How does the left defend

We have over 8000 murders a year in the US, most are committed by Christians

Tada!!! The stupidest fucking post on this thread.

You truly are one stupid SOB

Time to round up the Christians

Congrats, retard ya just upped the ante. Leave it to a fucking retard like you to start screaming Bbbbut the Christians!!!!.....after a muzzie commits terrorism

You really are a fucking dunce

In spite of all the conservative fear mongering

In this country, a Christian with a firearm is a bigger threat than a Muslim with a bomb

Yet, we refuse to address the bigger threat

ok lets so this, whats the scariest america?
a black with a gun.

yeah wanna keep this up, bitch?

"bitch"? What are you, 12 years old? Or maybe it's what you've been called so often, so you sign your work with that word.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

You guess wrong, but that you may believe this foolishness you've posted, strongly suggests you're reality challenged.

so why dont you lefties get pissed at the jihadists?
why make excuses?
why do yiu think you can rationalize with them?
why do you guys blame trump even though he has been in politics for about 2 years and many terrorists attacks happend way before trump.......i guess you dont have a clue.
Tada!!! The stupidest fucking post on this thread.

You truly are one stupid SOB

Time to round up the Christians

Congrats, retard ya just upped the ante. Leave it to a fucking retard like you to start screaming Bbbbut the Christians!!!!.....after a muzzie commits terrorism

You really are a fucking dunce

In spite of all the conservative fear mongering

In this country, a Christian with a firearm is a bigger threat than a Muslim with a bomb

Yet, we refuse to address the bigger threat

ok lets so this, whats the scariest america?
a black with a gun.

yeah wanna keep this up, bitch?

"bitch"? What are you, 12 years old? Or maybe it's what you've been called so often, so you sign your work with that word.
cum catcher......its between him.and me........and you are the beta male bitch that has no balls.
We have over 8000 murders a year in the US, most are committed by Christians

Tada!!! The stupidest fucking post on this thread.

You truly are one stupid SOB

Time to round up the Christians

wow, the left compares a jihadist to some guy killing his wife for insurance or someone robbing a convienace store. how do you have a discussion with people so stupid?

The larger threat in this country is gang violence killing thousands each year and crippling our cities

Muslim terror attacks kill in the neighborhood of a hundred Americans each year, yet, our federal Government is investing billions to stop it
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

THIS attack Cupcake:

5 Killed at RV Business by Angry Ex-Employee

Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other developed countries, a new study finds.

Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States' gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher. And, even though the United States' suicide rate is similar to other countries, the nation's gun-related suicide rate is eight times higher than other high-income countries,

How U.S. gun deaths compare to other countries

you know i love these stats, but now that eurppe has minorities, the violence is getting worse, coincidence?

but none of your article has anything to do with crazy muslims....are you trying to equate them?

"are you trying to equate them?"

??? did you mean to, "Consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another"??? If so, who or what and in what manner? I take it to mean you see "crazy muslims' as those who murder innocents, is that correct?

And those would equate to the killers who commit mass murder in the United States - Columbine, VT, Sandyhook, Texas Tower, OKC Federal Building, at the Atlanta Olympics, etc. sadly etc. etc. etc.
Just don't even no what to say, one post said kill them, kill them, kill them, three times in a short post. thank God I am an American born white person, what would I do, how would I feel if I was not.
Time to round up the Christians

Congrats, retard ya just upped the ante. Leave it to a fucking retard like you to start screaming Bbbbut the Christians!!!!.....after a muzzie commits terrorism

You really are a fucking dunce

In spite of all the conservative fear mongering

In this country, a Christian with a firearm is a bigger threat than a Muslim with a bomb

Yet, we refuse to address the bigger threat

ok lets so this, whats the scariest america?
a black with a gun.

yeah wanna keep this up, bitch?

"bitch"? What are you, 12 years old? Or maybe it's what you've been called so often, so you sign your work with that word.
cum catcher......its between him.and me........and you are the beta male bitch that has no balls.

LOL, this post ^^^ would be an embarrassment even if posted by an 8 year old.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

THIS attack Cupcake:

5 Killed at RV Business by Angry Ex-Employee

Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other developed countries, a new study finds.

Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States' gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher. And, even though the United States' suicide rate is similar to other countries, the nation's gun-related suicide rate is eight times higher than other high-income countries,

How U.S. gun deaths compare to other countries

you know i love these stats, but now that eurppe has minorities, the violence is getting worse, coincidence?

but none of your article has anything to do with crazy muslims....are you trying to equate them?

At least you Klowns keep your pointy white hats on so all can see Cupcake :(
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause
Why is it the Left's responsibility to 'defend' a terrorist attack? You imply that the Left motivated, directed, approved and comducted this attack. That's just wrong. These attacks are not a Left/Right problem but an East/West problem. A problem of cultures. Your willingness to put this problem into your narrow and stilted political template reveals a shallowness of thinking one normally would have to go to a Grade school playground to find.

Then you imply diversity and multiculturalism somehow are to blame. As if segregation and isolation breeds peace and brotherhood.

Not only do you fail to understand terrorism, but you fail to blame the deserving. Rather, you seek to label the Left as an enemy. How did you get there?

wow way off base. diversity does allow this to happen, becauae you guys cant get upset and wont demand justice so you defend it and talk about how great diversity is.
Can you unspool your circular logic for me? How is diversity linked,to outrage over terrorist acts?
Blacks have higher murder rates than whites.....Ban blacks
Black do not commit more crimes than whites. Can we stop using one category to build a false perception?
Just as with jihadists and Islam, the regressives love to play semantic games in order to protect their various constituent grievance groups.

Please note what is done here:

Responding to the fact "blacks have higher murder rates than whites", he says, "Blacks do not commit more crimes than whites". Then, as always, they spin and try to put the person who posted the fact on the defensive.

The term "murder rates" is based on percentages and is very specific. And the term "murder" is specific, as compared to "crimes". Pretty blatant.

This is a perfect example of the games they play, and they refuse to admit that enabling poor behaviors by playing these games only leads to further poor behaviors.

The issue don't go after an entire population for the actions of a few

There are two million Muslims in the US......1.5 billion in the world
You cannot resolve terrorism by trying to punish all fact, your anti-islam behavior will be used as a justification for a war on islam

who is trying to punish islam, be specific.

Explain who, from where and why you would like to prevent from entering the US.
Blacks have higher murder rates than whites.....Ban blacks
Black do not commit more crimes than whites. Can we stop using one category to build a false perception?
Just as with jihadists and Islam, the regressives love to play semantic games in order to protect their various constituent grievance groups.

Please note what is done here:

Responding to the fact "blacks have higher murder rates than whites", he says, "Blacks do not commit more crimes than whites". Then, as always, they spin and try to put the person who posted the fact on the defensive.

The term "murder rates" is based on percentages and is very specific. And the term "murder" is specific, as compared to "crimes". Pretty blatant.

This is a perfect example of the games they play, and they refuse to admit that enabling poor behaviors by playing these games only leads to further poor behaviors.

OK, let's notice.

Yes that is exactly what you white racists do with crime. You cite numbers from one category then you claim blacks are more criminal and celebrate a criminal subculture.

Because the numbers on crime are just as specific and crime is broken down it particular types of crime which the FBI separates into 30 categories and whites lead I 27 of the and in most years either 28 or 29. The UCR had the actual numbers and percentages of each crime broken down by by race and sex. It is very specific.

DHS has specifically shown by numbers that whites commit the most acts of terror, specifically white supremacist groups.

So the only people playing games are you racist regressive conservative liars.

haha a social justice warrior...yep its whiteys fault that blacks like to kill each other.

Whites kill each other at the exact same rate, dope.
We have over 8000 murders a year in the US, most are committed by Christians

Tada!!! The stupidest fucking post on this thread.

You truly are one stupid SOB

Time to round up the Christians

wow, the left compares a jihadist to some guy killing his wife for insurance or someone robbing a convienace store. how do you have a discussion with people so stupid?

Dead is dead, dope. The biggest threat isn't refugees.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

You guess wrong, but that you may believe this foolishness you've posted, strongly suggests you're reality challenged.

so why dont you lefties get pissed at the jihadists?
why make excuses?
why do yiu think you can rationalize with them?
why do you guys blame trump even though he has been in politics for about 2 years and many terrorists attacks happend way before trump.......i guess you dont have a clue.

why do yiu think you can rationalize with them?

This says it all. Straight up retarded.

Your fear is in no way rational. The recent attacks both here and abroad have come from citizens. Not immigrants, visitors or refugees.

How in the Fuck does a ban prevent such attacks?
Last edited:
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

You guess wrong, but that you may believe this foolishness you've posted, strongly suggests you're reality challenged.

so why dont you lefties get pissed at the jihadists?
why make excuses?
why do yiu think you can rationalize with them?
why do you guys blame trump even though he has been in politics for about 2 years and many terrorists attacks happend way before trump.......i guess you dont have a clue.

why do yiu think you can rationalize with them?

This says it all. Straight up retarded.

You're fear is in no way rational. The recent attacks both here and abroad have come from citizens. Not immigrants, visitors or refugees.

How in the Fuck does a ban prevent such attacks?
Time to round up the Christians

Congrats, retard ya just upped the ante. Leave it to a fucking retard like you to start screaming Bbbbut the Christians!!!!.....after a muzzie commits terrorism

You really are a fucking dunce

In spite of all the conservative fear mongering

In this country, a Christian with a firearm is a bigger threat than a Muslim with a bomb

Yet, we refuse to address the bigger threat

ok lets so this, whats the scariest america?
a black with a gun.

yeah wanna keep this up, bitch?

"bitch"? What are you, 12 years old? Or maybe it's what you've been called so often, so you sign your work with that word.
cum catcher......its between him.and me........and you are the beta male bitch that has no balls.

You latents always defer to your homophobic taunts when you feel challenged. Some habits are hard to break.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

THIS attack Cupcake:

5 Killed at RV Business by Angry Ex-Employee

Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other developed countries, a new study finds.

Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States' gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher. And, even though the United States' suicide rate is similar to other countries, the nation's gun-related suicide rate is eight times higher than other high-income countries,

How U.S. gun deaths compare to other countries

you know i love these stats, but now that eurppe has minorities, the violence is getting worse, coincidence?

but none of your article has anything to do with crazy muslims....are you trying to equate them?

"are you trying to equate them?"

??? did you mean to, "Consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another"??? If so, who or what and in what manner? I take it to mean you see "crazy muslims' as those who murder innocents, is that correct?

And those would equate to the killers who commit mass murder in the United States - Columbine, VT, Sandyhook, Texas Tower, OKC Federal Building, at the Atlanta Olympics, etc. sadly etc. etc. etc.

You do know that killing has different circumstances based on motive, correct? Lets just start with the basics.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

You guess wrong, but that you may believe this foolishness you've posted, strongly suggests you're reality challenged.

so why dont you lefties get pissed at the jihadists?
why make excuses?
why do yiu think you can rationalize with them?
why do you guys blame trump even though he has been in politics for about 2 years and many terrorists attacks happend way before trump.......i guess you dont have a clue.

why do yiu think you can rationalize with them?

This says it all. Straight up retarded.

You're fear is in no way rational. The recent attacks both here and abroad have come from citizens. Not immigrants, visitors or refugees.

How in the Fuck does a ban prevent such attacks?
Congrats, retard ya just upped the ante. Leave it to a fucking retard like you to start screaming Bbbbut the Christians!!!!.....after a muzzie commits terrorism

You really are a fucking dunce

In spite of all the conservative fear mongering

In this country, a Christian with a firearm is a bigger threat than a Muslim with a bomb

Yet, we refuse to address the bigger threat

ok lets so this, whats the scariest america?
a black with a gun.

yeah wanna keep this up, bitch?

"bitch"? What are you, 12 years old? Or maybe it's what you've been called so often, so you sign your work with that word.
cum catcher......its between him.and me........and you are the beta male bitch that has no balls.

You latents always defer to your homophobic taunts when you feel challenged. Some habits are hard to break.
Homophobic, in what way, you lefties just call people names because you have no argument......try harder
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

You guess wrong, but that you may believe this foolishness you've posted, strongly suggests you're reality challenged.

so why dont you lefties get pissed at the jihadists?
why make excuses?
why do yiu think you can rationalize with them?
why do you guys blame trump even though he has been in politics for about 2 years and many terrorists attacks happend way before trump.......i guess you dont have a clue.

why do yiu think you can rationalize with them?

This says it all. Straight up retarded.

Your fear is in no way rational. The recent attacks both here and abroad have come from citizens. Not immigrants, visitors or refugees.

How in the Fuck does a ban prevent such attacks?
So all terrorists were homegrown? No, you cant prevent everything, but common sense solutions like not taking people from countries that cant or wont verify people is a good first start.
Second they knew about these guys and didn't pick them up, I wonder why? It would have nothing to do with being "better than that" syndrome.
But you guys (ie JoeB) think a jobs program is all they need. talk about straight up retarded.
they are taught this in their culture and it shouldn't be permitted, maybe you think they have a good point, I don't.
Blacks have higher murder rates than whites.....Ban blacks
Black do not commit more crimes than whites. Can we stop using one category to build a false perception?
Just as with jihadists and Islam, the regressives love to play semantic games in order to protect their various constituent grievance groups.

Please note what is done here:

Responding to the fact "blacks have higher murder rates than whites", he says, "Blacks do not commit more crimes than whites". Then, as always, they spin and try to put the person who posted the fact on the defensive.

The term "murder rates" is based on percentages and is very specific. And the term "murder" is specific, as compared to "crimes". Pretty blatant.

This is a perfect example of the games they play, and they refuse to admit that enabling poor behaviors by playing these games only leads to further poor behaviors.

The issue don't go after an entire population for the actions of a few

There are two million Muslims in the US......1.5 billion in the world
You cannot resolve terrorism by trying to punish all fact, your anti-islam behavior will be used as a justification for a war on islam

who is trying to punish islam, be specific.

Explain who, from where and why you would like to prevent from entering the US.
People who cannot be verified......or trusted......that simple......
We have over 8000 murders a year in the US, most are committed by Christians

Tada!!! The stupidest fucking post on this thread.

You truly are one stupid SOB

Time to round up the Christians

wow, the left compares a jihadist to some guy killing his wife for insurance or someone robbing a convienace store. how do you have a discussion with people so stupid?

Dead is dead, dope. The biggest threat isn't refugees.
LOL, so to stop a problem you'll use tactics for OJ, good luck with you're not so bright.

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