How Many Of You Think -

Who thinks anyone who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for a Democrat in 2020?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Gawd I'm confused

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Statistical probability says there will be some....Though seriously doubtful if they'll be of any number to make any difference.

I'd say numerically they'll be more moving the other way. Minorities are getting sick of the commies.

As we've seen, it matters less how many vote than where they vote.

If a million trump voters changed their minds in California or New York, those EC votes will go to a Democrat regardless. If they somehow got another million illegals to the polls than last time, same result.

If the next Democrat candidate is smarter than Hillary (not a very high bar) they will spend less time courting celebrity endorsements and insulting 'flyover' residents, and more time wooing the voters they really need.

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As we've seen, it matters less how many vote than where they vote.

If a million trump voters changed their minds in California or New York, those EC votes will go to a Democrat regardless. If they somehow go another million illegals to the polls than last time, same result.

If the next Democrat candidate is smarter than Hillary (not a very high bar) they will spend less time courting celebrity endorsements and insulting 'flyover' residents, and more time wooing the voters they really need.

You would think that was obvious, but these Democrats refuse to admit they are wrong on anything.
Alas, time is short ...

Some will... especially when the recession starts.

Of course, they don't need to get any Trump voters... All they have to do is get all the people who voted for third parties because "Hillary has this in the bag" to vote for the Democrat.
i am one of these "3rd" party people.....but i would not vote for any of the democrats running....
i am one of these "3rd" party people.....but i would not vote for any of the democrats running....

I wasn't talking about the perpetual cranks who vote for third parties so they can feel "Special" (yeah, your fucking special all right. Short bus wearing a helmet special!) I was talking specifically about the people who voted for 3rd parties in 2016, because they were told "Hillary Had it in the Bag" but "That Email thing makes her just as bad as Trump".
People who voted for Trump but will not in 2020

People who hated Hillary
People who thought......How bad can he be?
People who thought he would provide something better than Obamacare
People who said.....Just watch, he will change once he is President
People who thought Mexico would pay for the wall
Coal Miners
Suburban women

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