How dangerous are liberal social policies?

The religion of socialism worships big government and social policy. Gay marriage and transsexual bathrooms are social policies of socialist and in effect are religious beliefs. They are based on atheism and deification of man and proceeds from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements such as gay marriage and transsexual bathrooms.

So, it is you who cannot keep your religion out of government.
Nah, don't imbue me with all your fancy garbage ideologies. I just don't feel it's my business to dictate who another adult can love or become, in the rare instances Mother Nature scrambled up the signals.
Let me as you this, didn't mother nature scramble up the signals of pedophiles? Is it in our society's best interest to normalize that behavior? Of course not. But nonetheless they can make the exact same argument that that is how they are.
I don't see that as the "exact same argument," since pedophilia involves a victim. I've dealt with the victims and I've dealt with the pedophiles, and I can confidently tell you that it is NOT the same as same sex marriage.
True, it is not the exact same argument, but there is a victim in abortion and we allow that in our society. So why not allow pedophilia? My point here is that since we do live in a shared society with shared consequences, the best interest of our society is relevant. So while you may dismiss my arguments as "fancy garbage ideologies," I can assure you that they are well founded in history and reason. Therefore, while you may not accept them as reasons to not define the rule by the exception, I most certainly do.
So why not allow pedophilia?

That's gross. That's a question that doesn't even need to be asked.

And to me personally, it's sickening that Republicans care so much about the fetus but not about the baby.

The 10 Farm Subsidy Recipients Who Voted To Cut Food Stamps
Republicans in congress cut food stamps for children, but sitting members get millions in government money. How is that possible? But it's actually very, very typical of the Republican Party.

GOP Bill Taking School Lunches From 3.5 Million Kids Is “Pro-Life” Hypocrisy

44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

And people wonder why I rag on the GOP. It's a sick party. Dangerous, mean spirited. Not even recognizable as Christian.
Investing in our children is the best spent money in any society. They won't listen, though.
What we permit in a democratic society hinges on whether or not it causes harm.

Do you mean like abortion?

Same sex marriage does no harm.

I've already explained to you how it does in posts #12, #20, #41 and #45.

No you haven't explained anything because I've been through this argument a dozen times and I know I'm right.

Your argument against gay marriage expects people to accept as fact your personal assumptions. That's called begging the question, an argumentative fallacy.
Very dangerous, with the liberal war on the American family being the best example. It has progressed to the point where 75% of black kids are born into broken or never formed homes.

I'm all for helping rust belt and rural America get back up on their feet and hope our next President succeeds in keeping his promises. But we need to stay the fuck out of each others bedrooms.

Don't for a second think that my empathy for your economic hardship extends to your hurt feelings that your intolerant (mis)reading of scripture isn't practiced everywhere, and quite frankly, white collar/rural America has its share of broken homes, heroin and meth epidemics, violence and domestic abuse. Don't throw rocks in glass houses.
What we permit in a democratic society hinges on whether or not it causes harm.

Do you mean like abortion?

Same sex marriage does no harm.

I've already explained to you how it does in posts #12, #20, #41 and #45.

No you haven't explained anything because I've been through this argument a dozen times and I know I'm right.

Your argument against gay marriage expects people to accept as fact your personal assumptions. That's called begging the question, an argumentative fallacy.
No. My argument is based upon what is normal and natural. I don't define either. Statistics has defined the rule and nature has determined that the best way to perpetuate our species is through male/female unions. I don't know who you have been through this argument with dozens of times. It surely has not been me as you have yet to respond to any of it.
Actually, I believe Trump's policies are geared more to keep folks like you from imposing your agenda upon religious institutions and the Church.
Trump is not religious: he does not like religious or secular phanatics. He just does not care.

And one correction for ding: perpetuation of the species does not require marriage.

And if you then argue governmental recognition to protect families, adoption for LGBT couples does that also.
Actually, I believe Trump's policies are geared more to keep folks like you from imposing your agenda upon religious institutions and the Church.
Trump is not religious: he does not like religious or secular phanatics. He just does not care.

And one correction for ding: perpetuation of the species does not require marriage.

And if you then argue governmental recognition to protect families, adoption for LGBT couples does that also.

I made no comment concerning Trump's religious beliefs, Dipshit. That is not between him and me. As far as your knowing what Trump believes, you have lost all credibility being so wrong in all your predictions. Why should anyone take anything you say seriously?
Actually, I believe Trump's policies are geared more to keep folks like you from imposing your agenda upon religious institutions and the Church.
Trump is not religious: he does not like religious or secular phanatics. He just does not care.

And one correction for ding: perpetuation of the species does not require marriage.

And if you then argue governmental recognition to protect families, adoption for LGBT couples does that also.

I made no comment concerning Trump's religious beliefs, Dipshit. That is not between him and me. As far as your knowing what Trump believes, you have lost all credibility being so wrong in all your predictions. Why should anyone take anything you say seriously?
Calm down, tonto. His lack of religious beliefs spurs him to holding the phanatics at arm's length. He is not going to let the social cons or the radical LGBT left upside the apple cart.

On this issue, I have always been correct. Ask sil.
Our culture and society are not going backward, eddy.

Your culture and society just got handed a massive rejection by the American people.

While I would like to believe's not the case. Hillary won the popular vote, and barely lost the electoral college (most of the swing states were VERY close).

While Trump won fair and square, I wouldn't ever call it a "massive rejection".

I agree, this is an opportunity for the Republicans to show they can lead and make decisions that are best for the country and for the poor and working class.
Actually, I believe Trump's policies are geared more to keep folks like you from imposing your agenda upon religious institutions and the Church.
Trump is not religious: he does not like religious or secular phanatics. He just does not care.

And one correction for ding: perpetuation of the species does not require marriage.

And if you then argue governmental recognition to protect families, adoption for LGBT couples does that also.

I made no comment concerning Trump's religious beliefs, Dipshit. That is not between him and me. As far as your knowing what Trump believes, you have lost all credibility being so wrong in all your predictions. Why should anyone take anything you say seriously?
Calm down, tonto. His lack of religious beliefs spurs him to holding the phanatics at arm's length. He is not going to let the social cons or the radical LGBT left upside the apple cart.

On this issue, I have always been correct. Ask sil.

You keep right on predicting what Trump thinks and what he will do Jake. Unlike you, I don't know what he will do so I will simply have to wait and see.
What we permit in a democratic society hinges on whether or not it causes harm.

Do you mean like abortion?

Same sex marriage does no harm.

I've already explained to you how it does in posts #12, #20, #41 and #45.

No you haven't explained anything because I've been through this argument a dozen times and I know I'm right.

Your argument against gay marriage expects people to accept as fact your personal assumptions. That's called begging the question, an argumentative fallacy.
No. My argument is based upon what is normal and natural. I don't define either. Statistics has defined the rule and nature has determined that the best way to perpetuate our species is through male/female unions. I don't know who you have been through this argument with dozens of times. It surely has not been me as you have yet to respond to any of it.

You are absolutely correct, Ding. Being gay is neither normal nor natural. Being gay is being a freak.
What we permit in a democratic society hinges on whether or not it causes harm.

Do you mean like abortion?

Same sex marriage does no harm.

I've already explained to you how it does in posts #12, #20, #41 and #45.
Look at what you wrote:

Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises. What happens when a standard is lowered? Usually nothing right away. It takes time to realize why the standard was established in the first place. In this instance, it is the children who will be harmed. Nature has established that male/female unions is how natural selection is passed down from generation to generation. That's the rule. That's the standard. Children need a male and a female role model in their lives. Does this mean that every child who does not have a male and female role model in their lives will be harmed? No. It means that as a rule, those children who do will be better served. So you can argue the exceptions all day long, but it will never change the rule, that a child's best interest is served by having a male and a female role model.

That's some fucked up shit. Where are you getting these asshole "rules". Pulling them out yer butt? This is why your kind is so dangerous to America. That's not just speculation, it's delusion backed up with no facts. Just delusion.
I hope you don't mind if i see it differently. From my perspective it is not in a child's best interest or our society's best interest. From my perspective, you are trying to force your religion of socialism upon us. The religion of socialism worships big government and social policy. Gay marriage and transsexual bathrooms are social policies of socialist and in effect your religious beliefs. They are based on atheism and deification of man and proceeds from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements such as gay marriage and transsexual bathrooms.
Fuck perspective. Yours is rotten, nasty and inhuman.

Come back with facts and not just a "feeling".

You remind me of Phyllis Schlafly, the mother of the American conservative movement. She said she did everything right. Bowed to her husband. Homeschooled the kids. Kept them isolated and insulated from anything not conservative. And still her son was gay. She said she can't figure out what went wrong.
What we permit in a democratic society hinges on whether or not it causes harm.

Do you mean like abortion?

Same sex marriage does no harm.

I've already explained to you how it does in posts #12, #20, #41 and #45.
Look at what you wrote:

Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises. What happens when a standard is lowered? Usually nothing right away. It takes time to realize why the standard was established in the first place. In this instance, it is the children who will be harmed. Nature has established that male/female unions is how natural selection is passed down from generation to generation. That's the rule. That's the standard. Children need a male and a female role model in their lives. Does this mean that every child who does not have a male and female role model in their lives will be harmed? No. It means that as a rule, those children who do will be better served. So you can argue the exceptions all day long, but it will never change the rule, that a child's best interest is served by having a male and a female role model.

That's some fucked up shit. Where are you getting these asshole "rules". Pulling them out yer butt? This is why your kind is so dangerous to America. That's not just speculation, it's delusion backed up with no facts. Just delusion.
I hope you don't mind if i see it differently. From my perspective it is not in a child's best interest or our society's best interest. From my perspective, you are trying to force your religion of socialism upon us. The religion of socialism worships big government and social policy. Gay marriage and transsexual bathrooms are social policies of socialist and in effect your religious beliefs. They are based on atheism and deification of man and proceeds from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements such as gay marriage and transsexual bathrooms.
Fuck perspective. Yours is rotten, nasty and inhuman.

Come back with facts and not just a "feeling".

You remind me of Phyllis Schlafly, the mother of the American conservative movement. She said she did everything right. Bowed to her husband. Homeschooled the kids. Kept them isolated and insulated from anything not conservative. And still her son was gay. She said she can't figure out what went wrong.

The boy was simply a depraved freak like you.
Since neither ding nor being define what is normal, the above by them means nothing.
Very dangerous, with the liberal war on the American family being the best example. It has progressed to the point where 75% of black kids are born into broken or never formed homes.

I'm all for helping rust belt and rural America get back up on their feet and hope our next President succeeds in keeping his promises. But we need to stay the fuck out of each others bedrooms.

Don't for a second think that my empathy for your economic hardship extends to your hurt feelings that your intolerant (mis)reading of scripture isn't practiced everywhere, and quite frankly, white collar/rural America has its share of broken homes, heroin and meth epidemics, violence and domestic abuse. Don't throw rocks in glass houses.
Sure we should and sure it does. Let's keep everyone's religion out of government. Including the religious dogma of the left.
Since neither ding nor being define what is normal, the above by them means nothing.
Statistics define the norm.
Since neither ding nor being define what is normal, the above by them means nothing.

Well Idiot. Since you apparently are too stupid to know yourself, a normal male is naturally attracted toward a female.
Stay calm, boxy. You by your very posts are far outside the norm. By the same thinking, gays and lesbians are attracted to gays and lesbians.

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