How does the left defend

He's highlighting the need for strict vetting of people entering this country. I'm not surprised you would interrupt that as wishing for more attacks.

Except these attacks aren't being carried out by immigrants either here or over there. They are being carried out by people who were born there and have been shunted off into a state of poverty.

So he's going to vet people so that their children or grandchildren won't commit "terrorist" acts based on whatever our stupid policies in 20 years are?

How about spending the next 20 years not having stupid policies?
How about we quit importing these animals, so when one of their offspring (which aren't real americans) does something similar, the traitorous left can't use the flacid excuse of it being home grown terrorism.
When did we say that?
Give us specifics'
So it's just random people, who all happen to be brown and who all happen to believe in similar what a coincidence!!!!!

1.3 Billion people believe the same thing... Most of them don't do stuff like this...

And a lot of white people also go on rampages like this, most of them happen to be Christians, but no one would condemn Christianity for what they do.
When did we say that?
Give us specifics'
So it's just random people, who all happen to be brown and who all happen to believe in similar what a coincidence!!!!!

1.3 Billion people believe the same thing... Most of them don't do stuff like this...

And a lot of white people also go on rampages like this, most of them happen to be Christians, but no one would condemn Christianity for what they do.
Name some White people who have this in the last 10 years.
How about we quit importing these animals, so when one of their offspring (which aren't real americans) does something similar, the traitorous left can't use the flacid excuse of it being home grown terrorism.

So when are you sending all the white people back to Europe on the same theory?
When they start killing people whilst they scream, "Allah Akbar!".
When did we say that?
Give us specifics'
So it's just random people, who all happen to be brown and who all happen to believe in similar what a coincidence!!!!!

1.3 Billion people believe the same thing... Most of them don't do stuff like this...

And a lot of white people also go on rampages like this, most of them happen to be Christians, but no one would condemn Christianity for what they do.
Name some White people who have this in the last 10 years.
Adam Lanza....Dylann Roof
I know that you fancy yourself some kind of intellectual but really? Terror is a tactic used to get a desired effect. Murder is murder. But hey, call it whatever you need to call it, just don't pretend to be smart anymore.

I agree, terror is a tactic. so why aren't you calling guys like Holmes, Roof, Lanza 'terrorists".

Or is "I believe in Allah" scarier to you than "I hated the last Batman Movie"?
These attacks by those born in the host country are part of the jihad by immigration plan. They are radicalized from childhood in the homes and mosques. When they are old enough, they go back to their home country for training. Then they return as citizen jihadists.

Pleading poverty doesn't work when all these so called poor people can go back and forth to the middle east.

again... Muslims are not a hive mind. One or a handful of disturbed people do isn't a vast plot.

I'm still trying to get one of you knobs to tell me why Omar Mateen is a terrorist and Dylan Roof isn't.
Because like many others Mateens act was committed in the name of; and in the attempt of furthering the same singular, organized, Theopolitical movement that countless others have murdered and bombed for. That puts them in collusion with a greater body of agitators with a common goal. Roof was a one off with a self styled agenda, and no backing.
That's what makes it different. You dumb bastards apparently don't know what terrorism is...
Once again conservatives using a terrible incident to further a partisan agenda.

Hey buckeye45_73 go fuck yourself with a pineapple
Once again, people die, and you don't give a shit, just make excuses for the terrorists as poor people who only want jobs and hey we have to have that diversity factor!!!!! No amount of deaths will stand in the way of that!
How much did you care about those killed at Sandy Hook?
These attacks by those born in the host country are part of the jihad by immigration plan. They are radicalized from childhood in the homes and mosques. When they are old enough, they go back to their home country for training. Then they return as citizen jihadists.

Pleading poverty doesn't work when all these so called poor people can go back and forth to the middle east.

again... Muslims are not a hive mind. One or a handful of disturbed people do isn't a vast plot.

I'm still trying to get one of you knobs to tell me why Omar Mateen is a terrorist and Dylan Roof isn't.
Because Christianity doesn't preach world wide domination by force.
Check your TNT; it isn't there.
Not loudly and publically ..... any more.
When did we say that?
Give us specifics'
So it's just random people, who all happen to be brown and who all happen to believe in similar what a coincidence!!!!!

1.3 Billion people believe the same thing... Most of them don't do stuff like this...

And a lot of white people also go on rampages like this, most of them happen to be Christians, but no one would condemn Christianity for what they do.
Name some White people who have this in the last 10 years.
Adam Lanza....Dylann Roof
Again... Not part of a larger consortium with support, doctrine, and goals. Absolutely not the same thing. You can go back to blowing Muslims now.
When did we say that?
Give us specifics'
So it's just random people, who all happen to be brown and who all happen to believe in similar what a coincidence!!!!!

1.3 Billion people believe the same thing... Most of them don't do stuff like this...

And a lot of white people also go on rampages like this, most of them happen to be Christians, but no one would condemn Christianity for what they do.
Name some White people who have this in the last 10 years.
Adam Lanza....Dylann Roof
Again... Not part of a larger consortium with support, doctrine, and goals. Absolutely not the same thing. You can go back to blowing Muslims now.
It's interesting to see what people are personally acquainted with when they post.
You don't keep them out of the wrong hands by taking them out of the hands of peaceful, law abiding citizens, idiot.

and you don't stop the .01% of Muslims who are attracted to radicalism by picking on all Muslims.

Good Talk, man, good talk.
Are you including the 30% who are still in the Middle East trying to get tot Europe and the US?
Of course not.
I know that you fancy yourself some kind of intellectual but really? Terror is a tactic used to get a desired effect. Murder is murder. But hey, call it whatever you need to call it, just don't pretend to be smart anymore.

I agree, terror is a tactic. so why aren't you calling guys like Holmes, Roof, Lanza 'terrorists".

Or is "I believe in Allah" scarier to you than "I hated the last Batman Movie"?

You continue to reveal that you are an ignorant, slow witted imbecile. If you can't see the difference it is simply because you choose not to. When a thing doesn't fit your narrative you pretend it isn't there.
I know that you fancy yourself some kind of intellectual but really? Terror is a tactic used to get a desired effect. Murder is murder. But hey, call it whatever you need to call it, just don't pretend to be smart anymore.

I agree, terror is a tactic. so why aren't you calling guys like Holmes, Roof, Lanza 'terrorists".

Or is "I believe in Allah" scarier to you than "I hated the last Batman Movie"?

You continue to reveal that you are an ignorant, slow witted imbecile. If you can't see the difference it is simply because you choose not to. When a thing doesn't fit your narrative you pretend it isn't there.
Job makes a living getting Muslims jobs in IT.
Thats the UK's problem.

Ok…except when kids were attacked In Syria we sent Tomahawks into an airbase and some missed the runway.

Why would we worry about kids in Syria but not kids in the UK?
Kids in Syria are trained to use machine guns and grenades.

Okay? What in the heck does that have to do with anything?
Being bred to murder the infidel?
You tell me, oh Bleeding Heart Liberal.

Were you bred to be ignorant?

I was pointing out that when kids in Syria were killed, we shot missiles in there.
When kids in the UK were killed, we have done nothing.

For some reason, you can’t wrap your brain around the discussion. Then again, it’s so tiny, it’s not surprising.

Don't understand your logic here. We retaliated against the government for Syria -- because we accused THEM of gassing people. Maybe right, maybe some one of the other 43 other fighting Islamic factions did it.

But NOW you expect us to bomb BRITAIN because they harbor unassimilated neighborhoods of Muslims subject to radicalization? Or are you demanding Trump bomb ISIS in Syria again to "retaliate"? We're doing that A LOT every week. And obviously, the threats are ALREADY in place in Western countries. WHO should we bomb on Tues?

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