How many of the 500,000 newly ‘legalized’ US ‘citizens’ will vote this November?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

How many of the 500,000 newly ‘legalized’ US ‘citizens’

will vote this November?

19 Jun 2024 -- By Michael Letts

I call them newly-minted Democrats. Is that a fair characterization? You think I'm exaggerating or generalizing? Think about it. What, are they going to vote for Trump? How is this legal? And if this executive action is not stopped, what would stop Biden and the Democrats from nationalizing every citizen of Mexico and making them citizens or dual citizens of the United States? Where does the rule of law end and executive orders begin?
The recent executive order by President Biden is an alarming move that essentially grants mass amnesty to around 500,000 illegal aliens. This isn’t just about immigration policy; it's a blatant election-year maneuver to secure votes. By shielding these individuals from deportation and providing them with a pathway to permanent residency, Biden is ensuring a significant boost in voter support, particularly from Hispanic and Latino communities. This is not just an opinion; it's backed by the numbers and the timing.
Political Pandering at Its Finest
House Homeland Security Committee Chair Mark Green rightly called this move an “eleventh-hour ploy for mass amnesty.” The timing couldn’t be more suspicious. Just months before the crucial 2024 elections, Biden’s administration decides to grant legal status to half a million individuals who were previously ineligible to vote. This isn’t about humanitarian efforts; it’s about securing votes. National Republican Congressional Committee Chair Richard Hudson echoes this sentiment, stating that this amnesty plan has Biden “kowtowing to the same left-wing radicals who pushed him to throw open the border in the first place.”

I’m not sure if the number of illegal invaders voting will make much of a difference. With corrupt ideological rank partisan Secretary of States like Jocelyn Benson (MI) and Adrian Fontes (AZ), there will be enough ballots floating around for Democrat operatives to fill out and return to drop boxes en masse.
Nothing is being done to protect our vote which means we no longer have a representative Republic. Those who stole the election in 2020 continue to work to do the same thing this year. All government agencies are supportive, not one in opposition. No one with authority is standing in the way of stopping it. So, the coup is complete. Just some mop-up this summer to secure the next four years—just like Putin and Xi.
There could be a price to pay at the ballot boxes for cheap labour that offers viability to America.
Going by the use of mail in ballots, probably about 300% of them, and in about 5 states apiece.

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