How long can the US last without rule of law?


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse.

With this second ruling on obiecare where once again the law was not upheld as written but rather because of some twisted encantation of what maybe they kinda sorta meant what other laws are actually laws? Executive orders and interpretations outside of the actual text of law is now not only the normal is is supported by the SCOTUS.

So in this new America where laws aren't really laws how can any of the Constitution stand? And outside of that how can any law stand? Once no laws mean exactly what thee fuck they say...there is no law.
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse..

Go out there and run a red light and see if the rule of law still applies or not.

I think you will find out that it does.
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse..

Go out there and run a red light and see if the rule of law still applies or not.

I think you will find out that it does.
Not little laws. Those obviously apply to the serfs and work pretty well for them in daily life. Look at the bigger picture. A law was passed with specific language that anytime before now would have been quickly ruled as unconstitutional and yet today it's twisted and convoluted to the point congress could pass green eggs and ham as a law and the scotus would interpret that to mean an egg and pig confiscation is well within those boundaries.
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse..

Go out there and run a red light and see if the rule of law still applies or not.

I think you will find out that it does.
Not little laws. Those obviously apply to the serfs and work pretty well for them in daily life. Look at the bigger picture. A law was passed with specific language that anytime before now would have been quickly ruled as unconstitutional and yet today it's twisted and convoluted to the point congress could pass green eggs and ham as a law and the scotus would interpret that to mean an egg and pig confiscation is well within those boundaries.

That's it. Let it all out, and then have yourself a good cry. We all know how disappointed you must be, but it's not the end of the world. At least they haven't given the OK to gay marriage.........yet.
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse..

Go out there and run a red light and see if the rule of law still applies or not.

I think you will find out that it does.

Those are only the laws the government is willing to enforce.
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse..

Go out there and run a red light and see if the rule of law still applies or not.

I think you will find out that it does.
Not little laws. Those obviously apply to the serfs and work pretty well for them in daily life. Look at the bigger picture. A law was passed with specific language that anytime before now would have been quickly ruled as unconstitutional and yet today it's twisted and convoluted to the point congress could pass green eggs and ham as a law and the scotus would interpret that to mean an egg and pig confiscation is well within those boundaries.

That's it. Let it all out, and then have yourself a good cry. We all know how disappointed you must be, but it's not the end of the world. At least they haven't given the OK to gay marriage.........yet.

I am crying. This country is being flushed down the toilet.
So in this new America where laws aren't really laws how can any of the Constitution stand? And outside of that how can any law stand? Once no laws mean exactly what thee fuck they say...there is no law.

The Constitution was abolished circa, 1935, during the FDR administration. Thus far about 80 years.
That's a profit generator.
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse..

Go out there and run a red light and see if the rule of law still applies or not.

I think you will find out that it does.
So in this new America where laws aren't really laws how can any of the Constitution stand? And outside of that how can any law stand? Once no laws mean exactly what thee fuck they say...there is no law.

The Constitution was abolished circa, 1935, during the FDR administration. Thus far about 80 years.

It was actually abolished by Abraham Lincoln. FDR just pounded in the final nails to the coffin.
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse.

With this second ruling on obiecare where once again the law was not upheld as written but rather because of some twisted encantation of what maybe they kinda sorta meant what other laws are actually laws? Executive orders and interpretations outside of the actual text of law is now not only the normal is is supported by the SCOTUS.

So in this new America where laws aren't really laws how can any of the Constitution stand? And outside of that how can any law stand? Once no laws mean exactly what thee fuck they say...there is no law.

The Constitution has been ignored for decades. It is not the law of the land. The law of the land today...are the laws elites impose as they see fit. It is rule by elite and many Americans see nothing wrong with it.
Of course calling corporations people and saying money is speech is fine and dandy and doesn't fortell the end of the universe right?

The Supreme Court hands over the democracy to a handful of the wealthiest people in the country but you aren't worried about that. Its the lower income people that can't see a doctor that is the big threat.

What a pair of Drama Queens.

Every civilized country in the world has universal health care and those countries are better off for it.

Put on your big boy pants and stop snivelling.



France Fights Universal Care's High Cost

The problem is that Assurance Maladie has been in the red since 1989. This year the annual shortfall is expected to reach €9.4 billion ($13.5 billion), and €15 billion in 2010, or roughly 10% of its budget.

It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse..

Go out there and run a red light and see if the rule of law still applies or not.

I think you will find out that it does.
Not little laws. Those obviously apply to the serfs and work pretty well for them in daily life. Look at the bigger picture. A law was passed with specific language that anytime before now would have been quickly ruled as unconstitutional and yet today it's twisted and convoluted to the point congress could pass green eggs and ham as a law and the scotus would interpret that to mean an egg and pig confiscation is well within those boundaries.

That's it. Let it all out, and then have yourself a good cry. We all know how disappointed you must be, but it's not the end of the world. At least they haven't given the OK to gay marriage.........yet.

I am crying. This country is being flushed down the toilet.

Nope. Not the entire country. Just the dumb GOP hopes and dreams. They were too dumb to last anyway.

OMG, OMG, the sky is falling, the sky is falling, we are all gonna die!!!

Oh, the horror.
Is the sky only falling once it hits you in the head? You can't see it coming? The rule of actual written law was abandoned for thee second time today. It may have been in favor of something you wanted for the moment but what happens when this ruling goes against you? And I can guarantee at some point it will. Laws are now passed by one party and when the majority of the states refuse the federal encroachment the SCOTUS simply ignores the actual text of the law passed but defer's to what they think maybe the law makers actually intended but were too stupid to apply pen to paper and write it out. Written law is no longer the meaning of the actual words contained but rather how certain governmental agencies decide to interpret it the English language be damned. So what law is coming down the pike that will say one thing but will be determined to mean another is going to hit you in the head?
Yo, hold on, that loser is leaving soon, hope the "WHITE DOOR" hit`s him on the ass!!!


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