How Ginny Thomas Proves Judge Jackson Can't Be Trusted On The Supreme Court

The issue here isn't that she is nuts...she is, but that her husband sits on the SC.
Why is that important? Because, when Rump filed suit against releasing records from the Trump White House related to Jan. 6th and the case went to the SC, eight of the judges refused Rump's request. Guess who the hold-out was? Yup, the nutso's husband, Clarence Thomas.
Steal an election, expect a protest.
Willful blindness in the extreme!


O'REILLY: Putin's a killer.

TRUMP: There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers. Well, you think our country is so innocent?

Trump actually starts blushing like a schoolgirl when he talks about being in a relationship with his idol.

Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today.

The really sick part is that Trump had never actually met Putin at this point. And this was not the last time he claimed to have met Putin and in a relationship with him.

He's like one of those pathetic stalkers who claims to know a celebrity. He was lying in that interview. He always lies.

"He's very interested in what we're doing here today." My god, that's sad.

Trump calls Putin a tough guy and claims to have met Putin, which is another sad celebrity-stalker lie:

Trump once again falsely claims to have talked to Putin:

Trump lies again about having a relationship with Putin and says Putin sent him a gift:

And then there was Trump's infamous swallowing of Putin's election interference denials in Helsinki.

Trump lies yet AGAIN about having met Putin at his Miss Universe contest in 2013:




Trump so obviously has hardcore man-love for Putin.

"He's so smart and he sends me presents!" 👨‍❤️‍👨

Your verbal diarrhea marks you a low education TDS suffering retard. Hey asshole, I already shredded you on every one of your idiotic whiny rants. You’re so angry, why haven’t you left for Ukraine yet? Oh yeah, you’re a coward as well as a known liar. And just to fully bury you, your Dear Leader Xiden have Putin the green light to invade. Countries invaded under Trump: 0. Under Xiden, Putin invades Ukraine. Checkmate.
So why are we giving cash and prizes to people for getting married?

I asked this question earlier. Are there people who need government cash before they marry and fuck?

You have a serious comprehension problem. I am against government interference in our love lives. Apparently, pseudocons want to grab all the government money they can get!

And because of that, they are all up in arms because gay people want the same thing! The bigots want special treatment.
Not only are you one stupid fuck, you’re also illiterate. Listen dumbfuck, people don’t get married for cash and prizes asshole, this isn’t a game show. Seems YOU have the reading problem. Take your racism and bigotry bullshit and shove it back up your ass. People marry for love, companionship, and wanting children. Your inability to understand that makes you the retard.
Boy, I guess you weren't around in 1992! :lol:

Trump's character reveals what kind of President he will be. If he can't even be loyal to his multiple wives and observe his vows to them, he sure as shit was not going to be faithful to the voters.

How's that Obamacare replacement working for ya? Are healthcare costs still skyrocketing?

Yes. Yes they are.

And Obamacare is now immortal, thanks to Trump and the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

Because you tards never held him accountable. Not once.

Just. Like. Melania.
Hey asshole, Obozocare is DEAD and buried. No fines. Of course the retard you are blames Trump for all of your Dear Leader Xiden’s screwups and now claims people only marry for cash and prizes. You get dumber by the day.
Uh...dumbass...only if you actually did what they are blackmailing you over
Wrong again, shit for brains. As Democrats have so amply demonstrated, simply being accused does huge damage to your reputation. You have to be a complete dumbass not to understand that.

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