How desperate are democrats in their attempts to get Trump to fire Mueller and Sessions?

Cute attempt and it may work. That is what they are trying to do, and anyone with a brain should see what they are doing.

If and when he does fire either one or both, they will have their fodder.

They thought they were going to get their wish and now it is a raid on a lawyers private documents. So much for attorney client privilege.

This is what all this raid shit is by the politicized pathetic fbi. Let the left giggle at their own pathetic demise.
You don't see a problem with an OP that has as it's premise that the guy who has his hands on the nuclear button is impulsive and acts against his own self interest when provoked?
How desperate are democrats in their attempts to get Trump to fire Mueller and Sessions?

Hmm...I'd say about half as desperate as those righties screaming for him to clean house now.
Yeah, no. Not really the same. Firing them is EXACTLY what the democrats want.

Trump made a mistake in hiring a fucking crooked hack like mueller. Let me know if he ever got to the bottom of the Solyndra scam like he promised. Nothing.

Seassions was a senator for two decades which means fully corrupted. These fuckers are all lawyers.

Fuck the left wing corrupt pieces of shit.

Desperate enough to work with Ukrainian, Russian, and British Spies, and desperate enough to kill Seth Rich, and to try to Kill Christopher Steele's Partner in Orbis Intelligence, Skirpal and his daughter with a Nerve Agent.
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And everyone involved, all Republicans.

Let the Republicans fight it out amongst themselves. Leave the Democrats out of it.
Desperate enough to work with Ukrainian, Russian, and British Spies, and desperate enough to kill Seth Rich, and to try to Kill Christopher Steele's Partner in Orbis Intelligence, Skirpal and his daughter with a Nerve Agent.
I know Trump is working with Russia, but I didn't know he was also working with British spies.
Cute attempt and it may work. That is what they are trying to do, and anyone with a brain should see what they are doing.

If and when he does fire either one or both, they will have their fodder.

They thought they were going to get their wish and now it is a raid on a lawyers private documents. So much for attorney client privilege.

This is what all this raid shit is by the politicized pathetic fbi. Let the left giggle at their own pathetic demise.
The most ridiculous thing I have read so far this week.

But hey, it's only Tuesday.
Change your chess piece to a checkers piece. You are too stupid for chess.
And this refutes what I said how?
Cute attempt and it may work. That is what they are trying to do, and anyone with a brain should see what they are doing.

If and when he does fire either one or both, they will have their fodder.

They thought they were going to get their wish and now it is a raid on a lawyers private documents. So much for attorney client privilege.

This is what all this raid shit is by the politicized pathetic fbi. Let the left giggle at their own pathetic demise.
The most ridiculous thing I have read so far this week.

But hey, it's only Tuesday.
Change your chess piece to a checkers piece. You are too stupid for chess.
And this refutes what I said how?
You are too stupid to see the democrats and mueller want Trump to fire him and use that is proof that he colluded with russia.

You are that fucking dumb that you cannot see the chess game being played.
Cute attempt and it may work. That is what they are trying to do, and anyone with a brain should see what they are doing.

If and when he does fire either one or both, they will have their fodder.

They thought they were going to get their wish and now it is a raid on a lawyers private documents. So much for attorney client privilege.

This is what all this raid shit is by the politicized pathetic fbi. Let the left giggle at their own pathetic demise.
The most ridiculous thing I have read so far this week.

But hey, it's only Tuesday.
Change your chess piece to a checkers piece. You are too stupid for chess.
And this refutes what I said how?
You are too stupid to see the democrats and mueller want Trump to fire him and use that is proof that he colluded with russia.

You are that fucking dumb that you cannot see the chess game being played.
You're the one with the outrageous conspiracy theory but I'm the stupid one.

Sure, let's go with that.
You are too stupid to see the democrats and mueller want Trump to fire him and use that is proof that he colluded with russia.

You are that fucking dumb that you cannot see the chess game being played.

that would be more proof that trump is obstructing justice

have you thought about taking up philately?

it doesn't involve as much thinking :thup:
Watch CNN/MSNBC and you'll see the mutts on their 'panel of experts' circle jerking 24/7 about the possibility of Trump firing Mueller somehow.
They are DESPERATE for Trump to fire Mueller.
They are convinced that firing Mueller would in effect get rid of Trump. Which is obviously what they are desperate to have happen. Their 'collusion' fever dream was a farce. 'Obstruction' was a dry hole.
Mueller is going to end up standing in front of the Supreme Court trying to sell his bullshit. Good fucking luck with that.
"I have here documents from Peter Struck which prove Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. Would any of you judges like to read them? No?"

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