How does the left defend

this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

THIS attack Cupcake:

5 Killed at RV Business by Angry Ex-Employee

Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other developed countries, a new study finds.

Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States' gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher. And, even though the United States' suicide rate is similar to other countries, the nation's gun-related suicide rate is eight times higher than other high-income countries,

How U.S. gun deaths compare to other countries

you know i love these stats, but now that eurppe has minorities, the violence is getting worse, coincidence?

but none of your article has anything to do with crazy muslims....are you trying to equate them?

"are you trying to equate them?"

??? did you mean to, "Consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another"??? If so, who or what and in what manner? I take it to mean you see "crazy muslims' as those who murder innocents, is that correct?

And those would equate to the killers who commit mass murder in the United States - Columbine, VT, Sandyhook, Texas Tower, OKC Federal Building, at the Atlanta Olympics, etc. sadly etc. etc. etc.

You do know that killing has different circumstances based on motive, correct? Lets just start with the basics.

"killing has different circumstances based on motive"

Like HATE crimes Cupcake?

By bias motivation (Based on Table 1.)
An analysis of data for victims of single-bias hate crime incidents showed that:

  • 59.2 percent of the victims were targeted because of the offenders’ bias against race/ethnicity/ancestry.
  • 19.7 percent were victimized because of bias against religion.
  • 17.7 percent were targeted because of bias against sexual orientation.
  • 1.7 percent were victims of gender-identity bias.
  • 1.2 percent were targeted because of bias against disability.
  • 0.4 percent (30 individuals) were victims of gender bias.

In 2015, 4,482 victims of hate crimes were victims of crimes against persons. Regarding these victims and the crimes committed against them:

  • 18 persons were murdered, and 13 were raped.

U.S. Hate Crimes Up 20 Percent in 2016, Fueled by Election Campaign: Report

U.S. hate crimes up 20 percent in 2016, fueled by election campaign: report

Toddlers killed more Americans than terrorists in 2015.

Toddlers Killed More Americans than Terrorists in 2015

Black do not commit more crimes than whites. Can we stop using one category to build a false perception?
Just as with jihadists and Islam, the regressives love to play semantic games in order to protect their various constituent grievance groups.

Please note what is done here:

Responding to the fact "blacks have higher murder rates than whites", he says, "Blacks do not commit more crimes than whites". Then, as always, they spin and try to put the person who posted the fact on the defensive.

The term "murder rates" is based on percentages and is very specific. And the term "murder" is specific, as compared to "crimes". Pretty blatant.

This is a perfect example of the games they play, and they refuse to admit that enabling poor behaviors by playing these games only leads to further poor behaviors.

The issue don't go after an entire population for the actions of a few

There are two million Muslims in the US......1.5 billion in the world
You cannot resolve terrorism by trying to punish all fact, your anti-islam behavior will be used as a justification for a war on islam

who is trying to punish islam, be specific.

Explain who, from where and why you would like to prevent from entering the US.
People who cannot be verified......or trusted......that simple......

Oh the same criteria Obama used :dance:
Blacks have higher murder rates than whites.....Ban blacks
Black do not commit more crimes than whites. Can we stop using one category to build a false perception?
Just as with jihadists and Islam, the regressives love to play semantic games in order to protect their various constituent grievance groups.

Please note what is done here:

Responding to the fact "blacks have higher murder rates than whites", he says, "Blacks do not commit more crimes than whites". Then, as always, they spin and try to put the person who posted the fact on the defensive.

The term "murder rates" is based on percentages and is very specific. And the term "murder" is specific, as compared to "crimes". Pretty blatant.

This is a perfect example of the games they play, and they refuse to admit that enabling poor behaviors by playing these games only leads to further poor behaviors.

OK, let's notice.

Yes that is exactly what you white racists do with crime. You cite numbers from one category then you claim blacks are more criminal and celebrate a criminal subculture.

Because the numbers on crime are just as specific and crime is broken down it particular types of crime which the FBI separates into 30 categories and whites lead I 27 of the and in most years either 28 or 29. The UCR had the actual numbers and percentages of each crime broken down by by race and sex. It is very specific.

DHS has specifically shown by numbers that whites commit the most acts of terror, specifically white supremacist groups.

So the only people playing games are you racist regressive conservative liars.

haha a social justice warrior...yep its whiteys fault that blacks like to kill each other.

Whites kill each other at the exact same rate, dope.
Actually it's slightly less, but blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks......what's the excuse for that?
Here is an Anti-Trump source.....
Here are four charts on race and murder in America to tweet back at Donald Trump

So blacks killing whites 14%
whites killing blacks 7%
Blacks killing blacks 90%
whites killing whites 82%

so blacks killing whites is twice as high as whites killing blacks....where are the marches? the No justice no peace?

but wait there's more

Look at the per million population, blacks killing blacks, is waaaaaaaaay larger, I wonder why???? And most of them live in areas with strict gun control.......hmmmm
so the big question, is how do you even equate muslims killing people with any domestic crime?

How do you guys excuse (yep, the ole well people get murdered all the time). Except most murders have to do with people who know and fuck over each other, this is just random death to make people's not the same thing. If you don't get that, you're a moron.
We do not have a major problem with muslim terrorists. It's a small problem. Leave it alone and we have Europe. Let it grow more than that, it turns into Afghanistan and Syria. Keep letting it grow and it becomes the way of life. Your way of life is over.
Just as with jihadists and Islam, the regressives love to play semantic games in order to protect their various constituent grievance groups.

Please note what is done here:

Responding to the fact "blacks have higher murder rates than whites", he says, "Blacks do not commit more crimes than whites". Then, as always, they spin and try to put the person who posted the fact on the defensive.

The term "murder rates" is based on percentages and is very specific. And the term "murder" is specific, as compared to "crimes". Pretty blatant.

This is a perfect example of the games they play, and they refuse to admit that enabling poor behaviors by playing these games only leads to further poor behaviors.

The issue don't go after an entire population for the actions of a few

There are two million Muslims in the US......1.5 billion in the world
You cannot resolve terrorism by trying to punish all fact, your anti-islam behavior will be used as a justification for a war on islam

who is trying to punish islam, be specific.

Explain who, from where and why you would like to prevent from entering the US.
People who cannot be verified......or trusted......that simple......

Oh the same criteria Obama used :dance:
Nothing wrong with that. Some countries suck at vetting people. If their governments are not able to give us accurate data, fuck em.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

Not sure how ambiguous you're trying to be. Maybe specifying which particular attack would be a little more up front, and specifically expounding on the phrase: 'I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives' . This is a nonsense statement, IMHO. It has no teeth. Diversity and multiculturalism ARE directly associated to humans, amirite, genius? Unless.. you have have a problem with humans... Ha ha! Perhaps expanding more on why you hate the brown people you misrepresent might be a little more interesting and expedient. Just a thought. :banana:
Black do not commit more crimes than whites. Can we stop using one category to build a false perception?
Just as with jihadists and Islam, the regressives love to play semantic games in order to protect their various constituent grievance groups.

Please note what is done here:

Responding to the fact "blacks have higher murder rates than whites", he says, "Blacks do not commit more crimes than whites". Then, as always, they spin and try to put the person who posted the fact on the defensive.

The term "murder rates" is based on percentages and is very specific. And the term "murder" is specific, as compared to "crimes". Pretty blatant.

This is a perfect example of the games they play, and they refuse to admit that enabling poor behaviors by playing these games only leads to further poor behaviors.

OK, let's notice.

Yes that is exactly what you white racists do with crime. You cite numbers from one category then you claim blacks are more criminal and celebrate a criminal subculture.

Because the numbers on crime are just as specific and crime is broken down it particular types of crime which the FBI separates into 30 categories and whites lead I 27 of the and in most years either 28 or 29. The UCR had the actual numbers and percentages of each crime broken down by by race and sex. It is very specific.

DHS has specifically shown by numbers that whites commit the most acts of terror, specifically white supremacist groups.

So the only people playing games are you racist regressive conservative liars.

haha a social justice warrior...yep its whiteys fault that blacks like to kill each other.

Whites kill each other at the exact same rate, dope.
Actually it's slightly less, but blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks......what's the excuse for that?
Here is an Anti-Trump source.....
Here are four charts on race and murder in America to tweet back at Donald Trump

So blacks killing whites 14%
whites killing blacks 7%
Blacks killing blacks 90%
whites killing whites 82%

so blacks killing whites is twice as high as whites killing blacks....where are the marches? the No justice no peace?

but wait there's more

Look at the per million population, blacks killing blacks, is waaaaaaaaay larger, I wonder why???? And most of them live in areas with strict gun control.......hmmmm
so the big question, is how do you even equate muslims killing people with any domestic crime?

How do you guys excuse (yep, the ole well people get murdered all the time). Except most murders have to do with people who know and fuck over each other, this is just random death to make people's not the same thing. If you don't get that, you're a moron.

Weird you mean those in congested areas with a history of systemic racism kill at higher rates? Next you'll tell me Oxy use and death is highest in poor white trash areas hit hard by THE RIGHTS DE-INDUSTRIALIZATION OF AMERICA!
The issue don't go after an entire population for the actions of a few

There are two million Muslims in the US......1.5 billion in the world
You cannot resolve terrorism by trying to punish all fact, your anti-islam behavior will be used as a justification for a war on islam

who is trying to punish islam, be specific.

Explain who, from where and why you would like to prevent from entering the US.
People who cannot be verified......or trusted......that simple......

Oh the same criteria Obama used :dance:
Nothing wrong with that. Some countries suck at vetting people. If their governments are not able to give us accurate data, fuck em.

So you agree Cheeto is doing the same thing Obama did, vetting taking 18-24 months and ALL Cheeto and his followers have are hate and bigotry


this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

Who's defending it?
Every Pos that insists on bringing in people that can not be vetted.
There are no such people.

Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy
For 25 years, invoking this vague and ever-shifting nemesis has been a favourite tactic of the right – and Donald Trump’s victory is its greatest triumph

Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

Who's defending it?
Every Pos that insists on bringing in people that can not be vetted.
There are no such people.

Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy
For 25 years, invoking this vague and ever-shifting nemesis has been a favourite tactic of the right – and Donald Trump’s victory is its greatest triumph

Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Wonder if Mac will read this?
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

Who's defending it?
Every Pos that insists on bringing in people that can not be vetted.
There are no such people.
Back to reality. Obama suspended some imports of fanatics after bringing in terrorist bomb specialists.
That's your version of "back to reality"? That doesn't even make "back to (saner than usual) paranoia".
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

Who's defending it?
Every Pos that insists on bringing in people that can not be vetted.
There are no such people.
Back to reality. Obama suspended some imports of fanatics after bringing in terrorist bomb specialists.
That's your version of "back to reality"? That doesn't even make "back to (saner than usual) paranoia".
Exclusive: 'Dozens' of Terrorists May Be in US as Refugees
Who's defending it?
Every Pos that insists on bringing in people that can not be vetted.
There are no such people.
Back to reality. Obama suspended some imports of fanatics after bringing in terrorist bomb specialists.
That's your version of "back to reality"? That doesn't even make "back to (saner than usual) paranoia".
Exclusive: 'Dozens' of Terrorists May Be in US as Refugees
Doesn't mean they weren't vetted now does it?
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause
I'm quite sure that the left doesn't defend the terrorists actions, well, there may be a few nutcases out there. The problem with the left is:
1. They hear the lies from politicians saying that, "Islam is a religion of peace and the terrorists are perverting their religion" and believe it.
2. Being ignorant of the Koran, its founder, Islam's entire history, Sharia Law and the Hadith, and mandated goals, they believe the above.
3. They point to Muslims among them and say, "see...they are my friend and most Muslims aren't bad." They are ignorant to what happened to Lebanon when their Christian majority nation opened its doors to Muslims and then ended up a minority in their own nation, with those Muslims that they thought were their friends next door, turning on them and killing them.
The sad fact is that most people want to see the good in others, however, when it comes to religion (any religion), it is a very powerful influence and seemingly good people can easily be influenced by those in the pulpit, to do positively evil things and when the religion's founder was inherently evil himself and preached hatred, rape, slavery and murder as the core tenets of his religion, well you have a recipe for disaster against all who oppose it.
Every Pos that insists on bringing in people that can not be vetted.
There are no such people.
Back to reality. Obama suspended some imports of fanatics after bringing in terrorist bomb specialists.
That's your version of "back to reality"? That doesn't even make "back to (saner than usual) paranoia".
Exclusive: 'Dozens' of Terrorists May Be in US as Refugees
Doesn't mean they weren't vetted now does it?
Obama vetted killers and failed miserably. He invited them in and they slaughtered people. Maybe we should tighten the vetting process. That is the same justification obama used during his ban. Not a peep from the left.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause
I'm quite sure that the left doesn't defend the terrorists actions, well, there may be a few nutcases out there. The problem with the left is:
1. They hear the lies from politicians saying that, "Islam is a religion of peace and the terrorists are perverting their religion" and believe it.
2. Being ignorant of the Koran, its founder, Islam's entire history, Sharia Law and the Hadith, and mandated goals, they believe the above.
3. They point to Muslims among them and say, "see...they are my friend and most Muslims aren't bad." They are ignorant to what happened to Lebanon when their Christian majority nation opened its doors to Muslims and then ended up a minority in their own nation, with those Muslims that they thought were their friends next door, turning on them and killing them.
The sad fact is that most people want to see the good in others, however, when it comes to religion (any religion), it is a very powerful influence and seemingly good people can easily be influenced by those in the pulpit, to do positively evil things and when the religion's founder was inherently evil himself and preached hatred, rape, slavery and murder as the core tenets of his religion, well you have a recipe for disaster against all who oppose it.
In Islam one can kill their enemies and make war. Not so in Christianity. Jesus was a pacifist (and a pussy).
There are no such people.
Back to reality. Obama suspended some imports of fanatics after bringing in terrorist bomb specialists.
That's your version of "back to reality"? That doesn't even make "back to (saner than usual) paranoia".
Exclusive: 'Dozens' of Terrorists May Be in US as Refugees
Doesn't mean they weren't vetted now does it?
Obama vetted killers and failed miserably. He invited them in and they slaughtered people. Maybe we should tighten the vetting process. The same reason obama backed off.
You let us all know when the home country of the 9-11 hijackers gets added to Trumps list.

And Obama had no ban, not at all like Trump's POS for show crap.

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