How has ACA affected YOU personally?

What impact has the ACA had on YOU?

  • I was uninsured prior to this law and it enabled me to obtain insurance

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
As I've posted before -

Two refunds
Cheaper scrips
No co-pay for office visits
Premium to go down Jan 1st

Coverage and deductible haven't changed.

Thank you Mr President.
He can afford to retire after raping the consumer.

Which is why people went to him over and over. Because they're too stupid to evaluate health care on their own, right? Go Fuck Yourself.

I got a letter from BCBS that my plan was grandfathered in. But premiums have risen substantially.

My understanding is that if your premium went up over $5, it was unable to be Grandfathered....

That is considered a "Major Change" according to Obama and Silly-bus.
nothing as of right now. Im still waiting to see what happens at my job and what my wife does work wise. So...nothing.
As I've posted before -

Two refunds
Cheaper scrips
No co-pay for office visits
Premium to go down Jan 1st

Coverage and deductible haven't changed.

Thank you Mr President.

I've been basically called a liar for stating my premium is going up 120% along with an increase in deductibles. I have the packet right in front of me. Any reason why you should be believed and not me?
Just curious to see what if any impact it has had on our little community.

Poll to follow:

I just received my letter of cancellation. I had Humana health--at $238.00 per month that was a high deductible (my choice) that covered my yearly physicals, and a catastrophic plan should I end up with a serious illness or in the hospital for some reason.

I went to my state web-site to look up other plans--and the cheapest plan is now going to cost me more than double than what I was paying.

I am one of millions that are getting this letter. Bluecross/Blueshield is now sending out thousands of cancellation letters out in Alaska--and there are hundreds of thousands more to be sent out in California.
Thousands of Alaskans begin receiving cancellation notices for health insurance plans | Alaska Dispatch

In Colorado--250,000 are losing their insurance.

Premiums are sky-rocketing for those that have insurance that meet the mandates of Obamacare. For those that voted no effect at all. (I think you mean not yet.) It's coming.

What is very disturbing is that we were promised by Obama 32 times that if we liked our policies, we could keep them. HE LIED.

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As I've posted before -

Two refunds
Cheaper scrips
No co-pay for office visits
Premium to go down Jan 1st

Coverage and deductible haven't changed.

Thank you Mr President.

I've been basically called a liar for stating my premium is going up 120% along with an increase in deductibles. I have the packet right in front of me. Any reason why you should be believed and not me?

use a scanner...otherwise i can fly faster than a bullet.
As I've posted before -

Two refunds
Cheaper scrips
No co-pay for office visits
Premium to go down Jan 1st

Coverage and deductible haven't changed.

Thank you Mr President.

I've been basically called a liar for stating my premium is going up 120% along with an increase in deductibles. I have the packet right in front of me. Any reason why you should be believed and not me?

use a scanner...otherwise i can fly faster than a bullet.

You're full of s,...t, Premiums have risen in the private sector market to meet the mandates of Obamacare. Here is our state web-site for you to make your selection for health care--and if you see ANYTHING at all in this that would suggest that Obama made his promise for cheaper health insurance a reality--let me know--:lol::lol:
The "Afforable health care act"--yeah right!
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

Which is why in Colorado 34,000 people signed up for Medicade and only 3000 signed up on that sight for insurance.

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the point is no i dont right off the bat believe him without evidence. Its the internet, anything can be said.
I had a high deductible policy with a health savings account attached.

I have to now pay for a bunch of shit I don't need like birth control and drug counseling.

I still have a high deductible but my premiums went up considerably.
I had a high deductible policy with a health savings account attached.

I have to now pay for a bunch of shit I don't need like birth control and drug counseling.

I still have a high deductible but my premiums went up considerably.

Shit forget the birth control, you're paying for maternity insurance now. I am surprised you didn't know that?
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the point is no i dont right off the bat believe him without evidence. Its the internet, anything can be said.

Its just a little too convenient that libs/progressives/Dems/Obama supporters have reported the opposite of what we hear from rw's/repressive/regressive/birther/t-potties.

I have said, sarcastically, that the obvious reason for this is that President Obama has been able to access our voting records that those who voted for him aren't having the problems the rw's SAY they are having.

I fully expect this to become a permanent part of the rw mythology. After all, if Obama was able to get from Kenya all way to Honolulu to place those two birth announcements and then get back to Kenya in time to be born, tracking down all those votes would be a piece of cake and easy as pie.

The law has had no direct impact on my health care or insurance as of yet, but the last briefing our company held indicated changes were likely next year. In any case, I suspect that in the long run I'll do quite well under ACA. I'm older, have little retirement income, and I can likely arrange things to cash in on a fair number of ACA's subsidies and perks. I'll be happy to do my part abusing the system for all it's worth. Maybe we can sink it that way.
The law has had no direct impact on my health care or insurance as of yet, but the last briefing our company held indicated changes were likely next year. In any case, I suspect that in the long run I'll do quite well under ACA. I'm older, have little retirement income, and I can likely arrange things to cash in on a fair number of ACA's subsidies and perks. I'll be happy to do my part abusing the system for all it's worth. Maybe we can sink it that way.

IOW--you don't mind being on Welfare and having your grand kids pay for it? I'll be doing the same because I am now forced into it.
The law has had no direct impact on my health care or insurance as of yet, but the last briefing our company held indicated changes were likely next year. In any case, I suspect that in the long run I'll do quite well under ACA. I'm older, have little retirement income, and I can likely arrange things to cash in on a fair number of ACA's subsidies and perks. I'll be happy to do my part abusing the system for all it's worth. Maybe we can sink it that way.

IOW--you don't mind being on Welfare and having your grand kids pay for it?

I see nothing at all hypocritical or untoward about 'working the system'. It's an ugly game, and I'll do everything I can to bring it down. But I see no point in deliberately losing. My kids will be getting screwed, that much is true, but they'd far rather I got something out of it - and maybe manage to kick some back their way, than to pointlessly walk away from 'free money' to make a political statement.

I hope it's clear, I'm bitterly opposed to this shit. But I'm not stupid, and not willing to be a sacrificial lamb to the welfare state.
Yes, and the saddest part is the lack of empathy and the massive amount of name calling some people must resort to.

I suppose that's Liberal tolerance again, huh?

Such a shame, and very sad that some must continue to beat on their fellow Americans.

Its just a little too convenient that libs/progressives/Dems/Obama supporters have reported the opposite of what we hear from rw's/repressive/regressive/birther/t-potties.
I have said, sarcastically, that the obvious reason for this is that President Obama has been able to access our voting records that those who voted for him aren't having the problems the rw's SAY they are having.

I fully expect this to become a permanent part of the rw mythology. After all, if Obama was able to get from Kenya all way to Honolulu to place those two birth announcements and then get back to Kenya in time to be born, tracking down all those votes would be a piece of cake and easy as pie.

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