How does roger stone not get a new trial!

They know that they had fixed his trial.
They want to shut down Roger Stone and the rest of them from spreading the truth of their activities.

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Bias vs Biased.

A person who is influenced by bias is said to be biased.

A person can have bias.
A person can be biased.

A juror admitted to being biased.

For fucks sake. Please learn this

A jurist said she was bias!

Why are democrats so deranged! That they turn away from the constitution? Justice is blind! Any judge would have dismissed this, and granted a new trial.

Democrats have gone to far.

Don't worry, when Trump is thrown out of office, Stone will have plenty of company.

View attachment 324443
Don’t you want to still live comfortably?
Because everything infowars tries telling everyone about starts the brainwashing process " it's not true" when it is and we know half this shit monnths sometimes years before it happens that's why half of dumb fk america is clueless . All the training from fk face Obama and CLinton paid off.
We get to add this to the mix to.


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It's getting bad more than what we are being told .......

A jurist said she was bias!

Why are democrats so deranged! That they turn away from the constitution? Justice is blind! Any judge would have dismissed this, and granted a new trial.

Democrats have gone to far.

Cause he's a scumbag that deserves to serve his prison sentence....well, you asked. :)

Wow, so you saw all the evidence? Amazing. How did you do that?
Amazing. Because these liberal faggots hate Trump, they don’t think Roger Stone is due all of his legal rights.

Fucking amazing. I always knew you sick fuckers are really authoritarian. If we put you MB liberals in charge we would have re-education camps and mass graves. You sick sick fucks.
Amazing. Because these liberal faggots hate Trump, they don’t think Roger Stone is due all of his legal rights.

Fucking amazing. I always knew you sick fuckers are really authoritarian. If we put you MB liberals in charge we would have re-education camps and mass graves. You sick sick fucks.

They can't wait to live like this , in fact sheep beg for it all. What's odd about this movie the movie producer was killed they say he kill himself his wife and daughter. The woman with the little girl on her lap was his wife.......

He was a former Vet who knew where we were headed the movie they tried to convince the assholes ( leftist) it was just a fictional movie------ uh huh


Amazing. Because these liberal faggots hate Trump, they don’t think Roger Stone is due all of his legal rights.

Fucking amazing. I always knew you sick fuckers are really authoritarian. If we put you MB liberals in charge we would have re-education camps and mass graves. You sick sick fucks.

Roger Stone had top notch lawyers. Please, you fuckers have no problem when poor black kids are sent to fucking death row by all-white juries for crimes they didn't commit because their public defenders were asleep in the courtroom.

Roger Stone is in jail because he's as guilty as sin.
Don’t you want to still live comfortably?

Sure I do... which is why we need to get Trump out now, before he makes things any worse.

Now, here's the concept you guys don't get. . The last FIVE recessions started when Republicans were in charge.

It's not a bug, it's a design feature.
I’ll take a recession Ill take famine over having a democrat in office one should get a second trial unless there was a monumental flaw in the first trial

Children shouldn't go to bed hungry at night.
Poor people shouldn't get sent to jail for crimes they didn't commit because they couldn't afford a good lawyer.

We have a lot of "Shoulds" and not a lot of "ares"

So a rich asshole was able to wear down the system with appeals, because his family is rich.

Doesn't mean we bring the rest of the system to a halt.

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