How does the left defend

Once again conservatives using a terrible incident to further a partisan agenda.

Hey buckeye45_73 go fuck yourself with a pineapple
Once again, people die, and you don't give a shit, just make excuses for the terrorists as poor people who only want jobs and hey we have to have that diversity factor!!!!! No amount of deaths will stand in the way of that!
Quote where I said I don't give a shit or where I'm making excuses for terrorism, you poor excuse for a puddle of piss

you is the left, ive already quoted joeb. show me where you actually give a shit.
That's what I thought. No proof. Just broad accusations. Obviously you don't give a shit about the victims. You're just trying to use their misfortune to bash the left. You're a sick fuck and a major piece of shit. Do the world a favor and climb the water tower in your trailer park, then take the quick way down


nope i dont make excuses for killers you guys do.

i knew you guys did it for killers bit now its for terrorists too.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

They don't really defend anything. They're more like suicide bombers, they'll do anything to destroy their enemy.
well first of all, you guys make excuses for these thugs.
second terrirism is about changing culture not about racism or insanity, jesus you guys are dumb

Nobody is making excuses for the terrorists. We just don't assign collective guilt.

I just ask the question why you think a guy who yells "Allah Akbar" before shooting something up is scarier than a guy who yells, "Why So Serious?"

are you serious?

who said why so serious?
They don't have to defend anything. They just have to utilize their standard deflect/pivot/attack strategy.
  1. Step One - Either quickly minimize, trivialize or completely ignore the attack
  2. Step Two - Prepare your personal attack on the person who brought it up
  3. Step Three - Launch personal attack, add some name-calling for color
Easy as pie. And they've become VERY good at it.

Well, yeah, it is pretty easy when you guys use these incidents to indulge your bigotry... yes.

"But, but, but... we need a Muslim ban!"

"Um, no. The guys who did this were born here!"

Look, I realize that Trump has given you license to indulge every ugly thing you've ever wanted to say, but you really need to think this through.

you're a tard. first you said they had no jobs, thats why they did this. apparently you have no clue.

who wanted a muslim ban?
why did obama single out the same countries?
and being born in a country doesnt mean shit. if they didnt let in crazies thay guy wouldnt have been born in london....more like morraco.
Actually Hillary and Kerry supported the attempt to solve the issue using all diplomatic means as stated in the resolution. But Bush/Cheney had no intent of using anything else but military force.

do tell......
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause
Why is it the Left's responsibility to 'defend' a terrorist attack? You imply that the Left motivated, directed, approved and comducted this attack. That's just wrong. These attacks are not a Left/Right problem but an East/West problem. A problem of cultures. Your willingness to put this problem into your narrow and stilted political template reveals a shallowness of thinking one normally would have to go to a Grade school playground to find.

Then you imply diversity and multiculturalism somehow are to blame. As if segregation and isolation breeds peace and brotherhood.

Not only do you fail to understand terrorism, but you fail to blame the deserving. Rather, you seek to label the Left as an enemy. How did you get there?

wow way off base. diversity does allow this to happen, becauae you guys cant get upset and wont demand justice so you defend it and talk about how great diversity is.
Blacks have higher murder rates than whites.....Ban blacks
Black do not commit more crimes than whites. Can we stop using one category to build a false perception?
Just as with jihadists and Islam, the regressives love to play semantic games in order to protect their various constituent grievance groups.

Please note what is done here:

Responding to the fact "blacks have higher murder rates than whites", he says, "Blacks do not commit more crimes than whites". Then, as always, they spin and try to put the person who posted the fact on the defensive.

The term "murder rates" is based on percentages and is very specific. And the term "murder" is specific, as compared to "crimes". Pretty blatant.

This is a perfect example of the games they play, and they refuse to admit that enabling poor behaviors by playing these games only leads to further poor behaviors.

The issue don't go after an entire population for the actions of a few

There are two million Muslims in the US......1.5 billion in the world
You cannot resolve terrorism by trying to punish all fact, your anti-islam behavior will be used as a justification for a war on islam

who is trying to punish islam, be specific.
Blacks have higher murder rates than whites.....Ban blacks
Black do not commit more crimes than whites. Can we stop using one category to build a false perception?
Just as with jihadists and Islam, the regressives love to play semantic games in order to protect their various constituent grievance groups.

Please note what is done here:

Responding to the fact "blacks have higher murder rates than whites", he says, "Blacks do not commit more crimes than whites". Then, as always, they spin and try to put the person who posted the fact on the defensive.

The term "murder rates" is based on percentages and is very specific. And the term "murder" is specific, as compared to "crimes". Pretty blatant.

This is a perfect example of the games they play, and they refuse to admit that enabling poor behaviors by playing these games only leads to further poor behaviors.

OK, let's notice.

Yes that is exactly what you white racists do with crime. You cite numbers from one category then you claim blacks are more criminal and celebrate a criminal subculture.

Because the numbers on crime are just as specific and crime is broken down it particular types of crime which the FBI separates into 30 categories and whites lead I 27 of the and in most years either 28 or 29. The UCR had the actual numbers and percentages of each crime broken down by by race and sex. It is very specific.

DHS has specifically shown by numbers that whites commit the most acts of terror, specifically white supremacist groups.

So the only people playing games are you racist regressive conservative liars.

haha a social justice warrior...yep its whiteys fault that blacks like to kill each other.
We have over 8000 murders a year in the US, most are committed by Christians

Tada!!! The stupidest fucking post on this thread.

You truly are one stupid SOB

Time to round up the Christians

Congrats, retard ya just upped the ante. Leave it to a fucking retard like you to start screaming Bbbbut the Christians!!!!.....after a muzzie commits terrorism

You really are a fucking dunce

In spite of all the conservative fear mongering

In this country, a Christian with a firearm is a bigger threat than a Muslim with a bomb

Yet, we refuse to address the bigger threat
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

THIS attack Cupcake:

5 Killed at RV Business by Angry Ex-Employee

Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other developed countries, a new study finds.

Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States' gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher. And, even though the United States' suicide rate is similar to other countries, the nation's gun-related suicide rate is eight times higher than other high-income countries,

How U.S. gun deaths compare to other countries
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

You guess wrong, but that you may believe this foolishness you've posted, strongly suggests you're reality challenged.
We have over 8000 murders a year in the US, most are committed by Christians

Tada!!! The stupidest fucking post on this thread.

You truly are one stupid SOB

Time to round up the Christians

Congrats, retard ya just upped the ante. Leave it to a fucking retard like you to start screaming Bbbbut the Christians!!!!.....after a muzzie commits terrorism

You really are a fucking dunce

In spite of all the conservative fear mongering

In this country, a Christian with a firearm is a bigger threat than a Muslim with a bomb

Yet, we refuse to address the bigger threat

ok lets so this, whats the scariest america?
a black with a gun.

yeah wanna keep this up, bitch?
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

THIS attack Cupcake:

5 Killed at RV Business by Angry Ex-Employee

Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other developed countries, a new study finds.

Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States' gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher. And, even though the United States' suicide rate is similar to other countries, the nation's gun-related suicide rate is eight times higher than other high-income countries,

How U.S. gun deaths compare to other countries

you know i love these stats, but now that eurppe has minorities, the violence is getting worse, coincidence?

but none of your article has anything to do with crazy muslims....are you trying to equate them?

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