How Ginny Thomas Proves Judge Jackson Can't Be Trusted On The Supreme Court

The opinion isn't of the legislature, or they would have voted on it. It is the opinion of the speaker, who without a floor vote, can only speak for himself.
Fraud has still been proven. Deal with it. Other states will find out the same things happened because True the Vote has the evidence for those states too. It is clear now the election was stolen by massive fraud.
It's been to court. Been there, done that. Every last judge, both state and federal, democrat and republican, even those personally appointed by Donald Trump, have dismissed your claim.
This is a claim that has not seen a courtroom, so it has not been dismissed, has it?
Progspeak for tax increases.
Nope. You know damn well I am for cutting tax rates for everyone. You and I have talked about this for YEARS. You are flat out lying now.

When have progs ever paid off any debt? They only bleat about the debt when they want to raise taxes.
I'm not talking about progs. I'm talking about the organization formerly known as the Republican Party which SAYS one thing and then DOES the opposite when it comes to our debts.

And I'm talking about tards like you who throw your support behind them.

I've made it very clear how I feel about Biden and the Democrats' spending on this forum, and you know that, too.

Why are you destroying your personal integrity like this?

I've seen no evidence that you actually support free trade.
I have voiced my opposition to Trump's trade tariffs numerous times. Again, you lie.
Since when do progs support equal protection of the laws. Do you oppose locking up the Jan 6 demonstrators for over a year without even being charged?
They have been charged, dipshit. Whose piss are you drinking?

Why do you keep bringing up liberals? We are talking about my conservative beliefs.

Blaming Trump for that entire amount is what progs do. Has Trump added more tax expenditures to the tax code than Democrats? Can you name them?
The Republicans have controlled the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee longer than the Democrats have.

You see, Democrats are up front about their deficit spending. Republicans hide them in the tax code.

Trump did impose tariffs, but I have seen no evidence that you actually support free trade.
Um...retard? Protectionist tariffs are the EXACT OPPOSITE of free trade.

Jesus, I can't believe this actually has to be explained to you!

Sure I would. Trump doesn't agree with all conservative policies, but neither did George Buss I and II. The issue here isn't weather Trump is a conservative, but whether you are.
A person who opposed Trump's liberal policies, corrupt behavior, and moral depravity is obviously a conservative. I've been warning you tards since before the 2016 election that this far left limousine liberal New York Democrat would lead you all into the far left cave.

Just how much government involvement in the institution of marriage and reproduction do you people want?
ALOT it’s why we have a government to protect our best interests on a wide scale.
Fraud has still been proven. Deal with it. Other states will find out the same things happened because True the Vote has the evidence for those states too. It is clear now the election was stolen by massive fraud.
Their "proof" is SHIT. It hasn't passed muster with even the lowest of state court judges, to the highest of federal court judges.

You can polish that turd, all day long, and the proof will still be nothing more than the shit it's made of.
America has slowed down reproduction, but it is not the fault of TH3 GAYZ. Married heteros are having less kids than our ancestors did. Many couples are choosing not to procreate.

Should the government interfere? In what way?

Prosperous societies reproduce less.

To keep our economy growing, we will have to increase immigration, which would make BrokeLoser into BrokeLosingHisMind. :lol:
Yes we should do what Poland does in Russia and sent the vi families having more children. Pay them! We need more Americans.. I mean hello.. we won’t have a country with out Americans lol
Rarely does federal legislation help only the people it was intended to help.

Do you want couples to get a fertility test to get a deduction? Progs will be the first people to howl about that.

Dumb argument.
:No one should get a deduction just for being married. No conservative in their right mind would support government social experiments.
Their "proof" is SHIT. It hasn't passed muster with even the lowest of state court judges, to the highest of federal court judges.

You can polish that turd, all day long, and the proof will still be nothing more than the shit it's made of.
They tracked cars going to 23 different drop boxes for days. That is evidence.
This morning, during stunning testimony in front of the WI Elections Commission, True the Vote founder Catherine Englebrecht broke the back of an organized voter fraud crime syndicate in America with evidence of massive voter fraud in WI. Together, with Gregg Phillips of Vote Stand, they were able to use geo-tracking device data to track “mules” going back and forth from specific (unnamed) NGOs or “non-profits” to drop boxes located in specific targeted areas across Wisconsin.

Phillips explained, “We believe that 7% of the mail-in ballots of the approximately 1.9 million here in Wisconsin, were cast as a result of trafficking.”
This is a claim that has not seen a courtroom, so it has not been dismissed, has it?
It also appears not worthy of giving to a court, or they would have done so.

And if they have, then I presume the court will throw it out like all the previous bogus "proof" that has been previously submitted.

Maybe you can show us the "proof" that Mike Lindel has that would put 300 million people in jail.
It's all over the news. Heritage foundation paid Ginni $680,000 from 2003 to 2007, and Clarence failed to report it, until and outside group pointed it out. At which point (8 years later) Clarence filed an "amended" financial statement.

Keep up with the Jonses. Read a newspaper, search the internet.

bripat's propagandists deliberately keep him in the dark about such matters.

I guess it should not be a surprise that an examination of Ginny Thomas's texts between herself and Trump's Chief of Staff reveals she is a Q-tard. Mark Meadows did nothing to dissuade her from her whackjob beliefs. In fact, he kept blessing her.

When Meadows wrote to Thomas on Nov. 24, the White House chief of staff invoked God to describe the effort to overturn the election. “This is a fight of good versus evil,” Meadows wrote. “Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it.”

Thomas replied: “Thank you!! Needed that! This plus a conversation with my best friend just now… I will try to keep holding on. America is worth it!”


Ginni Thomas, in that interview, also acknowledged that she had attended Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally at the Ellipse near the White House on Jan. 6, but said that she left early because it was too cold and that she did not have any role in planning the event.


In February 2021, when the Supreme Court rejected election challenges filed by Trump and his allies, Thomas wrote in a dissent that it was “baffling” and “inexplicable” that the majority had decided against hearing the cases because he believed the Supreme Court should provide states with guidance for future elections.

Ginny goes full batshit:

“The intense pressures you and our President are now experiencing are more intense than Anything Experienced (but I only felt a fraction of it in 1991),” Thomas wrote to Meadows on Nov. 19, an apparent reference to Justice Thomas’s 1991 confirmation hearings in which lawyer Anita Hill testified that he had made unwanted sexual comments when he was her boss. Thomas strongly denied the accusations.
The first of the 29 messages between Ginni Thomas and Meadows was sent on Nov. 5, two days after the election. She sent him a link to a YouTube video labeled “TRUMP STING w CIA Director Steve Pieczenik, The Biggest Election Story in History, QFS-BLOCKCHAIN.”

Pieczenik, a former State Department official, is a far-right commentator who has falsely claimed that the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., was a “false-flag” operation to push a gun-control agenda.

The video Thomas shared with Meadows is no longer available on YouTube. But Thomas wrote to Meadows, “I hope this is true; never heard anything like this before, or even a hint of it. Possible???”

“Watermarked ballots in over 12 states have been part of a huge Trump & military white hat sting operation in 12 key battleground states,” she wrote.

During that period, supporters of the QAnon extremist ideology embraced a false theory that Trump had watermarked mail-in ballots so he could track potential fraud. “Watch the water” was a refrain in QAnon circles at the time.

In the Nov. 5 message to Meadows, Thomas went on to quote a passage that had circulated on right-wing websites: “Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc) are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition.”


The issue here isn't that she is nuts...she is, but that her husband sits on the SC.

Why is that important? Because, when Rump filed suit against releasing records from the Trump White House related to Jan. 6th and the case went to the SC, eight of the judges refused Rump's request. Guess who the hold-out was? Yup, the nutso's husband, Clarence Thomas.

And what was his explanation for being the only holdout? None. He did not explain the reason.

This is why this nutso is so dangerous.
ALOT it’s why we have a government to protect our best interests on a wide scale.
You need the government to encourage you to get married and fuck? Really?

This is exactly what I mean about the tard herd not knowing a conservative principle when it kicks them in the balls.

"We need MOAR govmint!"
They tracked cars going to 23 different drop boxes for days. That is evidence.
This morning, during stunning testimony in front of the WI Elections Commission, True the Vote founder Catherine Englebrecht broke the back of an organized voter fraud crime syndicate in America with evidence of massive voter fraud in WI. Together, with Gregg Phillips of Vote Stand, they were able to use geo-tracking device data to track “mules” going back and forth from specific (unnamed) NGOs or “non-profits” to drop boxes located in specific targeted areas across Wisconsin.

Phillips explained, “We believe that 7% of the mail-in ballots of the approximately 1.9 million here in Wisconsin, were cast as a result of trafficking.”
That's a good case for charging those people with election fraud, but that isn't fraud upon the election, since every vote trafficked, still had to go through the mail-in ballot verification procedure, which independent of their origin, were deemed to be legally cast votes, thus having no impact on the election.
Yes we should do what Poland does in Russia and sent the vi families having more children. Pay them! We need more Americans.. I mean hello.. we won’t have a country with out Americans lol
MOAR guvmint! Yeah!

I had no idea you were a prog!
You need the government to encourage you to get married and fuck? Really?

This is exactly what I mean about the tard herd not knowing a conservative principle when it kicks them in the balls.

"We need MOAR govmint!"
Yes we’re forced to fill out a census or go to jail.. lol it’d be good to know if we were dying off and that we shouldn’t sent the Vi families to remain families. Get this great American culture pumping again

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