How does the left defend

Blacks have higher murder rates than whites.....Ban blacks
Black do not commit more crimes than whites. Can we stop using one category to build a false perception?
Just as with jihadists and Islam, the regressives love to play semantic games in order to protect their various constituent grievance groups.

Please note what is done here:

Responding to the fact "blacks have higher murder rates than whites", he says, "Blacks do not commit more crimes than whites". Then, as always, they spin and try to put the person who posted the fact on the defensive.

The term "murder rates" is based on percentages and is very specific. And the term "murder" is specific, as compared to "crimes". Pretty blatant.

This is a perfect example of the games they play, and they refuse to admit that enabling poor behaviors by playing these games only leads to further poor behaviors.

OK, let's notice.

Yes that is exactly what you white racists do with crime. You cite numbers from one category then you claim blacks are more criminal and celebrate a criminal subculture.

Because the numbers on crime are just as specific and crime is broken down it particular types of crime which the FBI separates into 30 categories and whites lead I 27 of the and in most years either 28 or 29. The UCR had the actual numbers and percentages of each crime broken down by by race and sex. It is very specific.

DHS has specifically shown by numbers that whites commit the most acts of terror, specifically white supremacist groups.

So the only people playing games are you racist regressive conservative liars.
Blacks have higher murder rates than whites.....Ban blacks
Black do not commit more crimes than whites. Can we stop using one category to build a false perception?
Just as with jihadists and Islam, the regressives love to play semantic games in order to protect their various constituent grievance groups.

Please note what is done here:

Responding to the fact "blacks have higher murder rates than whites", he says, "Blacks do not commit more crimes than whites". Then, as always, they spin and try to put the person who posted the fact on the defensive.

The term "murder rates" is based on percentages and is very specific. And the term "murder" is specific, as compared to "crimes". Pretty blatant.

This is a perfect example of the games they play, and they refuse to admit that enabling poor behaviors by playing these games only leads to further poor behaviors.

OK, let's notice.

Yes that is exactly what you white racists do with crime. You cite numbers from one category then you claim blacks are more criminal and celebrate a criminal subculture.

Because the numbers on crime are just as specific and crime is broken down it particular types of crime which the FBI separates into 30 categories and whites lead I 27 of the and in most years either 28 or 29. The UCR had the actual numbers and percentages of each crime broken down by by race and sex. It is very specific.

DHS has specifically shown by numbers that whites commit the most acts of terror, specifically white supremacist groups.

So the only people playing games are you racist regressive conservative liars.
Wow, "you white racists". Typical.

For the record, I'm of mixed race, as is my wife, and our Christmastime family photos put to shame that Celebrate Diversity! poster you hang on your kitchen wall to "feel" good about yourself. Hispanic to Japanese to Nigerian. Oh, and I voted for Hillary.

Did you really think you could get away with trying to put me on the defensive like that?

Thanks for proving my point, yet again.
Muslim bans, while they seem like a good knee-jerk reaction, serve an opposite result

A ban on Muslims becomes a war on Islam...Muslims are not welcome in our country. Those who are here are not free to come and go. Their relatives are not welcome to visit. Muslim students are not welcome in our universities

We need Muslims on our side to fight the war on terror. We need Muslims in our military. We need Muslims in the CIA and FBI. We need Muslim informants. We need the Muslim community behind us.....Travel bans do not do this
Muslim bans, while they seem like a good knee-jerk reaction, serve an opposite result

A ban on Muslims becomes a war on Islam...Muslims are not welcome in our country. Those who are here are not free to come and go. Their relatives are not welcome to visit. Muslim students are not welcome in our universities

We need Muslims on our side to fight the war on terror. We need Muslims in our military. We need Muslims in the CIA and FBI. We need Muslim informants. We need the Muslim community behind us.....Travel bans do not do this

Good grief, you crammed every left loon Islamapoligst talking point in one comment
Muslim bans, while they seem like a good knee-jerk reaction, serve an opposite result

A ban on Muslims becomes a war on Islam...Muslims are not welcome in our country. Those who are here are not free to come and go. Their relatives are not welcome to visit. Muslim students are not welcome in our universities

We need Muslims on our side to fight the war on terror. We need Muslims in our military. We need Muslims in the CIA and FBI. We need Muslim informants. We need the Muslim community behind us.....Travel bans do not do this
Band-aids like that make great campaign fodder, that's about it.
Muslim bans, while they seem like a good knee-jerk reaction, serve an opposite result

A ban on Muslims becomes a war on Islam...Muslims are not welcome in our country. Those who are here are not free to come and go. Their relatives are not welcome to visit. Muslim students are not welcome in our universities

We need Muslims on our side to fight the war on terror. We need Muslims in our military. We need Muslims in the CIA and FBI. We need Muslim informants. We need the Muslim community behind us.....Travel bans do not do this

Good grief, you crammed every left loon Islamapoligst talking point in one comment

You are welcome to point out what you disagree with and why...

Go for it
Muslim bans, while they seem like a good knee-jerk reaction, serve an opposite result

A ban on Muslims becomes a war on Islam...Muslims are not welcome in our country. Those who are here are not free to come and go. Their relatives are not welcome to visit. Muslim students are not welcome in our universities

We need Muslims on our side to fight the war on terror. We need Muslims in our military. We need Muslims in the CIA and FBI. We need Muslim informants. We need the Muslim community behind us.....Travel bans do not do this
Band-aids like that make great campaign fodder, that's about it.

Campaign fodder....
Walls, Muslim bans, bomb the hell out of them

Simple reactions for the simple minded
Want to defeat terrorism?

We need Muslims on our side
Restricting their travel. harassing them and scapegoating them does not get them on our side

We need Muslims in the military, in our intelligence agencies, providing information

If a young Muslim man wants to join the Army. Will his parents allow him to join "Trump's Army"?
Want to defeat terrorism?

We need Muslims on our side
Restricting their travel. harassing them and scapegoating them does not get them on our side

We need Muslims in the military, in our intelligence agencies, providing information

If a young Muslim man wants to join the Army. Will his parents allow him to join "Trump's Army"?

Excellent point. The muted opposition must agree with you.
Want to defeat terrorism?

We need Muslims on our side
Restricting their travel. harassing them and scapegoating them does not get them on our side

We need Muslims in the military, in our intelligence agencies, providing information

If a young Muslim man wants to join the Army. Will his parents allow him to join "Trump's Army"?

Excellent point. The muted opposition must agree with you.

How do you distinguish a good Muslim from a bad Muslim...was the Ft Hood shooter a good one or a bad one?
Want to defeat terrorism?

We need Muslims on our side
Restricting their travel. harassing them and scapegoating them does not get them on our side

We need Muslims in the military, in our intelligence agencies, providing information

If a young Muslim man wants to join the Army. Will his parents allow him to join "Trump's Army"?

Excellent point. The muted opposition must agree with you.

How do you distinguish a good Muslim from a bad Muslim...was the Ft Hood shooter a good one or a bad one?

How do you distinguish a good Christian from a bad one?
We have over 8000 murders a year in the US, most are committed by Christians

Where is the travel ban to keep us safe?
The issue don't go after an entire population for the actions of a few

There are two million Muslims in the US......1.5 billion in the world
You cannot resolve terrorism by trying to punish all fact, your anti-islam behavior will be used as a justification for a war on islam

I'm wondering when Mac is going to self-deport on the basis of crimes committed by other Hispanics. You know, like his Biffenfuhrer wants him to.
For the record, I'm of mixed race, as is my wife, and our Christmastime family photos put to shame that Celebrate Diversity! poster you hang on your kitchen wall to "feel" good about yourself. Hispanic to Japanese to Nigerian. Oh, and I voted for Hillary.

Sure you are... the bigot always says, "Some of my best friends are...."

Maybe when you stop embracing the racists, we'll stop calling you that.
For the record, I'm of mixed race, as is my wife, and our Christmastime family photos put to shame that Celebrate Diversity! poster you hang on your kitchen wall to "feel" good about yourself. Hispanic to Japanese to Nigerian. Oh, and I voted for Hillary.

Sure you are... the bigot always says, "Some of my best friends are...."

Maybe when you stop embracing the racists, we'll stop calling you that.
The "We" to which you refer are regressive, cowardly, hateful, ugly people. I'm fine with that.
How do you distinguish a good Muslim from a bad Muslim...was the Ft Hood shooter a good one or a bad one?

That's an easy one.

The Ft. Hood shooter was someone the Army knew had mental problems, knew was unfit for service, knew wanted to resign his commission...

And they not only kept him, they scheduled him to deploy to Afghanistan. Because the last thing they wanted was people trying to get out after new people stopped enlisting.

There was also a little bit of what we called "Officer's Country" in there, if he were an E-4 instead of an O-4, they'd have bounced his ass out when he started handing out "Soldier of Allah" business cards.
Great Joe, thanks.

Yes, I know you enjoy these daily spankings...


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