How does the left defend

These attacks by those born in the host country are part of the jihad by immigration plan. They are radicalized from childhood in the homes and mosques. When they are old enough, they go back to their home country for training. Then they return as citizen jihadists.

Pleading poverty doesn't work when all these so called poor people can go back and forth to the middle east.

again... Muslims are not a hive mind. One or a handful of disturbed people do isn't a vast plot.

I'm still trying to get one of you knobs to tell me why Omar Mateen is a terrorist and Dylan Roof isn't.
Because like many others Mateens act was committed in the name of; and in the attempt of furthering the same singular, organized, Theopolitical movement that countless others have murdered and bombed for. That puts them in collusion with a greater body of agitators with a common goal. Roof was a one off with a self styled agenda, and no backing.
That's what makes it different. You dumb bastards apparently don't know what terrorism is...

There is absolutely nothing that says a terrorist is defined by being part of a group. A lot of terrorists are "lone wolves" - acting on their own out of some particular grievance or cause.

Dylan Roof wanted to start a race war. That isn't terrorism? Seriously? How about the guy that attacked the Sikh temple - that wasn't terrorism?
Once again conservatives using a terrible incident to further a partisan agenda.

Hey buckeye45_73 go fuck yourself with a pineapple
Once again, people die, and you don't give a shit, just make excuses for the terrorists as poor people who only want jobs and hey we have to have that diversity factor!!!!! No amount of deaths will stand in the way of that!
Quote where I said I don't give a shit or where I'm making excuses for terrorism, you poor excuse for a puddle of piss

you is the left, ive already quoted joeb. show me where you actually give a shit.
Once again, people die, and you don't give a shit, just make excuses for the terrorists as poor people who only want jobs and hey we have to have that diversity factor!!!!! No amount of deaths will stand in the way of that!

Funny, you wingnuts don't seem to apply that standard to gun ownership, where we have 33,000 deaths a year and you guys oppose even the most mild changes to keep them out of the wrong hands.

well they dint have guns in england but people die anyway.
the you want to ban the tools but excuse the people who do this shit.
how about executing murderers and let law abiding people be free
These attacks by those born in the host country are part of the jihad by immigration plan. They are radicalized from childhood in the homes and mosques. When they are old enough, they go back to their home country for training. Then they return as citizen jihadists.

Pleading poverty doesn't work when all these so called poor people can go back and forth to the middle east.

again... Muslims are not a hive mind. One or a handful of disturbed people do isn't a vast plot.

I'm still trying to get one of you knobs to tell me why Omar Mateen is a terrorist and Dylan Roof isn't.
Because like many others Mateens act was committed in the name of; and in the attempt of furthering the same singular, organized, Theopolitical movement that countless others have murdered and bombed for. That puts them in collusion with a greater body of agitators with a common goal. Roof was a one off with a self styled agenda, and no backing.
That's what makes it different. You dumb bastards apparently don't know what terrorism is...

There is absolutely nothing that says a terrorist is defined by being part of a group. A lot of terrorists are "lone wolves" - acting on their own out of some particular grievance or cause.

Dylan Roof wanted to start a race war. That isn't terrorism? Seriously? How about the guy that attacked the Sikh temple - that wasn't terrorism?
No. They aren't.... Acting out with the mistaken belief that such acts will be the catalyst of a self held fantasy, is not terrorism as governments define it. It comes down to doctrine, organization, and support. Your two examples had neither, let alone all three.
this latest attack. I guess diversity and multiculturalism are more important than human lives. Anything for the cause

Who's defending it?

well lets see tommorrow to hear all ofnthe excuses and they dont know the reason???? is that really in question?

AGAIN. Who is defending it?
Read these threads, For example, Joe B is talking about we only pick on the brown people and they have no jobs, waaaah waaaaaah........when no one picked on muslims until they started blowing up airplanes and buildings......and now running people over and shooting and beheading them.

Making excuses for people IS defending them in case you didn't know. He even brought up Dylan Roof, Guy needs to be executed, I don't make excuses for that stuff...but you guys do.

Perhaps you can find a quote - who is defending terrorists? Who is excusing a terrorist act?

What about all the deflections and links of Christians misusing their religious to cover family violence or killings? Is not THAT deflection or "excusing it"? OR -- as you just said -- saying that "terrorism is nothing new".. That would seem to suggest that you don't grasp the difference in our world since 9/11 or are completely baffled by how all the RECENT events -- like that UNPRECEDENTED migration of MILLIONS out of the War Zone has complicated the RESPONSE to terrorism or made the threat more directly REAL for Western nations.

Don't minimize the problem. Because there are capabilities out there that ISIS has captured. And they are figuring out how to use them. And all this "driving over people in vans/trucks" and single bombers is just the PROLOGUE to potential attacks that won't look like Yasir Arafat hijacking an airline back in the 70s.
These attacks by those born in the host country are part of the jihad by immigration plan. They are radicalized from childhood in the homes and mosques. When they are old enough, they go back to their home country for training. Then they return as citizen jihadists.

Pleading poverty doesn't work when all these so called poor people can go back and forth to the middle east.

again... Muslims are not a hive mind. One or a handful of disturbed people do isn't a vast plot.

I'm still trying to get one of you knobs to tell me why Omar Mateen is a terrorist and Dylan Roof isn't.
Because like many others Mateens act was committed in the name of; and in the attempt of furthering the same singular, organized, Theopolitical movement that countless others have murdered and bombed for. That puts them in collusion with a greater body of agitators with a common goal. Roof was a one off with a self styled agenda, and no backing.
That's what makes it different. You dumb bastards apparently don't know what terrorism is...

There is absolutely nothing that says a terrorist is defined by being part of a group. A lot of terrorists are "lone wolves" - acting on their own out of some particular grievance or cause.

Dylan Roof wanted to start a race war. That isn't terrorism? Seriously? How about the guy that attacked the Sikh temple - that wasn't terrorism?

the problem is like you hate crime legislation. all crimes are based in hate. it just a tool for you lefties to get back at whitey

now the problem is yiu are defending these terrorists by trying to muddle the water.
dylan roof and omar dipshit are not the same.

but again we care we want justice, ie death for these pigs, you want them to rehabilitate
These attacks by those born in the host country are part of the jihad by immigration plan. They are radicalized from childhood in the homes and mosques. When they are old enough, they go back to their home country for training. Then they return as citizen jihadists.

Pleading poverty doesn't work when all these so called poor people can go back and forth to the middle east.

again... Muslims are not a hive mind. One or a handful of disturbed people do isn't a vast plot.

I'm still trying to get one of you knobs to tell me why Omar Mateen is a terrorist and Dylan Roof isn't.
Because like many others Mateens act was committed in the name of; and in the attempt of furthering the same singular, organized, Theopolitical movement that countless others have murdered and bombed for. That puts them in collusion with a greater body of agitators with a common goal. Roof was a one off with a self styled agenda, and no backing.
That's what makes it different. You dumb bastards apparently don't know what terrorism is...

There is absolutely nothing that says a terrorist is defined by being part of a group. A lot of terrorists are "lone wolves" - acting on their own out of some particular grievance or cause.

Dylan Roof wanted to start a race war. That isn't terrorism? Seriously? How about the guy that attacked the Sikh temple - that wasn't terrorism?
As far as lone wolves go; they are still acting to further the advancement of a particular doctrine, and carry out their acts in the name of whatever organization, in order to further said organizations cause...
Once again conservatives using a terrible incident to further a partisan agenda.

Hey buckeye45_73 go fuck yourself with a pineapple

How many times in month do you need to IGNORE terrorists attacks before YOU --- get an agenda??? That's the question. You got one? Other than attacking conservatives for caring?
I know that you fancy yourself some kind of intellectual but really? Terror is a tactic used to get a desired effect. Murder is murder. But hey, call it whatever you need to call it, just don't pretend to be smart anymore.

I agree, terror is a tactic. so why aren't you calling guys like Holmes, Roof, Lanza 'terrorists".

Or is "I believe in Allah" scarier to you than "I hated the last Batman Movie"?
well first of all, you guys make excuses for these thugs.
second terrirism is about changing culture not about racism or insanity, jesus you guys are dumb
Once again conservatives using a terrible incident to further a partisan agenda.

Hey buckeye45_73 go fuck yourself with a pineapple
Once again, people die, and you don't give a shit, just make excuses for the terrorists as poor people who only want jobs and hey we have to have that diversity factor!!!!! No amount of deaths will stand in the way of that!
How much did you care about those killed at Sandy Hook?

yeah i was pissed were you?
did we make excuses for the killer, like if he only had a job or we need more welfare. nope

we said find out who did it and kill them. youre the ones that make excuses for these killers and blame guns.
Once again conservatives using a terrible incident to further a partisan agenda.

Hey buckeye45_73 go fuck yourself with a pineapple
Once again, people die, and you don't give a shit, just make excuses for the terrorists as poor people who only want jobs and hey we have to have that diversity factor!!!!! No amount of deaths will stand in the way of that!
Quote where I said I don't give a shit or where I'm making excuses for terrorism, you poor excuse for a puddle of piss

you is the left, ive already quoted joeb. show me where you actually give a shit.
That's what I thought. No proof. Just broad accusations. Obviously you don't give a shit about the victims. You're just trying to use their misfortune to bash the left. You're a sick fuck and a major piece of shit. Do the world a favor and climb the water tower in your trailer park, then take the quick way down

Once again conservatives using a terrible incident to further a partisan agenda.

Hey buckeye45_73 go fuck yourself with a pineapple

How many times in month do you need to IGNORE terrorists attacks before YOU --- get an agenda??? That's the question. You got one? Other than attacking conservatives for caring?
:lol: Is that how you cons show you care? By using a terrorist attack as a reason to bash liberals?

Go fuck yourself, you sack of shit
Once again conservatives using a terrible incident to further a partisan agenda.

Hey buckeye45_73 go fuck yourself with a pineapple
Once again, people die, and you don't give a shit, just make excuses for the terrorists as poor people who only want jobs and hey we have to have that diversity factor!!!!! No amount of deaths will stand in the way of that!
How much did you care about those killed at Sandy Hook?

You mean what Trump's BFF Alex Jones called a hoax?
They defend it by insulting Trump

CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

I just wish this was happening closer to 2018. Better yet Nov 2020

There is something WAY wrong with WISHING for a terror attack in order to affect elections. Way wrong.
He's highlighting the need for strict vetting of people entering this country. I'm not surprised you would interpret that as wishing for more attacks.

What has he accomplished toward that end?
His original ban was supposed to be for ninety days so they could strengthen the vetting process. The ban didn't happen. Did the vetting process change in any way?
We are way past the ninety day mark. Ban or not, the admin has and has everything they need to extremify the vetting process.
Ok…except when kids were attacked In Syria we sent Tomahawks into an airbase and some missed the runway.

Why would we worry about kids in Syria but not kids in the UK?
Kids in Syria are trained to use machine guns and grenades.

Okay? What in the heck does that have to do with anything?
Being bred to murder the infidel?
You tell me, oh Bleeding Heart Liberal.

Were you bred to be ignorant?

I was pointing out that when kids in Syria were killed, we shot missiles in there.
When kids in the UK were killed, we have done nothing.

For some reason, you can’t wrap your brain around the discussion. Then again, it’s so tiny, it’s not surprising.

Don't understand your logic here. We retaliated against the government for Syria -- because we accused THEM of gassing people. Maybe right, maybe some one of the other 43 other fighting Islamic factions did it.

But NOW you expect us to bomb BRITAIN because they harbor unassimilated neighborhoods of Muslims subject to radicalization? Or are you demanding Trump bomb ISIS in Syria again to "retaliate"? We're doing that A LOT every week. And obviously, the threats are ALREADY in place in Western countries. WHO should we bomb on Tues?


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