How Many USMBers Are Still Trump Supporters?

I support Trump, because he's the president of the United States.

Also, he killed TPP (Nafta, part deaux)

He's streamlining the VA.

Rolling back energy regulations.

Putting the kaibosh on Global warming scam

Stopping using taxpayer funds to donate to the DNC

Reducing taxpayer funds to UN

Encouraging domestic energy production.

Trimming the bloated bureaus

Making foreign trade deals that benefit the US

Eh, good enough.
I'm just wondering how long will Ryan and McConnell will wait until they proceed with impeachment ?!

They must wait for Mueller to complete his investigations at least.

How much longer than that is unknown at this point.

Pence would certainly do a better job than DJ Trump has so far. He will probably take over.

This will occur only in your dreams.
Now you see a lot of the 'at least he's not Hillary' rationales.

Then why did you people NOMINATE him? He wasn't running against Hillary in the primaries.

You want somebody else to beat Hillary the Hag now?

If we were doomed to get a Republican president in 2016, why not someone with at least an ounce of competence and another ounce of integrity.
Integrity isn't what they wanted.

There isn't a single Lib here with any integrity.

The funniest part of your statement is that your lack of integrity makes your bloviations irrelevant.

Now you see a lot of the 'at least he's not Hillary' rationales.

Then why did you people NOMINATE him? He wasn't running against Hillary in the primaries.

You want somebody else to beat Hillary the Hag now?

If we were doomed to get a Republican president in 2016, why not someone with at least an ounce of competence and another ounce of integrity.
Integrity isn't what they wanted.

There isn't a single Lib here with any integrity.

The funniest part of your statement is that your lack of integrity makes your bloviations irrelevant.

Poor Carb, one of the least relevant liars on the board.
At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.
So a lot of my conservative brethren support many of the policies and much of the legislation he promised even if we find him an imperfect vessel of conservatism. So with that caveat I support him. I would also say that as a conservative I would support the office of the president no matter how distasteful I find him. I supported Obama even though I was against many of his policies.

Many voters supported him, I believe, not so much for who he is but who he isn't. These supporters are so tied to hating Hillary etc that every piece of negative news about President Trump causes them to psychologically lash out with undue vehemence against the facts, the messenger of the facts, and any and all Democrats. These supporters are covering their shallow decision making process in voting for him by ratcheting up their emotion and hatred. These supporters are in some ways guided by the President's own less than calm approach to negative events. He's turning everyone on both sides into New Yorkers.

Anyway I support him for these reasons.
Now you see a lot of the 'at least he's not Hillary' rationales.

Then why did you people NOMINATE him? He wasn't running against Hillary in the primaries.

You want somebody else to beat Hillary the Hag now?

If we were doomed to get a Republican president in 2016, why not someone with at least an ounce of competence and another ounce of integrity.
Integrity isn't what they wanted.

There isn't a single Lib here with any integrity.

There are very very few liberals on here, most of them are filthy progressives.
Now you see a lot of the 'at least he's not Hillary' rationales.

Then why did you people NOMINATE him? He wasn't running against Hillary in the primaries.

You want somebody else to beat Hillary the Hag now?

If we were doomed to get a Republican president in 2016, why not someone with at least an ounce of competence and another ounce of integrity.

You should hold the DNC to this standard before requesting it of Republicans.
I refer to President Trump as The President, Mr. President or President Trump.

I never ever in 8 years called 0bama by his undeserving title.

I'm quite proud of that?
I call him scumbag Far more appropriate
I refer to President Trump as The President, Mr. President or President Trump.

I never ever in 8 years called 0bama by his undeserving title.

I'm quite proud of that?
This shouldn't be a source of pride. In the military there is a saying, respect the uniform not the man.
At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

Still a big fan of President Trump.

Why? It's such a relief to not have a corrupt law breaking globalist pig in the White House.
I refer to President Trump as The President, Mr. President or President Trump.

I never ever in 8 years called 0bama by his undeserving title.

I'm quite proud of that?
I call him scumbag Far more appropriate
Trump will never be my president

He already is.
F that low life pos YOU call him President Not I
are you one of the trump ah's that believe all this russia stuff is just a witch hunt?? Or can you think for yourself?
At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

Still a big fan of President Trump.

Why? It's such a relief to not have a corrupt law breaking globalist pig in the White House.
This is a good example of what I was talking about above. Some supporters need to ratchet up the hate of others particularly in light of some deficiencies (no substantive legislation, less than stellar personal characteristics) of President Trump. Instead of engaging on the substance, these supporters simply increase their hatred.

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