How does the left defend

We do not have a major problem with muslim terrorists. It's a small problem. Leave it alone and we have Europe. Let it grow more than that, it turns into Afghanistan and Syria. Keep letting it grow and it becomes the way of life. Your way of life is over.

We don't have a problem with Muslim Terrorists
We do not have a serious problem with immigrants getting involved in terror attacks in the US

"Well we could" is not adequate justification of taking such unconstitutional and extreme measures against a religious belief

Gangs in this country kill 5000-6000 people each year. We get more people killed by gangs in our major cities EVERY WEEK than we saw in London last week

Yet, we spend billions to fight terrorism while we ignore the largest cause of murder on our own doorstep

so where are the marches and protest for gang's, why is only when a cop or whitey kills a black do we see walked right into that.....

Ask Trump

He is the one pursuing a Red Herring

you mean the red herring called russian collusion....when will you people get a clue...the reaction from you guys is worth the vote for him
Far from a red herring

It is Moby Dick ...capable of bringing down Trump
We do not have a major problem with muslim terrorists. It's a small problem. Leave it alone and we have Europe. Let it grow more than that, it turns into Afghanistan and Syria. Keep letting it grow and it becomes the way of life. Your way of life is over.

We don't have a problem with Muslim Terrorists
We do not have a serious problem with immigrants getting involved in terror attacks in the US

"Well we could" is not adequate justification of taking such unconstitutional and extreme measures against a religious belief

Gangs in this country kill 5000-6000 people each year. We get more people killed by gangs in our major cities EVERY WEEK than we saw in London last week

Yet, we spend billions to fight terrorism while we ignore the largest cause of murder on our own doorstep

so where are the marches and protest for gang's, why is only when a cop or whitey kills a black do we see walked right into that.....

Ask Trump

He is the one pursuing a Red Herring

you mean the red herring called russian collusion....when will you people get a clue...the reaction from you guys is worth the vote for him
dudes; Mr. Trump publicly asked for Russian help, in the Public Domain.

He should have asked Wikileaks for help, to be rewarded with more "legitimate press credentials". Freudian slip?
Last edited:
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

They don't really defend anything. They're more like suicide bombers, they'll do anything to destroy their enemy.
Only the right wing, is that clueless and that Causeless.


bwahahaha.....from the dipshits that came up with white privledge.

you still think there is something in the russian investigation......bwahahahahahaha
Blacks did not vote on Jim Crow laws.

I still think that the right wing claims illegals voted, red and not blue.
DHS and the FBI both say there is no way to vet many of these people, yet leftists insist on bringing them in anyway.

Well, um, yeah, there's no way to vet them because the ones committing the terrorist acts are born here.
Joe isn't very bright. He clearly has no idea what he is babbling about.

DHS says 300 refugees are being investigated by FBI for terror ties

Cheeto's DHS?

While the Justice Department did not provide data to support its assertion,
it may be deriving data from the Justice Department National Security Division’s list of terrorism and terrorism-related convictions, wrote Shirin Sinnar, an associate law professor at Stanford Law School. Previously, Sessions used this data to claim that hundreds of people convicted of terrorism or terrorism-related activities were foreign-born. Sinnar obtained the division’s list of public or unsealed international terrorism and related convictions from Sept. 11, 2001, to Dec. 31, 2015, through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Sinnar found this list to be a misleading source to support the administration’s claims about its travel



Three Pinocchios

Analysis | Trump’s claim that ‘more than 300’ refugees are subjects of counterterrorism investigations
They defend it by insulting Trump

CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

I just wish this was happening closer to 2018. Better yet Nov 2020
Muslims never fail to kill innocent people. We will have attacks 2018 and 2020 too.

Once again conservatives using a terrible incident to further a partisan agenda.

Hey buckeye45_73 go fuck yourself with a pineapple

Completely agree. These terrorist attacks are just the part and parcel of city life. They should not be talked about, and nothing should be done about them.

Yes, just like the racist, right wing terror attacks are completely ignored.
DHS and the FBI both say there is no way to vet many of these people, yet leftists insist on bringing them in anyway.

Well, um, yeah, there's no way to vet them because the ones committing the terrorist acts are born here.
Joe isn't very bright. He clearly has no idea what he is babbling about.

DHS says 300 refugees are being investigated by FBI for terror ties

Cheeto's DHS?

While the Justice Department did not provide data to support its assertion,
it may be deriving data from the Justice Department National Security Division’s list of terrorism and terrorism-related convictions, wrote Shirin Sinnar, an associate law professor at Stanford Law School. Previously, Sessions used this data to claim that hundreds of people convicted of terrorism or terrorism-related activities were foreign-born. Sinnar obtained the division’s list of public or unsealed international terrorism and related convictions from Sept. 11, 2001, to Dec. 31, 2015, through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Sinnar found this list to be a misleading source to support the administration’s claims about its travel



Three Pinocchios

Analysis | Trump’s claim that ‘more than 300’ refugees are subjects of counterterrorism investigations
Your source has no idea what is happening. The list he acquired doesn't mean a damn thing. He admits this. Absolute failure on your part to repeat this garbage.
DHS and the FBI both say there is no way to vet many of these people, yet leftists insist on bringing them in anyway.

Well, um, yeah, there's no way to vet them because the ones committing the terrorist acts are born here.
Joe isn't very bright. He clearly has no idea what he is babbling about.

DHS says 300 refugees are being investigated by FBI for terror ties

Cheeto's DHS?

While the Justice Department did not provide data to support its assertion,
it may be deriving data from the Justice Department National Security Division’s list of terrorism and terrorism-related convictions, wrote Shirin Sinnar, an associate law professor at Stanford Law School. Previously, Sessions used this data to claim that hundreds of people convicted of terrorism or terrorism-related activities were foreign-born. Sinnar obtained the division’s list of public or unsealed international terrorism and related convictions from Sept. 11, 2001, to Dec. 31, 2015, through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Sinnar found this list to be a misleading source to support the administration’s claims about its travel



Three Pinocchios

Analysis | Trump’s claim that ‘more than 300’ refugees are subjects of counterterrorism investigations
Your source has no idea what is happening. The list he acquired doesn't mean a damn thing. He admits this. Absolute failure on your part to repeat this garbage.
Got it Cupcake, we should just "believe" Cheeto and his DHS???

They defend it by insulting Trump

CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

I just wish this was happening closer to 2018. Better yet Nov 2020
Muslims never fail to kill innocent people. We will have attacks 2018 and 2020 too.


We are prepared to abandon our rights in an instant to protect ourselves from terrorism

But we won't lift a finger to protect ourselves from gun violence.....just look at the aftermath of Sandy Hook
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause
Can you show us someone defending ANY attack, dipshit?

hey shit. i have already posted that joe b defended the attack because of a lack of jobs......leftwingers do this shit everytime......its not about stupid shit like that......thats how clueless they are. next time read the thread....youll learn something
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause
Can you show us someone defending ANY attack, dipshit?

hey shit. i have already posted that joe b defended the attack because of a lack of jobs......leftwingers do this shit everytime......its not about stupid shit like that......thats how clueless they are. next time read the thread....youll learn something


JOEB 131

"Nobody defends the attack.

We just think it's silly for you guys to call a brown person who kills a bunch of people in a random act of violence "Terrorism" but a white person who kills a bunch of people in a random act of violence "mentally ill".-"

How does the left defend


"Except these attacks aren't being carried out by immigrants either here or over there. They are being carried out by people who were born there and have been shunted off into a state of poverty.

So he's going to vet people so that their children or grandchildren won't commit "terrorist" acts based on whatever our stupid policies in 20 years are?

How about spending the next 20 years not having stupid policies?"

How does the left defend


"Sorry, man someone sucking up to white people isn't going to change the math.

We have one of two choices.

1) Keep sticking our dicks in the hornets nest and complaining about getting stung.

2) Actually not stick our dicks in the hornet's nest.

We are probably going to go with #1 because too many jobs are tied to maintaining the status quo.

Hey, ever wonder why the "terrorists" aren't attacking the "Infidels" in Japan or China. Those people mind their own fucking business."

How does the left defend


"Um, given that Manchester bomber was born there, that Mateen was born here, that Farook was born here, that Hasan was born here.

Um, yeah, open borders don't really mean anything when the people attacking you are born inside your country.

Just remember, when a white person goes on a rampage, it's "Mental Illness".

When a brown person goes on a rampage, it's "Terrorism"."

How does the left defend


"Once again, people die, and you don't give a shit, just make excuses for the terrorists
as poor people who only want jobs and hey we have to have that diversity factor!!!!! No amount of deaths will stand in the way of that!"

How does the left defend

this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause
Can you show us someone defending ANY attack, dipshit?

hey shit. i have already posted that joe b defended the attack because of a lack of jobs......leftwingers do this shit everytime......its not about stupid shit like that......thats how clueless they are. next time read the thread....youll learn something
I did read the topic, tard. NO ONE defended the attack. You are just too stupid to see past your idiot filters.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause
Can you show us someone defending ANY attack, dipshit?

hey shit. i have already posted that joe b defended the attack because of a lack of jobs......leftwingers do this shit everytime......its not about stupid shit like that......thats how clueless they are. next time read the thread....youll learn something


JOEB 131

"Nobody defends the attack.

We just think it's silly for you guys to call a brown person who kills a bunch of people in a random act of violence "Terrorism" but a white person who kills a bunch of people in a random act of violence "mentally ill".-"

How does the left defend


"Except these attacks aren't being carried out by immigrants either here or over there. They are being carried out by people who were born there and have been shunted off into a state of poverty.

So he's going to vet people so that their children or grandchildren won't commit "terrorist" acts based on whatever our stupid policies in 20 years are?

How about spending the next 20 years not having stupid policies?"

How does the left defend


"Sorry, man someone sucking up to white people isn't going to change the math.

We have one of two choices.

1) Keep sticking our dicks in the hornets nest and complaining about getting stung.

2) Actually not stick our dicks in the hornet's nest.

We are probably going to go with #1 because too many jobs are tied to maintaining the status quo.

Hey, ever wonder why the "terrorists" aren't attacking the "Infidels" in Japan or China. Those people mind their own fucking business."

How does the left defend


"Um, given that Manchester bomber was born there, that Mateen was born here, that Farook was born here, that Hasan was born here.

Um, yeah, open borders don't really mean anything when the people attacking you are born inside your country.

Just remember, when a white person goes on a rampage, it's "Mental Illness".

When a brown person goes on a rampage, it's "Terrorism"."

How does the left defend


"Once again, people die, and you don't give a shit, just make excuses for the terrorists
as poor people who only want jobs and hey we have to have that diversity factor!!!!! No amount of deaths will stand in the way of that!"

How does the left defend


youre an just posted the shinted off into poverty line. do you even read the shit you post. terrorism is not related to poverty, jesus. most of the the leaders of jihad are fucking rich....whats the excuse there?
Last edited:
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause
Can you show us someone defending ANY attack, dipshit?

hey shit. i have already posted that joe b defended the attack because of a lack of jobs......leftwingers do this shit everytime......its not about stupid shit like that......thats how clueless they are. next time read the thread....youll learn something
I did read the topic, tard. NO ONE defended the attack. You are just too stupid to see past your idiot filters.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause
Can you show us someone defending ANY attack, dipshit?

hey shit. i have already posted that joe b defended the attack because of a lack of jobs......leftwingers do this shit everytime......its not about stupid shit like that......thats how clueless they are. next time read the thread....youll learn something
I did read the topic, tard. NO ONE defended the attack. You are just too stupid to see past your idiot filters.

making excuses like christains do it(they dont) or they are poor, the stand leftwing bullshit IS excusing their behavior. pretty soon well hear theryre being profiled.....gee i fucking wonder why.
They defend it by insulting Trump

CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

I just wish this was happening closer to 2018. Better yet Nov 2020
Muslims never fail to kill innocent people. We will have attacks 2018 and 2020 too.


We are prepared to abandon our rights in an instant to protect ourselves from terrorism

But we won't lift a finger to protect ourselves from gun violence.....just look at the aftermath of Sandy Hook

Wrong, people are working their asses off to protect you from gun violence. The police force, which far leftists want to see dead. The force that successfully removed this deranged individual.

You are just confusing your fantasy of banning guns with fighting gun violence.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause
Can you show us someone defending ANY attack, dipshit?

hey shit. i have already posted that joe b defended the attack because of a lack of jobs......leftwingers do this shit everytime......its not about stupid shit like that......thats how clueless they are. next time read the thread....youll learn something


JOEB 131

"Nobody defends the attack.

We just think it's silly for you guys to call a brown person who kills a bunch of people in a random act of violence "Terrorism" but a white person who kills a bunch of people in a random act of violence "mentally ill".-"

How does the left defend


"Except these attacks aren't being carried out by immigrants either here or over there. They are being carried out by people who were born there and have been shunted off into a state of poverty.

So he's going to vet people so that their children or grandchildren won't commit "terrorist" acts based on whatever our stupid policies in 20 years are?

How about spending the next 20 years not having stupid policies?"

How does the left defend


"Sorry, man someone sucking up to white people isn't going to change the math.

We have one of two choices.

1) Keep sticking our dicks in the hornets nest and complaining about getting stung.

2) Actually not stick our dicks in the hornet's nest.

We are probably going to go with #1 because too many jobs are tied to maintaining the status quo.

Hey, ever wonder why the "terrorists" aren't attacking the "Infidels" in Japan or China. Those people mind their own fucking business."

How does the left defend


"Um, given that Manchester bomber was born there, that Mateen was born here, that Farook was born here, that Hasan was born here.

Um, yeah, open borders don't really mean anything when the people attacking you are born inside your country.

Just remember, when a white person goes on a rampage, it's "Mental Illness".

When a brown person goes on a rampage, it's "Terrorism"."

How does the left defend


"Once again, people die, and you don't give a shit, just make excuses for the terrorists
as poor people who only want jobs and hey we have to have that diversity factor!!!!! No amount of deaths will stand in the way of that!"

How does the left defend


youre an just posted the shinted off into poverty line. do you even read the shit you post. terrorism is not related to poverty, jesus. most of the the leaders of jihad are fucking rich....whats the excuse there?

Money, or the possibility of getting it, is at the root of all wars and attacks.

Terrorism is most definitely related to poverty. It's not the children of Saudi royalty that are committing terrorism. They might plan it and finance it, but it's those with literally nothing to lose who carry it out.

It's why poor people burn their own neighbourhoods down when race riots happen. They don't own their homes, nor do they have any stake in their communities.
They defend it by insulting Trump

CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

I just wish this was happening closer to 2018. Better yet Nov 2020
Muslims never fail to kill innocent people. We will have attacks 2018 and 2020 too.


We are prepared to abandon our rights in an instant to protect ourselves from terrorism

But we won't lift a finger to protect ourselves from gun violence.....just look at the aftermath of Sandy Hook

Wrong, people are working their asses off to protect you from gun violence. The police force, which far leftists want to see dead. The force that successfully removed this deranged individual.

You are just confusing your fantasy of banning guns with fighting gun violence.

30,000 killed by guns every year while less than 30 are killed by terrorists
But we go into mass hysteria to protect us from the terrorists

We need to spend the time and money we use to fight terrorists to go after the gangs in our cities. That is where the threat is

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