How Ginny Thomas Proves Judge Jackson Can't Be Trusted On The Supreme Court

What you idiots call trying to overturn an election is just people trying to prove fraud that stole the election. Try the truth. Anyone who did that is well within our laws.
Yet, they insist it happened without being able to produce a single iota of actual proof. Federal judges have gone over their affidavits line by line, and said they were so full of nothing but speculation and innuendo, that they should never have been presented to a federal court, and even sanctioned the lawyers for doing so.
Yet, they insist it happened without being able to produce a single iota of actual proof. Federal judges have gone over their affidavits line by line, and said they were so full of nothing but speculation and innuendo, that they should never have been presented to a federal court, and even sanctioned the lawyers for doing so.
The speculation is over. WI. has proven fraud.
Voters claimed they weren't allowed to vote?
A federal election commission PROVED , they weren't allowed to vote, and as a matter of federal record. They even got the statements from the state election officials admitting those people had been illegally prevented from voting.

Sorry Charlie, it's well documented.
So you want gays for population control.. how do we carry on American traditions culture heritage if we stop reproducing?
Should we withhold government cash and prizes for married heteros who choose not to have kids?

Just how much government involvement in the institution of marriage and reproduction do you people want?

It's amazing how much government interference in our private lives and the marketplace people who call themselves conservatives want.
Those tax benefits are predicated on the assumption that they have children or may someday have children. There's no reason to give Adam or Steve such a benefit.
So we should withhold government cash and prizes for married heteros who choose not to have children?

How deep does your desire of government interference in our private lives and the marketplace go?

Since I am a conservative, I believe there should be as little government involvement in our marriages as possible. We should not receive anywhere near the cash and prizes people like you have demanded over the decades.

If there were no government involvement, gay marriage would not even be an issue. That's the thing you bigots and big government types don't get.
So you want gays for population control.. how do we carry on American traditions culture heritage if we stop reproducing?
America has slowed down reproduction, but it is not the fault of TH3 GAYZ. Married heteros are having less kids than our ancestors did. Many couples are choosing not to procreate.

Should the government interfere? In what way?

Prosperous societies reproduce less.

To keep our economy growing, we will have to increase immigration, which would make BrokeLoser into BrokeLosingHisMind. :lol:
Step down pig

Time for Clarence Thomas to step down after 'haunting the court for years': NYT editorial board member​

Stepping out under his own byline, a member of the New York Times Editorial Board used revelations in a Washington Post report that Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, conspired with members of Donald Trump's White House to overturn the 2020 election as a springboard to say the justice needs to resign.

According to Jesse Wegman, Clarence and Ginni Thomas have "done enough damage" since Clarence took his spot on the country's highest court in 1991.
As the columnist noted, Ginni Thomas' antics have not only cast a cloud over her husband's curious sole vote to keep Trump's White House documents secret but also what influence she has had on his 30-year career.
"What did Justice Clarence Thomas know, and when did he know it? " Wegman asked before adding, "The question usually gets directed at politicians, not judges, but it’s a fair one in light of the revelation on Thursday that Justice Thomas’s wife, Ginni, was working feverishly behind the scenes — and to a far greater degree than she previously admitted — in a high-level effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election."
Graciously conceding that Justice Thomas may not have known that his wife was texting during the insurrection attempt -- and with whom -- the columnist insisted that, nonetheless, the damage is done.
"It sure makes you wonder, doesn’t it?" he wrote. "And that’s precisely the problem: We shouldn’t have to wonder. The Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial body in the country, and yet, as Alexander Hamilton reminded us, it has neither the sword nor the purse as a means to enforce its rulings. It depends instead on the American people’s acceptance of its legitimacy, which is why the justices must make every possible effort to appear fair, unbiased and beyond reproach."
Citing a speech by Justice Thomas, where he noted, "I think the media makes it sound as though you are just always going right to your personal preference. That’s a problem. You’re going to jeopardize any faith in the legal institutions, " Wegman pointed out, "Bench memo to the justice: You know what jeopardizes public faith in legal institutions? Refusing to recuse yourself from numerous high-profile cases in which your wife has been personally and sometimes financially entangled, as The New Yorker reported in January."
According to Stephen Gillers, a New York University law professor, "She signed up for Stop the Steal. She was part of the team, and that team had an interest in how the court would rule. That’s all I need to know," Gillers explained that his patience with the couple has run out, adding, "they’ve really abused that tolerance."
"Ms. Thomas’s antics, and her husband’s refusal to respond appropriately, have been haunting the court for years, but this latest conflagration shouldn’t be a close call," Wegman wrote. "The court is in deep trouble these days, pervaded by what Justice Sonia Sotomayor recently called the 'stench' of partisanship — a stench arising in no small part from the Thomases’ behavior. It is hard to imagine that the other justices, regardless of their personal politics, aren’t bothered."
"Justice Thomas has shown himself unwilling or unable to protect what remains of the court’s reputation from the appearance of extreme bias he and his wife have created<" he added before concluding, "He would do the country a service by stepping down and making room for someone who won’t have that problem."
You can read his whole opinion piece here.
Step down pig

Time for Clarence Thomas to step down after 'haunting the court for years': NYT editorial board member​

Stepping out under his own byline, a member of the New York Times Editorial Board used revelations in a Washington Post report that Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, conspired with members of Donald Trump's White House to overturn the 2020 election as a springboard to say the justice needs to resign.

According to Jesse Wegman, Clarence and Ginni Thomas have "done enough damage" since Clarence took his spot on the country's highest court in 1991.
As the columnist noted, Ginni Thomas' antics have not only cast a cloud over her husband's curious sole vote to keep Trump's White House documents secret but also what influence she has had on his 30-year career.
"What did Justice Clarence Thomas know, and when did he know it? " Wegman asked before adding, "The question usually gets directed at politicians, not judges, but it’s a fair one in light of the revelation on Thursday that Justice Thomas’s wife, Ginni, was working feverishly behind the scenes — and to a far greater degree than she previously admitted — in a high-level effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election."
Graciously conceding that Justice Thomas may not have known that his wife was texting during the insurrection attempt -- and with whom -- the columnist insisted that, nonetheless, the damage is done.
"It sure makes you wonder, doesn’t it?" he wrote. "And that’s precisely the problem: We shouldn’t have to wonder. The Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial body in the country, and yet, as Alexander Hamilton reminded us, it has neither the sword nor the purse as a means to enforce its rulings. It depends instead on the American people’s acceptance of its legitimacy, which is why the justices must make every possible effort to appear fair, unbiased and beyond reproach."
Citing a speech by Justice Thomas, where he noted, "I think the media makes it sound as though you are just always going right to your personal preference. That’s a problem. You’re going to jeopardize any faith in the legal institutions, " Wegman pointed out, "Bench memo to the justice: You know what jeopardizes public faith in legal institutions? Refusing to recuse yourself from numerous high-profile cases in which your wife has been personally and sometimes financially entangled, as The New Yorker reported in January."
According to Stephen Gillers, a New York University law professor, "She signed up for Stop the Steal. She was part of the team, and that team had an interest in how the court would rule. That’s all I need to know," Gillers explained that his patience with the couple has run out, adding, "they’ve really abused that tolerance."
"Ms. Thomas’s antics, and her husband’s refusal to respond appropriately, have been haunting the court for years, but this latest conflagration shouldn’t be a close call," Wegman wrote. "The court is in deep trouble these days, pervaded by what Justice Sonia Sotomayor recently called the 'stench' of partisanship — a stench arising in no small part from the Thomases’ behavior. It is hard to imagine that the other justices, regardless of their personal politics, aren’t bothered."
"Justice Thomas has shown himself unwilling or unable to protect what remains of the court’s reputation from the appearance of extreme bias he and his wife have created<" he added before concluding, "He would do the country a service by stepping down and making room for someone who won’t have that problem."
You can read his whole opinion piece here.
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Prosperous societies reproduce less.

To keep our economy growing, we will have to increase immigration, which would make BrokeLoser into BrokeLosingHisMind. :lol:

Sad but true, that immigrants reproduce at a higher rate than american citizens. And that immigration is what largely drove America's population growth.
The opinion of the legislature is not one person. They have said they believe there was widespread fraud. True the Vote has proven it.
The opinion isn't of the legislature, or they would have voted on it. It is the opinion of the speaker, who without a floor vote, can only speak for himself.

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