How Long Before Vetting Is Called Torture??


"No, you imbecile....I'm a conservative."

Given this confession you're in no position to refer to anyone else as an 'imbecile.'

So you totalitarians object to individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government?

"Your belief in thinking Nazis are left wing is just more evidence of how stupid you are."


It's either a remarkable manifestation of rightwing ignorance and stupidity or a remarkable manifestation of rightwing contempt for the truth, an effort by many conservatives to repeat this lie often enough in the hope it's perceived to be 'true.'

1. Hitler and Stalin both claim to have learned from Karl Marx.

2. Both are of the Left:
Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

3. And so are you.....every reliable Democrat voter is.

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

It's you conservatives who want to use the Nazi idea of tagging and tracking every person of a certain group,

not liberals.

You totalitarians object to individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government?

"Your belief in thinking Nazis are left wing is just more evidence of how stupid you are."


It's either a remarkable manifestation of rightwing ignorance and stupidity or a remarkable manifestation of rightwing contempt for the truth, an effort by many conservatives to repeat this lie often enough in the hope it's perceived to be 'true.'

1. Hitler and Stalin both claim to have learned from Karl Marx.

2. Both are of the Left:
Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

3. And so are you.....every reliable Democrat voter is.

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

It's you conservatives who want to use the Nazi idea of tagging and tracking every person of a certain group,

not liberals.

You totalitarians object to individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government?


What individualism do you support that you think I don't?
1. Hitler and Stalin both claim to have learned from Karl Marx.


Hitler in Mein Kampf:

That period made me strong. I thank her for snatching me from the emptiness of a comfortable life and for pulling this mama’s boy out of the comfortable, cozy bed. I was reluctantly thrown into the world of misery and poverty, which introduced me to those I would later fight for. That is the point when I saw two dangers approaching. Previously, I did not truly understand their names or their importance to the German people’s existence. Their names were Marxism and Jewry.

A knowledge of the Jews is the necessary key to grasping the real intentions of Social Democracy. If a person knows these people, the mask of delusion hiding their aims and the meaning of the party falls from his eyes, and the ape-like face of Marxism grins at him.
We're talking major league self-delusion on the part of PoliticalChic and the other tards who believe these are left wingers:

Two years of wading through interminable bureaucratic red tape while struggling to survive the idiocy of RWNJ's lies?

Yep. Sounds pretty torturous to me.

Thanks PC, for showing compassion for your fellow human being.

PS. I don't read your posts so this is in answer to your thread title.

You finally have a point beyond the one under your hat:
I have no compassion for terrorists.

Another difference between us, huh?

These are refugees trying to get away from terrorism, dingbat.
PC, you are an immigrant. How elaborate was the vetting process that let you in?

So you're throwing in the white towel this early?


I'll repeat the question. How elaborate was the vetting process when you came into this country?

The basis for your disingenuous post is that all immigrants are equally a danger of terrorist activity.
Hence, your name: NYLiar.

Korea is number 3 on the axis of evil remember?
1. Having control of the media serves the Left well!
After 9/11, in an effort to weaken and undermine Bush's efforts against terrorism, the Liberals/Democrats shouted that enhanced interrogation was "TORTURE!!!"

Now, with an insane man in the Oval Office who demands hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners be brought into the country, oblivious to worldwide terrorism in support of a caliphate, he has threatened to veto any increased vetting of these individuals

"The White House on Wednesday threatened a presidential veto of House Republican legislation aimed at increasing screenings for Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the United States, calling new requirements in the bill "untenable.""
Obama Threatens to Veto House GOP Bill on Syrian Refugees

Can cries of "TORTURE!!!" be far behind?
So....before the Left engages in the usual societal indoctrination.....let's remind all of what torture actually is.

2.. Having co-opted and controlled the various agencies that disseminate information has proven to be a boon to the Leftists/Liberals who now control this secular society. In the ObamaCare legislation, the panel whose efforts would have resulted in death was not allowed to be called a "Death Panel."

So much control that they used language as a cudgel to restrict the Bush administration's attempt gain valuable information from captured Islamic terrorists.
The attempt used benign methods, none of which could actually be called 'torture.'

But labeled 'torture,' they were.

Then, there is actual torture.
3. "In a public square in Beijing in 1904, multiple murderer Wang Weiqin was executed before a crowd of onlookers. He was among the last to suffer the extreme punishment known as lingchi. Called by Western observers “death by a thousand cuts” or “death by slicing,” this penalty was reserved for the very worst crimes in imperial China.

A unique interdisciplinary history, "Death by a Thousand Cuts" is the first book to explore the history, iconography, and legal contexts of Chinese tortures and executions from the tenth century until lingchi's abolition in 1905. The authors then turn their attention to an in-depth investigation of “oriental” tortures in the Western imagination."'s+court&sitesec=reviews

"Death by a Thousand Cuts"
By Timothy Brook, Jérôme Bourgon, Gregory Blue

a. "Lingchi... translated variously asdeath by a thousand cuts(simplified Chinese:;traditional Chinese:) or “千刀万剐”, theslow process, thelingering death, orslow slicing, was a form of torture andexecutionused in Chinafrom roughly AD 900 until it was banned in 1905.

In this form of execution, a knife was used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death. The term "língchí" is derived from a classical description of ascending a mountain slowly.Lingchiwas reserved for crimes viewed as especially severe, such as treason, or killing one's parents.

The process involved tying the condemned prisoner to a wooden frame, usually in a public place. The flesh was then cut from the body in multiple slices in a process that was not specified in detail in Chinese law, and therefore most likely varied. In later times, opiumwas sometimes administered either as an act of mercy or as a way of preventing fainting. The punishment worked on three levels: as a form of public humiliation, as a slow and lingering death, and as a punishment after death." Lingchi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Depriving a suspect of sleep?
Having a suspect to stand in uncomfortable positions for many hours at a time?

How long before reading a Political Chic post is called torture?

The best part of PC's interminable posts is that you only have to read a few lines to find something refutable.
Actually the road that the liberal left always travels is "it for the children." In this case Obama went one step further and said that opposition was oppostion to "Women and Orphans."

Abortion: "it's for the children."

Why do you hate children? (other than for the acceptable reasons, lol)

There are thousands of American children that need help. As soon as they are all taken care of Obama could consider taking care of Syrian children. Until then various aid agencies could be funded by the UN to feed, clothe and shelter these refugees in safe middle eastern countries where they could return home as soon as Obama destroys ISIS. LOL It is published that 12 refugees can be taken care of for the cost of bringing 1 refugee to the US. If Obama really gave a damn about children he would promote that publicly and introduce a resolution in the UN.
The UN is pushing the resettlement...

Of course they are since resettlement in the US doesn't come out of their budget. Obama hates children so much that he only wants to help 10,000 of them instead of 120,000 for the same cost to the US taxpayer. I wonder who in the UN would not support a resolution to resettle refugees in a friendly middle eastern country.
Actually the road that the liberal left always travels is "it for the children." In this case Obama went one step further and said that opposition was oppostion to "Women and Orphans."

Abortion: "it's for the children."

Why do you hate children? (other than for the acceptable reasons, lol)

There are thousands of American children that need help. As soon as they are all taken care of Obama could consider taking care of Syrian children. Until then various aid agencies could be funded by the UN to feed, clothe and shelter these refugees in safe middle eastern countries where they could return home as soon as Obama destroys ISIS. LOL It is published that 12 refugees can be taken care of for the cost of bringing 1 refugee to the US. If Obama really gave a damn about children he would promote that publicly and introduce a resolution in the UN.

So you're not among the RWnuts who always claim it's only illegal immigration we oppose; we support legal immigration?


I don't know any RWnuts that are opposed to legal immigration. Only a damned fool approves of illegal immigration. Can I put you in that camp?

If you support legal immigration then you support the legal immigration of Syrians to the US.

I have stated my case several times. 120,000 Syrian refugees could be resettled in a friendly middle eastern country for the same cost as 10,000 sent to the US. Do you want to deprive 110,000 refugees food, clothing and shelter? That would make you just as ignorant as Obama.
PC, you are an immigrant. How elaborate was the vetting process that let you in?

So you're throwing in the white towel this early?


I'll repeat the question. How elaborate was the vetting process when you came into this country?

The basis for your disingenuous post is that all immigrants are equally a danger of terrorist activity.
Hence, your name: NYLiar.

Korea is number 3 on the axis of evil remember?

You can't be that you must be lying again.
1. Having control of the media serves the Left well!
After 9/11, in an effort to weaken and undermine Bush's efforts against terrorism, the Liberals/Democrats shouted that enhanced interrogation was "TORTURE!!!"

Now, with an insane man in the Oval Office who demands hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners be brought into the country, oblivious to worldwide terrorism in support of a caliphate, he has threatened to veto any increased vetting of these individuals

"The White House on Wednesday threatened a presidential veto of House Republican legislation aimed at increasing screenings for Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the United States, calling new requirements in the bill "untenable.""
Obama Threatens to Veto House GOP Bill on Syrian Refugees

Can cries of "TORTURE!!!" be far behind?
So....before the Left engages in the usual societal indoctrination.....let's remind all of what torture actually is.

2.. Having co-opted and controlled the various agencies that disseminate information has proven to be a boon to the Leftists/Liberals who now control this secular society. In the ObamaCare legislation, the panel whose efforts would have resulted in death was not allowed to be called a "Death Panel."

So much control that they used language as a cudgel to restrict the Bush administration's attempt gain valuable information from captured Islamic terrorists.
The attempt used benign methods, none of which could actually be called 'torture.'

But labeled 'torture,' they were.

Then, there is actual torture.
3. "In a public square in Beijing in 1904, multiple murderer Wang Weiqin was executed before a crowd of onlookers. He was among the last to suffer the extreme punishment known as lingchi. Called by Western observers “death by a thousand cuts” or “death by slicing,” this penalty was reserved for the very worst crimes in imperial China.

A unique interdisciplinary history, "Death by a Thousand Cuts" is the first book to explore the history, iconography, and legal contexts of Chinese tortures and executions from the tenth century until lingchi's abolition in 1905. The authors then turn their attention to an in-depth investigation of “oriental” tortures in the Western imagination."'s+court&sitesec=reviews

"Death by a Thousand Cuts"
By Timothy Brook, Jérôme Bourgon, Gregory Blue

a. "Lingchi... translated variously asdeath by a thousand cuts(simplified Chinese:;traditional Chinese:) or “千刀万剐”, theslow process, thelingering death, orslow slicing, was a form of torture andexecutionused in Chinafrom roughly AD 900 until it was banned in 1905.

In this form of execution, a knife was used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death. The term "língchí" is derived from a classical description of ascending a mountain slowly.Lingchiwas reserved for crimes viewed as especially severe, such as treason, or killing one's parents.

The process involved tying the condemned prisoner to a wooden frame, usually in a public place. The flesh was then cut from the body in multiple slices in a process that was not specified in detail in Chinese law, and therefore most likely varied. In later times, opiumwas sometimes administered either as an act of mercy or as a way of preventing fainting. The punishment worked on three levels: as a form of public humiliation, as a slow and lingering death, and as a punishment after death." Lingchi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Depriving a suspect of sleep?
Having a suspect to stand in uncomfortable positions for many hours at a time?

How long before reading a Political Chic post is called torture?

The best part of PC's interminable posts is that you only have to read a few lines to find something refutable.

So your statement is that you haven't read a few lines yet?
"Donald Trump Says He Would Bring Back Waterboarding" Donald Trump Says He Would Bring Back Waterboarding

Oooo! Not that! (shaking in their panties!)

That's because Liberals actually imagine that water boarding 'torture.'
"Trump characterized waterboarding as a form of “strong interrogation” that is “peanuts” when compared to tactics used byISISagainst its hostages." Ibid.

The Khan's royal torturer, 'the Fondler,' goes on about real 'torture'.....

6. ".... I attune myself not only to the Subject’s fears, which are usually apparent, but also to his inmost apprehensions and deepest levels of response. The artful Fondler is the man who can very nearly feel the same sensations as his Subject. According to legend, the most perfect of all Fondlers was a long-ago woman, who could so closely attune herself that she would actually cry out and writhe and weep in unison with her Subject, and even plead with herself for mercy.”

I select a paper from the basket, at random, and unfold it, and it tells me the part of the Subject destined for the first Fondling. Suppose it says left little finger. Do I simply step up to the Subject, as a butcher would do, and saw off his left little finger? No. Or what would I do if the identical paper came up again later? So the first time I may merely drive a needle deep under that finger’s nail. The second time perhaps slice the finger to the bone all along its length. Only if it came up a third time would I lop the finger off entirely.

[Compare that to the enhanced interrogation 'torture' of Walling: "A flexible false wall will be constructed. The individual is placed with his heels touching the wall: The interrogator pulls the individual forward and then quickly and firmly pushes the individual into the wall. It is the individual's shoulder blades that hit the wall."

Scary torture, huh?]

Usually, of course, the second paper I select will direct me to a different part of the Subject—another extremity, or the nose, or the jade gland perhaps.

“Perhaps you have begun to perceive the expertness required in the Fondling. One does not simply run back and forth, snatching up papers and then slicing bits off the Subject. No, I proceed only leisurely—very leisurely—back and forth, for the Subject must have ample time to appreciate each individual pain. " Jennings, Op. Cit.

Yup....that's 'torture.'
Last edited:
For Liberals/Democrats...this is 'torture:

The Facial (or Insult) Slap (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)

"With the facial slap or insult slap, the interrogator slaps the individual's face with fingers slightly spread. The hand makes contact with the area directly between the tip of the individual's chin and the bottom of the corresponding earlobe. The interrogator invades the individual's personal space.”

OH, noooozzzz! insult??????

Yet, all the pajama boys of the Left scream 'torture....torture!!!!'

Real torture:

"And they must vary in nature—this time an incision, next a piercing, then a rasping, a burning, a mashing, and so on.

Also, the wounds must vary in keenness, so that the Subject experiences not just an overall agony, but a multitude of separate pains that he can differentiate andlocate.

Here, an upper molar slowly wrenched out and a nail driven where it had been, up into the frontal sinus. There, his elbow joint cracking and crumbling in an ingenious slow vise of my own invention. Yonder, a red-hot metal probe inserted down his red jewel’s (genital) inner canal—or delicately and repeatedly applied to the tender little bulb at the opening ofherred jewel. And in between, perhaps, the skin flayed from the chest and peeled loose and hanging down like an apron.” Jennings, Op. Cit.

Clearly, Leftists have used the word 'torture' incorrectly and inappropriately.

It's all about politics and brain-washing.
PC, you are an immigrant. How elaborate was the vetting process that let you in?

So you're throwing in the white towel this early?


I'll repeat the question. How elaborate was the vetting process when you came into this country?

The basis for your disingenuous post is that all immigrants are equally a danger of terrorist activity.
Hence, your name: NYLiar.

Korea is number 3 on the axis of evil remember?

You can't be that you must be lying again.

That was Bush's claim, and yes, you and he CAN be that stupid.
1. Having control of the media serves the Left well!
After 9/11, in an effort to weaken and undermine Bush's efforts against terrorism, the Liberals/Democrats shouted that enhanced interrogation was "TORTURE!!!"

Now, with an insane man in the Oval Office who demands hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners be brought into the country, oblivious to worldwide terrorism in support of a caliphate, he has threatened to veto any increased vetting of these individuals

"The White House on Wednesday threatened a presidential veto of House Republican legislation aimed at increasing screenings for Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the United States, calling new requirements in the bill "untenable.""
Obama Threatens to Veto House GOP Bill on Syrian Refugees

Can cries of "TORTURE!!!" be far behind?
So....before the Left engages in the usual societal indoctrination.....let's remind all of what torture actually is.

2.. Having co-opted and controlled the various agencies that disseminate information has proven to be a boon to the Leftists/Liberals who now control this secular society. In the ObamaCare legislation, the panel whose efforts would have resulted in death was not allowed to be called a "Death Panel."

So much control that they used language as a cudgel to restrict the Bush administration's attempt gain valuable information from captured Islamic terrorists.
The attempt used benign methods, none of which could actually be called 'torture.'

But labeled 'torture,' they were.

Then, there is actual torture.
3. "In a public square in Beijing in 1904, multiple murderer Wang Weiqin was executed before a crowd of onlookers. He was among the last to suffer the extreme punishment known as lingchi. Called by Western observers “death by a thousand cuts” or “death by slicing,” this penalty was reserved for the very worst crimes in imperial China.

A unique interdisciplinary history, "Death by a Thousand Cuts" is the first book to explore the history, iconography, and legal contexts of Chinese tortures and executions from the tenth century until lingchi's abolition in 1905. The authors then turn their attention to an in-depth investigation of “oriental” tortures in the Western imagination."'s+court&sitesec=reviews

"Death by a Thousand Cuts"
By Timothy Brook, Jérôme Bourgon, Gregory Blue

a. "Lingchi... translated variously asdeath by a thousand cuts(simplified Chinese:;traditional Chinese:) or “千刀万剐”, theslow process, thelingering death, orslow slicing, was a form of torture andexecutionused in Chinafrom roughly AD 900 until it was banned in 1905.

In this form of execution, a knife was used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death. The term "língchí" is derived from a classical description of ascending a mountain slowly.Lingchiwas reserved for crimes viewed as especially severe, such as treason, or killing one's parents.

The process involved tying the condemned prisoner to a wooden frame, usually in a public place. The flesh was then cut from the body in multiple slices in a process that was not specified in detail in Chinese law, and therefore most likely varied. In later times, opiumwas sometimes administered either as an act of mercy or as a way of preventing fainting. The punishment worked on three levels: as a form of public humiliation, as a slow and lingering death, and as a punishment after death." Lingchi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Depriving a suspect of sleep?
Having a suspect to stand in uncomfortable positions for many hours at a time?

How long before reading a Political Chic post is called torture?

The best part of PC's interminable posts is that you only have to read a few lines to find something refutable.

So your statement is that you haven't read a few lines yet?

NO, my statement is you're wrong. Almost always.
So you're throwing in the white towel this early?


I'll repeat the question. How elaborate was the vetting process when you came into this country?

The basis for your disingenuous post is that all immigrants are equally a danger of terrorist activity.
Hence, your name: NYLiar.

Korea is number 3 on the axis of evil remember?

You can't be that you must be lying again.

That was Bush's claim, and yes, you and he CAN be that stupid.

There is no such nation.

Hasn't been since 1945, you moron.
1. Having control of the media serves the Left well!
After 9/11, in an effort to weaken and undermine Bush's efforts against terrorism, the Liberals/Democrats shouted that enhanced interrogation was "TORTURE!!!"

Now, with an insane man in the Oval Office who demands hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners be brought into the country, oblivious to worldwide terrorism in support of a caliphate, he has threatened to veto any increased vetting of these individuals

"The White House on Wednesday threatened a presidential veto of House Republican legislation aimed at increasing screenings for Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the United States, calling new requirements in the bill "untenable.""
Obama Threatens to Veto House GOP Bill on Syrian Refugees

Can cries of "TORTURE!!!" be far behind?
So....before the Left engages in the usual societal indoctrination.....let's remind all of what torture actually is.

2.. Having co-opted and controlled the various agencies that disseminate information has proven to be a boon to the Leftists/Liberals who now control this secular society. In the ObamaCare legislation, the panel whose efforts would have resulted in death was not allowed to be called a "Death Panel."

So much control that they used language as a cudgel to restrict the Bush administration's attempt gain valuable information from captured Islamic terrorists.
The attempt used benign methods, none of which could actually be called 'torture.'

But labeled 'torture,' they were.

Then, there is actual torture.
3. "In a public square in Beijing in 1904, multiple murderer Wang Weiqin was executed before a crowd of onlookers. He was among the last to suffer the extreme punishment known as lingchi. Called by Western observers “death by a thousand cuts” or “death by slicing,” this penalty was reserved for the very worst crimes in imperial China.

A unique interdisciplinary history, "Death by a Thousand Cuts" is the first book to explore the history, iconography, and legal contexts of Chinese tortures and executions from the tenth century until lingchi's abolition in 1905. The authors then turn their attention to an in-depth investigation of “oriental” tortures in the Western imagination."'s+court&sitesec=reviews

"Death by a Thousand Cuts"
By Timothy Brook, Jérôme Bourgon, Gregory Blue

a. "Lingchi... translated variously asdeath by a thousand cuts(simplified Chinese:;traditional Chinese:) or “千刀万剐”, theslow process, thelingering death, orslow slicing, was a form of torture andexecutionused in Chinafrom roughly AD 900 until it was banned in 1905.

In this form of execution, a knife was used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death. The term "língchí" is derived from a classical description of ascending a mountain slowly.Lingchiwas reserved for crimes viewed as especially severe, such as treason, or killing one's parents.

The process involved tying the condemned prisoner to a wooden frame, usually in a public place. The flesh was then cut from the body in multiple slices in a process that was not specified in detail in Chinese law, and therefore most likely varied. In later times, opiumwas sometimes administered either as an act of mercy or as a way of preventing fainting. The punishment worked on three levels: as a form of public humiliation, as a slow and lingering death, and as a punishment after death." Lingchi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Depriving a suspect of sleep?
Having a suspect to stand in uncomfortable positions for many hours at a time?

How long before reading a Political Chic post is called torture?

The best part of PC's interminable posts is that you only have to read a few lines to find something refutable.

So your statement is that you haven't read a few lines yet?

I only had to read 4 lines into your tedious rant to find this:

"Now, with an insane man in the Oval Office who demands hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners be brought into the country,"

That is an unsubstantiated allegation on your part.
I'll repeat the question. How elaborate was the vetting process when you came into this country?

The basis for your disingenuous post is that all immigrants are equally a danger of terrorist activity.
Hence, your name: NYLiar.

Korea is number 3 on the axis of evil remember?

You can't be that you must be lying again.

That was Bush's claim, and yes, you and he CAN be that stupid.

There is no such nation.

Hasn't been since 1945, you moron.

There is no Korea?

lol, you've outdone yourself.
1. Having control of the media serves the Left well!
After 9/11, in an effort to weaken and undermine Bush's efforts against terrorism, the Liberals/Democrats shouted that enhanced interrogation was "TORTURE!!!"

Now, with an insane man in the Oval Office who demands hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners be brought into the country, oblivious to worldwide terrorism in support of a caliphate, he has threatened to veto any increased vetting of these individuals

"The White House on Wednesday threatened a presidential veto of House Republican legislation aimed at increasing screenings for Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the United States, calling new requirements in the bill "untenable.""
Obama Threatens to Veto House GOP Bill on Syrian Refugees

Can cries of "TORTURE!!!" be far behind?
So....before the Left engages in the usual societal indoctrination.....let's remind all of what torture actually is.

2.. Having co-opted and controlled the various agencies that disseminate information has proven to be a boon to the Leftists/Liberals who now control this secular society. In the ObamaCare legislation, the panel whose efforts would have resulted in death was not allowed to be called a "Death Panel."

So much control that they used language as a cudgel to restrict the Bush administration's attempt gain valuable information from captured Islamic terrorists.
The attempt used benign methods, none of which could actually be called 'torture.'

But labeled 'torture,' they were.

Then, there is actual torture.
3. "In a public square in Beijing in 1904, multiple murderer Wang Weiqin was executed before a crowd of onlookers. He was among the last to suffer the extreme punishment known as lingchi. Called by Western observers “death by a thousand cuts” or “death by slicing,” this penalty was reserved for the very worst crimes in imperial China.

A unique interdisciplinary history, "Death by a Thousand Cuts" is the first book to explore the history, iconography, and legal contexts of Chinese tortures and executions from the tenth century until lingchi's abolition in 1905. The authors then turn their attention to an in-depth investigation of “oriental” tortures in the Western imagination."'s+court&sitesec=reviews

"Death by a Thousand Cuts"
By Timothy Brook, Jérôme Bourgon, Gregory Blue

a. "Lingchi... translated variously asdeath by a thousand cuts(simplified Chinese:;traditional Chinese:) or “千刀万剐”, theslow process, thelingering death, orslow slicing, was a form of torture andexecutionused in Chinafrom roughly AD 900 until it was banned in 1905.

In this form of execution, a knife was used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death. The term "língchí" is derived from a classical description of ascending a mountain slowly.Lingchiwas reserved for crimes viewed as especially severe, such as treason, or killing one's parents.

The process involved tying the condemned prisoner to a wooden frame, usually in a public place. The flesh was then cut from the body in multiple slices in a process that was not specified in detail in Chinese law, and therefore most likely varied. In later times, opiumwas sometimes administered either as an act of mercy or as a way of preventing fainting. The punishment worked on three levels: as a form of public humiliation, as a slow and lingering death, and as a punishment after death." Lingchi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Depriving a suspect of sleep?
Having a suspect to stand in uncomfortable positions for many hours at a time?

How long before reading a Political Chic post is called torture?

The best part of PC's interminable posts is that you only have to read a few lines to find something refutable.

So your statement is that you haven't read a few lines yet?

NO, my statement is you're wrong. Almost always.

I'm never wrong.

The proof is your posts.

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