How often do you practice with your guns?


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
I live out in the boonies on about 70 acres of mostly wooded land. However, I do have a small 300 yard range I use almost daily, even if for only 15 to 20 minutes of practice. Generally though, I practice with my hand guns, in various positions, standing and moving. I'm not half bad I've been told. How about you?
Twice a month with my handguns. Usually every 6 months with my 12 guage. I was in the military so shooting a rifle is easy
Our range is only 100 yards, and we mostly just use hand guns now also. which is only on 7, 15 and 25 yards. I don't use it daily, but at least once a week in the winter. more in the summer. I also teach and shoot at the gun clubs indoor range. My adult children their spouses, sisters, BIL's, nephews and nieces, come over and use the outdoor range also, mostly in the summer on the weekends and we will cook on the grill.
It's been a while since I used the ol' Super Soaker™.

Last time was last summer when the kids were over and we were fooling around in the back yard. I shot my wife square in the butt and she spun around and nailed me in the solar plexus with a buttermilk biscuit.

That woman as an arm, I tell you.
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I use my surface to air missile launcher once a decade. Shells are so expensive :/
I use my gatling gun about once a year for the same reason
I bring out the tank when the ground is dry. I dont want to rut the yard and i cant drive it on the road :/
My machine guns daily
My handguns hourly
And im constantly rubbing my 308 holstered on my ankle because its gets me in a kinky mood
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I shoot my Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time on a daily basis

Mainly, I hunt Grizzly Bears and Black Bart if he comes in my back yard
I shoot my Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time on a daily basis

Mainly, I hunt Grizzly Bears and Black Bart if he comes in my back yard
Black bart? I thought moonglow was white?
I'm fortunate insofar I've had some excellent guys who train and practice with me, in both handguns and rifles. My primary handgun trainer was an ex-cop. As I also have a Wisconsin CCL, the chances of me actually using a handgun in non-standard conditions, meaning as a defensive/offensive weapon in tense situations, around other people and in potentially confined areas, a lot of the training is mental as well as physical.
I did drop a ferocious bird that insists on nesting under my Porte Cochere yesterday with my pellet rifle.
The damn things shit everywhere.
I dont get to shoot as often as I used to since selling the weekend place and I refuse to go to gun ranges.
I now have to rely on my buddies place and only run around 400 rounds a month.

I expect to rectify that with some retirement property when the Wife retires in a year or so.
It's really interesting after you have shot a few 1000's rounds of ammo, you need to practice more if not LE in stress live action moving black man scenarios.
The human body is way bigger than a 1.5 inch circle at 100-300 feet/yards. If you hit the black circle 80 percent of the time
most thangs are dying when you shot. A human head is large, the body is 20 times larger than that area to hit.


If after shooting 500 rounds and you can't hit the paper size of 11x17. You're FFS! An NRA Gun Nutter. Claiming BS Masturbation views in public. TO justify your weak mental needs to be
shooting guns all the time.

btw: Most human shootings are done in under 75 feet. Most in the 40 foot zones.
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It's really interesting after you have shot a few 1000's rounds of ammo, you need to practice more if not LE in stress live action moving black man scenarios.
The human body is way bigger than a 1.5 inch circle at 100-300 yards. If you hit the black circle 80 percent of the time
most thangs are dying when you shot. A human head is large, the body is 20 times the area to hit.

The body is not standing still and the adrenaline is pumping.
It's really interesting after you have shot a few 1000's rounds of ammo, you need to practice more if not LE in stress live action moving black man scenarios.
The human body is way bigger than a 1.5 inch circle at 100-300 yards. If you hit the black circle 80 percent of the time
most thangs are dying when you shot. A human head is large, the body is 20 times the area to hit.

The body is not standing still and the adrenaline is pumping.
You really only need to shoot 200 rounds to hit humans inside 50 feet.
If you're still shaking as you shoot after 200 rounds, the gun will never save your ass.
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Pulling a holstered weapon and putting rounds on target from various positions with efficiency take some practice to maintain. Adrenaline is a whole other factor and is one reason practice is that important.
Pulling a holstered weapon and putting rounds on target from various positions with efficiency take some practice to maintain. Adrenaline is a whole other factor and is one reason practice is that important.

Yep...needs to become muscle memory in action rather than thinking about it.
This will reduce the affects of adrenaline.
It's really interesting after you have shot a few 1000's rounds of ammo, you need to practice more if not LE in stress live action moving black man scenarios.
The human body is way bigger than a 1.5 inch circle at 100-300 feet/yards. If you hit the black circle 80 percent of the time
most thangs are dying when you shot. A human head is large, the body is 20 times larger than that area to hit.


If after shooting 500 rounds and you can't hit the paper size of 11x17. You're FFS! An NRA Gun Nutter. Claiming BS Masturbation views in public. TO justify your weak mental needs to be
shooting guns all the time.

btw: Most human shootings are done in under 75 feet. Most in the 40 foot zones.

Actually most self defense gunfights happen within 10 to 20 feet.
I use my surface to air missile launcher once a decade. Shells are so expensive :/
I use my gatling gun about once a year for the same reason
I bring out the tank when the ground is dry. I dont want to rut the yard and i cant drive it on the road :/
My machine guns daily
My handguns hourly
And im constantly rubbing my 308 holstered on my ankle because its gets me in a kinky mood

Gatling guns are bitchin!
I live out in the boonies on about 70 acres of mostly wooded land. However, I do have a small 300 yard range I use almost daily, even if for only 15 to 20 minutes of practice. Generally though, I practice with my hand guns, in various positions, standing and moving. I'm not half bad I've been told. How about you?
Why so much practice and only half bad?

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