How many Dems would support Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden?

What government policies are leading the housing market to skyrocket in cost?
It's not just the housing's COST across the board, as your link highlighted.

your link also addressed that an answered it for you...taxes are a massive part of the problem...Cali has massive tax rates
No, it's the cost of housing. That's a very real dilemma that people face, unlike your imaginary fears that won't happen.


Your fellow DemoKKKrat moron said red states "only have trailer parks". Did you show him this?

Which has nothing to do with the price tag on a house.

Too many people on liberal handouts, and not enough people who have to work. Spells a big labor shortage.

And of course inflation is affecting the cost of supplies as well, which is further exacerbated by people on welfare.
people aren't...hence why they are fleeing, due to the rising cost...hence why it's not the market driving up the cost
It is the market driving the cost. While some people are leaving the state, other people are scooping up those houses even at their rising prices.
No, it's the cost of housing. That's a very real dilemma that people face, unlike your imaginary fears that won't happen.

yes, as your link highlighted that's one of the factors...the largest factor driving up cost is massive taxes (as your link highlighted as well), taxes used to buy votes for demafacsit like by funding a reparations task force.
Too many people on liberal handouts, and not enough people who have to work. Spells a big labor shortage.

And of course inflation is affecting the cost of supplies as well, which is further exacerbated by people on welfare.
And yet people are still buying these houses with increasing prices. Other people aren't willing to do that, hence why some people are leaving.
It is the market driving the cost. While some people are leaving the state, other people are scooping up those houses even at their rising prices.
They aren't "scooping them up" because prices aren't dropping...they continue to rise due to high tax rates....which aren't driven by the market, but demafacist policies.

Demand for housing in Cali is dropping...massively..

the largest factor driving up cost is massive taxes
That's complete bullshit. Post your evidence for this.

A house in Hawaii will sell for more than a house in Mississippi. That has nothing to do with taxes. That's entirely due to location, location, location.
They aren't "scooping them up" because prices aren't dropping...they continue to rise due to high tax rates....which aren't driven by the market, but demafacist policies.

Demand for housing in Cali is dropping...massively..

Now it's dropping with the increased federal interest rates. For several years, it was extremely competitive and raised the prices. Maybe we finally hit an equilibrium point. Who knows?
See Franco finds the truth too difficult to handle .It’s amazing how the cognitively rigid will deny hard facts to keep their mad inner world alive .
That's complete bullshit. Post your evidence for this.

A house in Hawaii will sell for more than a house in Mississippi. That has nothing to do with taxes. That's entirely due to location, location, location.
i literally quoted it from your own link earlier
Now it's dropping with the increased federal interest rates. For several years, it was extremely competitive and raised the prices. Maybe we finally hit an equilibrium point. Who knows?
yeah un we are talking about now not years ago when people were fleeing cali due to the demafasict agenda…yes it’s certainly true that agenda on a national level wirh xidenflation is hitting cali even harder
i literally quoted it from your own link earlier
No, this is what you quoted:

"But other costs also drive decisions. A quick glance at the price of a gallon of gas, a utility bill, or a tax bill in California compared to Texas or other states makes one wonder whether the premium is worth paying.

Many also say they are prompted to leave by quality of life concerns. Although California is a natural paradise, it also is plagued by various forms of social disorder, including, in many places, crime, vandalism, and scandalous levels of homelessness. Others complain about the state’s political drift."

Nowhere does it support your claim that the largest factor driving up cost is massive taxes. Care to try again or would you rather just admit that you're COMPLETELY full of shit?
Hannity is a Trump proxy
I can't stand Hannity. He used to not be bad many years ago with Alan Colmes but last I watched him in the 2015-16 era, his mindless republican salesman talking points became so wooden that before he even started talking, I could already predict everything he was going to say! So why watch him? He was no better than MSNBC or CNN where everything with their party was great and everything with the other bad.

He hit Newsom with all the RW BS about California and Newsom handled it easily
That's no accomplishment to brag about. I know people in CA and maybe Newsom should talk to them, they all would give him an earful why they want to leave the state. For one thing, CA now has TRIPLE the national average of homeless per population compared to the rest of the country! All Newsom is is just one more glib ass-blaster who gets up with a bunch of carefully rehearsed and memorized talking points that all sound good, that all promise the world, but say and will do nothing.
yeah un we are talking about now not years ago when people were fleeing cali due to the demafasict agenda…yes it’s certainly true that agenda on a national level wirh xidenflation is hitting cali even harder
Right NOW the prices are still high compared to a few years ago. Duh. Take a look at the price of the house I've used in the meme comparing California to Texas.


The rising FEDERAL interest rates are hitting the housing market everywhere, obviously. Not just California.
Newsom appeared on Hannity and held his own showing himself to be informed on the issues and willing to mix it up with the right.

How many Democrats would be willing to dump Biden for Newsom?

/——-/ Nah, I’m riding with Biden, God Save the Wueen, man.
Right NOW the prices are still high compared to a few years ago. Duh. Take a look at the price of the house I've used in the meme comparing California to Texas.


The rising FEDERAL interest rates are hitting the housing market everywhere, obviously. Not just California.
yea the price continue to rise even with low demand going down …hence it’s not the market…it’s the demafasict policies…your right xidenflation is part of it
No, this is what you quoted:

"But other costs also drive decisions. A quick glance at the price of a gallon of gas, a utility bill, or a tax bill in California compared to Texas or other states makes one wonder whether the premium is worth paying.

Many also say they are prompted to leave by quality of life concerns. Although California is a natural paradise, it also is plagued by various forms of social disorder, including, in many places, crime, vandalism, and scandalous levels of homelessness. Others complain about the state’s political drift."

Nowhere does it support your claim that the largest factor driving up cost is massive taxes. Care to try again or would you rather just admit that you're COMPLETELY full of shit?
a what do you think political drift mean? haha yes demafacist policies lead to high crime

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