How Ginny Thomas Proves Judge Jackson Can't Be Trusted On The Supreme Court

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his “Stop the Steal” activist wife have “done enough damage” to the integrity of the nation’s top court that it’s time for Thomas to “do the country a service by stepping down,” declared a scathing opinion piece Friday by a member of The New York Times editorial board.

The call for Thomas to quit comes in the wake of the revelation Thursday that dozens of emails were sent by the justice’s “supremely well-connected right-wing agitator” wife, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, as she worked “feverishly” to press then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to overturn a legitimate presidential election that Donald Trump had “incontrovertibly” lost, Jesse Wegman wrote in the Times.

Others on Friday were calling for Thomas to be impeached.

“The revelations that Ginni Thomas advocated for the overthrow of our democracy are disqualifying — not just for her ... but for her husband,” Women’s March Executive Director Rachel O’ Leary Carmona said in a statement.

“He is hopelessly compromised, conflicted and corrupt, and he must be impeached immediately,” she added.

No, in no way did I say anyone was raciest. Have zero interest in homosexual sex. Can not even understand why any one else would be so fascinated with it.
You went the gamut of incoherent BS into "zero interest in homosexual sex" and you want someone else to take you serious?

Devisive bs 1.PNG
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You based initially quoting me from one of your cohorts lies about racism and claim "hate filled political BS" to bringing up homos and your personal opinion on it; and you have claimed divisiveness when the OP is all about another judge's wife. Stick to the subject or don't comment at all.

You really ought to talk to some sex abuse victims. Especially child sex abuse victims.

Some hide their shame for decades.

A powerful man like Trump barges in on you, and you're just a kid hoping to win a beauty contest. That's intimidating.
^^^ Are you questioning Biden's new SCOTUS candidate on her leniency on pedophiles in her rulings???
Oh look, cult dummy doesn't understand

Yep, hiding behind your dumb non sequitur. So dumb.
Can you explain the non sequiter in this conversation? Or is this some bullshit you’re throwing out there to deflect from your inability to counter a point.
"release the cracken" - Ginni Thomas

i think she's smoking the cracken

THAT was funny. "Release the Kraken".

Whatever happened to that broad? What was her name? Powell? She kind of disappeared.... no surprise there....

One thing about Trump, he was a rotten judge of character. What about that other guy Lin Wood? He was pretty weird too.

These two were typical lawyers, they strung Trump along for weeks, it was always 'tomorrow, tomorrow". We'll release the Kraken "tomorrow". I would have fired the fuckers after the first one, but he let it go on three, four, five times.
This is why you're a lying dumbass. You claimed there was no proof Trump had sex with her remember. So there was nothing to blackmail Trump over.

You just proved it by saying she was blackmailing him.

Now go sit in the corner.
Having no proof doesn't stop people from black mailing you, especially when there is a rabid fake news media eager for anything derogatory about Trump.
This isn't about virtue or vice, it's about someone who can't tell the truth about anything.

Having a congenital liar for a president means when a crisis like COVID strikes, he'll lie about it.
So biden is lying about COVID? Glad that you can admit that.
If they are illegally handled, then they are not legally cast.
Nope. That's false

If they are illegally HANDLED...those who handled them illegally are subject to prosecution...the ballots themselves are as legal as they ever were
Nope. That's false

If they are illegally HANDLED...those who handled them illegally are subject to prosecution...the ballots themselves are as legal as they ever were
Nope. They are invalid votes. They should be thrown out.

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