sr.: $2.8 trillion/54 percent
Reagan: $1.8 trillion/186 percent

Again, if Obama had not been modestly restrained by a Republican-controlled Congress, he would have added a lot more debt. Without Obama's and the Democrats' pressure for higher and higher spending, spending would have been substantially less after the Republicans took control of Congress.

Presidents didn't used to increase the debt by such large percentages. Debt increases used to be in low double digits or in single digits in terms of the percent of the increase, which is the most important number. Dollar values change over time because of inflation, which is why the percent of the increase is the most important figure:

LBJ: $42 billion/13 percent
JFK: $23 billion/8 percent
Eisenhower: $23 billion/9 percent
Truman: $7 billion/3 percent

So, liberals, how are we gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the debt? How? Or do you only worry about "paying for" something when it involves letting Americans keep more of their own money?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

So, according to your own numbers:

The Dem presidents have added an average of of 6.25% (with the 32% added by Clinton) to the national debt per year.

The Repubs presidentes have added an average of 17.05% to the national debt per year.

Yet somehow a great many people think the Dems alone are the problem.

They're all in it together.
Predictably, liberals here are screaming about how we're gonna "pay for" the $1.4 trillion that the Trump tax cuts are returning to the American people, while they refuse to admit that federal revenue has increased after every major tax cut since the early 1900s.

Well, I would like liberals to explain how we're gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the national debt. Just to be extra fair, this is not counting Obama's first year, because, technically, it was operating under Bush's last budget (even though Congress jacked up spending in Bush's last year over his objections, even though Obama approved a huge spending boost to the FY 2009 budget right after coming to office, and even though Obama would have added much more debt had it not been for Republican-imposed sequestration). National debt increases by president in dollar amounts and percentages:

Obama: $7.9 trillion/68 percent
Bush Jr.: $5.8 trillion/101 percent
Clinton: $0/0 percent
Bush Sr.: $2.8 trillion/54 percent
Reagan: $1.8 trillion/186 percent

Again, if Obama had not been modestly restrained by a Republican-controlled Congress, he would have added a lot more debt. Without Obama's and the Democrats' pressure for higher and higher spending, spending would have been substantially less after the Republicans took control of Congress.

Presidents didn't used to increase the debt by such large percentages. Debt increases used to be in low double digits or in single digits in terms of the percent of the increase, which is the most important number. Dollar values change over time because of inflation, which is why the percent of the increase is the most important figure:

LBJ: $42 billion/13 percent
JFK: $23 billion/8 percent
Eisenhower: $23 billion/9 percent
Truman: $7 billion/3 percent

So, liberals, how are we gonna pay for the $7.9 trillion that Obama added to the debt? How? Or do you only worry about "paying for" something when it involves letting Americans keep more of their own money?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
By not financing a tax cut that merely adds to the debt; instead of cutting costs, like ending the drug war.
That money is not there to begin with, so the federal government cannot claim it.
Yes, they can. Congress is Obligated to Pay the Debts of the United States via the social Power to Tax.
Once a tax cut is put in place it was like was not even there... like fat in the wind.
It needs to forgotten forever, you need to quit living in the past... lol
The power to Tax is linked to the power to pay the debts of the United States.
Only one year into the job, and Trump has already put us in the hole another $2.166 trillion!
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution; providing for the general warfare and common offense is not; and, if those powers are exercised, they Must be Paid for, not financed.
How Are We Gonna Pay for the $7.9 Trillion that Obama Added to the National Debt?
We are going to pay for it with Trump's $1.5 trillion stimulus debt package. Duh.

Any more stupid questions?
I thought the right wing was for fiscal responsibility, to distinguish themselves from the tax and spend democrats.
They just pretend to be conservatives, but they are really about acquiring power for themselves so they can dole out trillions of dollars of cash to their friends which our grandchildren will have to carry on their backs.

Just like Democrats.
How Are We Gonna Pay for the $7.9 Trillion that Obama Added to the National Debt?
We are going to pay for it with Trump's $1.5 trillion stimulus debt package. Duh.

Any more stupid questions?
I thought the right wing was for fiscal responsibility, to distinguish themselves from the tax and spend democrats.
They just pretend to be conservatives, but they are really about acquiring power for themselves so they can dole out trillions of dollars of cash to their friends which our grandchildren will have to carry on their backs.

Just like Democrats.
so much for their useless, republican doctrine.
Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.
Only one year into the job, and Trump has already put us in the hole another $2.166 trillion!
You really do not understand Economics do you?
Neither Micro nor Macro.
How do you pay your bills?
OH, Mummsie and Daduums take care of that for you, right?
Only one year into the job, and Trump has already put us in the hole another $2.166 trillion!
You really do not understand Economics do you?
Neither Micro nor Macro.
How do you pay your bills?
OH, Mummsie and Daduums take care of that for you, right?
Non sequitur, retard.

The Naked Emperor is digging us deeper and deeper into the hole, and not a peep out of you parroting tards!

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