How Is This Different Than What You Hear Every Democrat Say?

The poster above said it was part of our DNA. Do try and keep up

And of course it is a learned trait in all races, not just whites.
Jessie Jackson said when he’s walking down the street and a group of young blacks are walking towards him he gets nervous. That’s not racism. That’s being smart enough to know some cultures statistically are more violent than others and to be on alert. He could have said the same about a group of young whites with shaved heads. It’s smart to be aware.
I did not say you should not all yourself a conservative.

If you wish to stand in a barn and call yourself a tractor then have at it.

It is a free country.

give a cutsie answer if thats all you got

what do you call yourself?

give a cutsie answer if thats all you got

what do you call yourself?

Different. Not a fan of labels.

Here is what the compass thing someone posted this week says I am...

There is a lot of that going around.

Whites talking about being mistreated, blacks talking about being mistreated, Christians talking about being persecuted.
Which was is telling the truth and which one is lying?

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