How many Dems would support Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden?

When recently arrived Hispanic Grandmothers & Mother s realize the Democommies want to turn their little prince Grandsons & Sons into Princesses they will run to the polls to vote Republican

When the recently arrived, Hispanics realize that the Republican party has suffered a complete and total nervous breakdown, and is in the hands of crazy people who are obsessed with gay sex, they’ll very quickly vote for Democrats.
yea the price continue to rise even with low demand going down …hence it’s not the market…it’s the demafasict policies…your right xidenflation is part of it
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Post a link that agrees with your idiotic argument that the market does not determine the price.
Newsom appeared on Hannity and held his own showing himself to be informed on the issues and willing to mix it up with the right.

How many Democrats would be willing to dump Biden for Newsom?

If it were a binary choice sure but I'd rather have somebody not as far to the left as he is.
When the recently arrived, Hispanics realize that the Republican party has suffered a complete and total nervous breakdown, and is in the hands of crazy people who are obsessed with gay sex, they’ll very quickly vote for Democrats. ; : : “Democrats who want to turn their precious little Princes into Princessas no thanx”
Newzoom is a hand picked WEF Nazi yet the Sheeple keep chatting about buttercups and daisies.Looks like they will deserve what they get .
Newzoom is a hand picked WEF Nazi yet the Sheeple keep chatting about buttercups and daisies.Looks like they will deserve what they get .
It will be like “ The Postman “ meets “ The Road “ with a little Dr. Zhivago mixed in if Democommies win in 24
When the recently arrived, Hispanics realize that the Republican party has suffered a complete and total nervous breakdown, and is in the hands of crazy people who are obsessed with gay sex, they’ll very quickly vote for Democrats.
Once again, reality doesn't match your dembot narrative....

Hispanic and minority voters are increasingly shifting to the Republican party​

folks are fleeing the party formally known as the Democrat party, since they have been taken over by the Demafascsit, who cult members can't even define what a woman is anymore
The link doesn’t say that prices are not determined by the market. Holy shit you’re stupid.

Now you’re just embarrassing yourself.
the price is been driven up by things other then the market....if the market were driving the cost, the price would be falling due to horrible demand and people fleeing....
So it doesn’t say that the largest factor for price is taxes. You’re completely full of shit.
geez man...did you even read your own link?

But other costs also drive decisions. A quick glance at the price of a gallon of gas, a utility bill, or a tax bill in California compared to Texas or other states makes one wonder whether the premium is worth paying.
geez man...did you even read your own link?

But other costs also drive decisions. A quick glance at the price of a gallon of gas, a utility bill, or a tax bill in California compared to Texas or other states makes one wonder whether the premium is worth paying.

Does it say anything about the LARGEST factor driving up cost?

Notice the word I bolded. You can try again without stumbling over yourself.
You said that the price is not determined by the market. Back up your claim or quit while you’re behind.
because demand is dropping, and price is still going up. If the market was driving up the cost it would be because of demand, not lack of demand.

This is simply economics...which i guess is to far advanced for a dembot cultist
because demand is dropping, and price is still going up. If the market was driving up the cost it would be because of demand, not lack of demand.

This is simply economics...which i guess is to far advanced for a dembot cultist
Still no link.

It people are willing to pay that price, then that is going to set the price. This is basic economics.

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