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How can Republicans blame Democrats when Democrats have no power?

Next up....Tax Reform

Damn Democrats wouldn't let us slash taxes on billionaires

Tax reform is needed. Just like border security is needed and healthcare reform is needed. Democrats will do what they always do...demagogue the GOP for attempting to fix what liberal policies have broken!
President Obama achieved bringing healthcare to America. Trump and the republicans not only failed in their attempts, they also sabatoged the ACA.
There are no bigger traitors or criminals in this country than Trump and republicans.
Republicans did not "sabotage" the Affordable Care Act, Reasonable! It was designed by the people who wrote it to fail! It's entire purpose was to give huge subsidies to millions of Americans at an unsustainable cost. Why would anyone do such a thing? Because they wanted to make it political suicide for the GOP to take those subsidies back...they wanted the entire ACA to implode...and then they anticipated the country having no choice but to adopt a Single Payer system. So please spare me the hysterics about traitors and criminals! You on the left created this mess and you did so deliberately!
46 filthy ass Democrats and two stupid Independents (that usually vote with the filthy ass Democrats) all voted to prevent the improvements to the Obamacare disaster.

They are the obstructionists and are to blame for the disasters. .

Democrats are the scum of this country. No wonder they have lost 1,000 national seats in the last few years and have lost both houses of Congress and the Presidency. Only an idiot, greedy welfare queen or illegal would vote for a Democrat.
How do people as profoundly stupid as the left wing posters here, manage to put one foot in front of the other? That's the mystery.
After Mueller goes through Dumps taxes we'll find out who is profoundly stupid
Next up....Tax Reform

Damn Democrats wouldn't let us slash taxes on billionaires

Tax reform is needed. Just like border security is needed and healthcare reform is needed. Democrats will do what they always do...demagogue the GOP for attempting to fix what liberal policies have broken!
President Obama achieved bringing healthcare to America. Trump and the republicans not only failed in their attempts, they also sabatoged the ACA.
There are no bigger traitors or criminals in this country than Trump and republicans.
Republicans did not "sabotage" the Affordable Care Act, Reasonable! It was designed by the people who wrote it to fail! It's entire purpose was to give huge subsidies to millions of Americans at an unsustainable cost. Why would anyone do such a thing? Because they wanted to make it political suicide for the GOP to take those subsidies back...they wanted the entire ACA to implode...and then they anticipated the country having no choice but to adopt a Single Payer system. So please spare me the hysterics about traitors and criminals! You on the left created this mess and you did so deliberately!
Yes Old Dems are looking forward to the downfall of America Then we can put you and all repubs in camps Now we have experts working on how to further the sabotage of the USA...........IMHO you repubs are a sick group
46 filthy ass Democrats and two stupid Independents (that usually vote with the filthy ass Democrats) all voted to prevent the improvements to the Obamacare disaster.

They are the obstructionists and are to blame for the disasters. .

Democrats are the scum of this country. No wonder they have lost 1,000 national seats in the last few years and have lost both houses of Congress and the Presidency. Only an idiot, greedy welfare queen or illegal would vote for a Democrat.
Glory glory
How do people as profoundly stupid as the left wing posters here, manage to put one foot in front of the other? That's the mystery.
How do you and many other posters manage to insult(call other posters stupid) & at the same time not make a reply to the OP containing any thought?
It is much easier to destroy than to build.
that's why the power structure is a mess
lazy thinking, both sides.
How do people as profoundly stupid as the left wing posters here, manage to put one foot in front of the other? That's the mystery.
After Mueller goes through Dumps taxes we'll find out who is profoundly stupid

And it'll be the same people as now, you.
You do understand Pred that mueller and his team of experts will have Trump by his short hairs after going over his tax returns with a fine tooth comb?
How do people as profoundly stupid as the left wing posters here, manage to put one foot in front of the other? That's the mystery.
After Mueller goes through Dumps taxes we'll find out who is profoundly stupid

And it'll be the same people as now, you.
You do understand Pred that mueller and his team of experts will have Trump by his short hairs after going over his tax returns with a fine tooth comb?

Nope, I don't understand that at all. I know for an absolute fact that the URS audits Trump almost every year. This was known before he even announced.

So carry on with your little hopes and dreams. I love watching reality beat your dumb asses time and time again.
How do people as profoundly stupid as the left wing posters here, manage to put one foot in front of the other? That's the mystery.
After Mueller goes through Dumps taxes we'll find out who is profoundly stupid

And it'll be the same people as now, you.
I don't get it Pred See you've been around since 2011 and you weren't able to partake in Obamas great economy?? Where we had 75 straight months of great job improvements?? Or no participation in the GREAT market increases??
How do people as profoundly stupid as the left wing posters here, manage to put one foot in front of the other? That's the mystery.
After Mueller goes through Dumps taxes we'll find out who is profoundly stupid

And it'll be the same people as now, you.
You do understand Pred that mueller and his team of experts will have Trump by his short hairs after going over his tax returns with a fine tooth comb?

Nope, I don't understand that at all. I know for an absolute fact that the URS audits Trump almost every year. This was known before he even announced.

So carry on with your little hopes and dreams. I love watching reality beat your dumb asses time and time again.
Don't think the IRS is equipped to tackle money laundering and/or collusion But Muellers team of experts are, and they ,from what I hear, are like bulldogs and won't let go
How do people as profoundly stupid as the left wing posters here, manage to put one foot in front of the other? That's the mystery.
After Mueller goes through Dumps taxes we'll find out who is profoundly stupid

And it'll be the same people as now, you.
You do understand Pred that mueller and his team of experts will have Trump by his short hairs after going over his tax returns with a fine tooth comb?

Nope, I don't understand that at all. I know for an absolute fact that the URS audits Trump almost every year. This was known before he even announced.

So carry on with your little hopes and dreams. I love watching reality beat your dumb asses time and time again.
Don't think the IRS is equipped to tackle money laundering and/or collusion But Muellers team of experts are, and they ,from what I hear, are like bulldogs and won't let go

Lol, whatever you have to tell yourself.
Obama did tremendous damage to this country. Trump won't be able to fix all of it.
Obama did tremendous damage to this country. Trump won't be able to fix all of it.
Trump gonna have 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains or triple our dow?? If he does, even a hater of republicans like I am will admit the better party won BUT just between you and I that'll happen when pigs fly
How do people as profoundly stupid as the left wing posters here, manage to put one foot in front of the other? That's the mystery.
How do the ignorant on the right wing, so determined to know nothing, even know what a "foot" is?
Republicans go on endlessly about how Democrats lost all the elections and have no power.

Remember, no power, no blame.

Watching Trump blame Democrats about his failed policies.

Complaints the Democrats are pushing for investigations into Trump's illegal activities.

Democrats have no power.

Now this is the funny part. Republicans have gone after Hillary for over 30 years and couldn't find anything except conspiracies.

They have unwillingly gone after Trump for 6 months. Even trying to block their own investigations and already, you have Republicans saying his presidency is over.

30 years after Clinton? Nothing!

6 months after Trump, fighting it every step of the way, being forced into it by the Justice system, the American people and the press and Trump is not only humiliated, but probably on the way out.

Well, Republicans are showing us the cesspool. Who the scum really are. And it ain't pretty. But thank God it's not the Democrats. Mostly helpless bystanders.

Obama and Dimocrap word. Obstructionist!!!!
The same way Democrats did Republicans when they didn't have any power.

The last time I recall the Republicans without power was after the mess GW Bush left. With control of the congress and presidency It allowed them to ram Obamacare into law.

GOP needs to face reality and align their rhetoric on positions with how they'll deal with situations when their votes have true consequences as they do now.
And millions who hated Obama because his name is Obama are terrified the GOP will take away that very healthcare they got because of Obama.
The GOP's plan is let them die.
It's always been let them die.
Now, it seems, many want to live.
Obama did tremendous damage to this country. Trump won't be able to fix all of it.

HI, could you please expand & show two things that did "GREAT damage, and how they caused this damage. Am here to expand my learning ability.

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