How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority

How can the Republicans run the country if they cannot run congress when they have a majority?
The Republican members of congress are fighting more with each other than they are with the Democrats.
They are fighting and trying to impeach Biden, in the meantime they are not passing legislation to prevent a government shut down. CHAOS NOT LEADERSHIP.

And the Republicans are going to nominate a Presidential candidate facing 91 criminal felony counts and several civil suits. In civil suits he has been found he has committed business fraud and sexual assault and defamation of a woman. What a great guy,

What happens if the Republicans take control of the government in 2024. God help us all.

Add to the list of vacating their Speaker.
The fight is, all democrats want to print more money, and some republicans are willing to print more money just because dems are fighting so hard for it and its politically easier to just give in. Then you have a handful of republicans who say "fuck the political fallout, we cant keep printing money. Our economy is going to collapse at some point".

Then we have people like YOU who rag on the people who are trying to save us from economic collapse. Does "running congress" mean that we keep printing money that we dont have?
The Republicans have the majority in the house.
Without any democrats, they should come together and provide an option that matches conservative principles. The solution has to be a consensus of the Republican party and not the demands of 5 Republicans. That is not a democracy.
The Republicans have the majority in the house.
Without any democrats, they should come together and provide an option that matches conservative principles. The solution has to be a consensus of the Republican party and not the demands of 5 Republicans. That is not a democracy.
What if the consensus is wrong and they just want to print more money? At what point do we stop doing this? Is there any point where more than just 5 people try to do the right thing? We are fucked if they dont.
Independent thought should be a part of all discussions. It is important. But at the end of the day all independent thoughts can be implemented. You need to have a conscensus on the majority and move forward.
The minority should not hold the majority hostage.
That is how a democracy works.
When a minority dictates to the majority it is called a dictatorship not a democracy.
Democrats only have one thought and do not allow dissenting opinions. You either comply or you are subject to re-assimilation until you are back on track with the collective again.
Yes, your love of America has depth beyond bounds, which is why you hate us to much and blame us for everything wrong in the world. It's that deep love and respect you have for us.

Your office literally smells like shit when you fire one of those stink bombs off, doesn't it? Be honest
I don't hate you but I really disrespect you.
I blame people who want it there way or no way.
Those people, in government, are the extreme left and the extreme right. MAGA is the biggest offender.
I am not saying my way or the highway but I am saying those who say my way or the highway are the biggest problem our country has.
Thank goodness our founding fathers were not that way or we would not have a country.
Maybe democrats treat congress like a bunch of sycophants who don't have an independent thought in their liberal heads but we still live in a democracy and nobody runs congress.
What if the consensus is wrong and they just want to print more money? At what point do we stop doing this? Is there any point where more than just 5 people try to do the right thing? We are fucked if they dont.

Your quarrel is with the roughly 200 congressional districts that vote Republican but, but not conservative Republican.
What if the consensus is wrong and they just want to print more money? At what point do we stop doing this? Is there any point where more than just 5 people try to do the right thing? We are fucked if they dont.
Does a minority determine if it is wrong? That is not a democracy.
Our system resulted in the Republican party controlling the house. They had the majority. They did not have to consider any Democrat big spend requests. They could have had a bill that they passed with out any democrat support.
But 5 people would not join the rest of the conservatives on the a consensus.
Then our system ends with more people in the middle compromising from both parties. That is the way it should be.
Democrats only have one thought and do not allow dissenting opinions. You either comply or you are subject to re-assimilation until you are back on track with the collective again.
No they don't. There is a lot of varying views in the Democrat party.
And there is varying views in the Republican party but 5 people demanded it to be there way or no way. That is not how a democracy works.
Maybe democrats treat congress like a bunch of sycophants who don't have an independent thought in their liberal heads but we still live in a democracy and nobody runs congress.
The problem is the extreme left and the extreme right. Both extremes have too much influence in both parties. That needs to change.
Does a minority determine if it is wrong? That is not a democracy.
Our system resulted in the Republican party controlling the house. They had the majority. They did not have to consider any Democrat big spend requests. They could have had a bill that they passed with out any democrat support.
But 5 people would not join the rest of the conservatives on the a consensus.
Then our system ends with more people in the middle compromising from both parties. That is the way it should be.

No they don't. There is a lot of varying views in the Democrat party.
And there is varying views in the Republican party but 5 people demanded it to be there way or no way. That is not how a democracy works.
No there are not because as soon as someone tries to think independently they are re-assimilated.
I don't hate you but I really disrespect you.
I blame people who want it there way or no way.
Those people, in government, are the extreme left and the extreme right. MAGA is the biggest offender.
I am not saying my way or the highway but I am saying those who say my way or the highway are the biggest problem our country has.
Thank goodness our founding fathers were not that way or we would not have a country.

Sure thing, Cowboy. LOL, so you agree when I said it's a lie you "love" America, LOL. Great defense there.

And you ARE the extreme left, Delusional One. If I wrote a short list on the site of left wing nut jobs, the kind of people who say you love us then trash us, you'd be on it. You just showed why, LOL
Sure thing, Cowboy. LOL, so you agree when I said it's a lie you "love" America, LOL. Great defense there.

And you ARE the extreme left, Delusional One. If I wrote a short list on the site of left wing nut jobs, the kind of people who say you love us then trash us, you'd be on it. You just showed why, LOL
Blaming others takes energy away from improving yourself. You have some work to do.
You have some serious self examination to perform
I will examine myself if you and the rest of MAGA will quit blaming others for all your problems; liberals, progressives, RINOs, FBI, DOJ, immigrants, people who are different than you
Does a minority determine if it is wrong?
Facts determine it. Every single dollar we spend right now is money that we have to borrow. The interest on our debt has now exceeded the Pentagons annual budget. Thats JUST the interest payments, let alone actually paying off the debt.
I will examine myself if you and the rest of MAGA will quit blaming others for all your problems; liberals, progressives, RINOs, FBI, DOJ, immigrants, people who are different than you

This is how stupid you are. You call me MAGA and I'm repeatedly on the record saying I support DeSantis and won't vote for Trump even if he's nominated.

You have no grasp on reality, just your hate filled bigotry.

You have a lot of self examination to do
Facts determine it. Every single dollar we spend right now is money that we have to borrow. The interest on our debt has now exceeded the Pentagons annual budget. Thats JUST the interest payments.
Trump increased the debt by more than any one term President.
He is not the answer to reduce the debt.
This is how stupid you are. You call me MAGA and I'm repeatedly on the record saying I support DeSantis and won't vote for Trump even if he's nominated.

You have no grasp on reality, just your hate filled bigotry.

You have a lot of self examination to do
No you are MAGA.

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