How Republicans policies make us less safe.



Looking at this Ebola outbreak, with a 60 to 90% death rate, I was thinking how easy it would be for suicide terrorists to attack the US.

Say one deliberately infected himself and then blew himself up at a crowded train station. You could infect hundreds, perhaps thousands of people and it would be days before anyone would even know about it.

Republicans want government so limited, it would be overwhelmed by such an attack.

Republicans think vaccines cause autism, so do they prefer death?

Republicans want to waste our resources building up an enormous military that would be completely incapable of helping in this kind of attack.

That's the first one that comes to mind, but GOP defense policies are leading to an even bigger disaster than their economic and domestic policies.

do you ever give up on your fucking rhetoric ?
Yes, Republicans tend to leave the country vulnerable. This is why there were so many successful "copy cat" attacks on America after 9-11.

You tool.
Looking at this Ebola outbreak, with a 60 to 90% death rate, I was thinking how easy it would be for suicide terrorists to attack the US.

Say one deliberately infected himself and then blew himself up at a crowded train station. You could infect hundreds, perhaps thousands of people and it would be days before anyone would even know about it.

Republicans want government so limited, it would be overwhelmed by such an attack.

Republicans think vaccines cause autism, so do they prefer death?

Republicans want to waste our resources building up an enormous military that would be completely incapable of helping in this kind of attack.

That's the first one that comes to mind, but GOP defense policies are leading to an even bigger disaster than their economic and domestic policies.

That isnt the stupidest thiing you ever wrote, only because competition is keen.

Democrats are the weapons of mass destruction in America that terrorists could only dream about.
Republicans will never admit their policies leave us open for attacks. They were in charge when 9/11 happened. They let Bin Laden go. They think that because so few attacks happened afterwards, it' proves their policies worked, when the truth is, they were off destabilizing the Middle East. Creating such instability that future attacks are inevitable. They even complained about body scanners at airports.

GOP lawmaker: Full-body scanners violate Fourth Amendment | TheHill

See what I mean? They are a danger to us and to the world. It's the ignorance and the small minded thinking.
Looking at this Ebola outbreak, with a 60 to 90% death rate, I was thinking how easy it would be for suicide terrorists to attack the US.

Say one deliberately infected himself and then blew himself up at a crowded train station. You could infect hundreds, perhaps thousands of people and it would be days before anyone would even know about it.

Republicans want government so limited, it would be overwhelmed by such an attack.

Republicans think vaccines cause autism, so do they prefer death?

Republicans want to waste our resources building up an enormous military that would be completely incapable of helping in this kind of attack.

That's the first one that comes to mind, but GOP defense policies are leading to an even bigger disaster than their economic and domestic policies.

That isnt the stupidest thiing you ever wrote, only because competition is keen.

Democrats are the weapons of mass destruction in America that terrorists could only dream about.

The last 20 years of Republican policies damaged the country in ways al Qaeda could only dream about. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Shall we list them? Again?
Looking at this Ebola outbreak, with a 60 to 90% death rate, I was thinking how easy it would be for suicide terrorists to attack the US.

Say one deliberately infected himself and then blew himself up at a crowded train station. You could infect hundreds, perhaps thousands of people and it would be days before anyone would even know about it.

Republicans want government so limited, it would be overwhelmed by such an attack.

Republicans think vaccines cause autism, so do they prefer death?

Republicans want to waste our resources building up an enormous military that would be completely incapable of helping in this kind of attack.

That's the first one that comes to mind, but GOP defense policies are leading to an even bigger disaster than their economic and domestic policies.

That isnt the stupidest thiing you ever wrote, only because competition is keen.

Democrats are the weapons of mass destruction in America that terrorists could only dream about.

6% Rdean at it again
oh yea!

same chit just a different day

rdean makes us feel less safe, we worry if his mind is ok or if it's going to explode all over us any day now.
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Looking at this Ebola outbreak, with a 60 to 90% death rate, I was thinking how easy it would be for suicide terrorists to attack the US.

Say one deliberately infected himself and then blew himself up at a crowded train station. You could infect hundreds, perhaps thousands of people and it would be days before anyone would even know about it.

Republicans want government so limited, it would be overwhelmed by such an attack.

Republicans think vaccines cause autism, so do they prefer death?

Republicans want to waste our resources building up an enormous military that would be completely incapable of helping in this kind of attack.

That's the first one that comes to mind, but GOP defense policies are leading to an even bigger disaster than their economic and domestic policies.

That isnt the stupidest thiing you ever wrote, only because competition is keen.

Democrats are the weapons of mass destruction in America that terrorists could only dream about.

The last 20 years of Republican policies damaged the country in ways al Qaeda could only dream about. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Shall we list them? Again?
Let's see: Over the last 20 years, 1994-2014 Democrats have occuped the White House the majority of that time. The Senate has been evenly split between GOP and Dem control. The House has been under Dem control for 3 terms.
So there are no "Republican policies" that were in force. Democrats controlled or had major input into all of them.
Another RDean fail.
Yes, Republicans tend to leave the country vulnerable. This is why there were so many successful "copy cat" attacks on America after 9-11.

You tool.

9-11 was a copy cat attack, in terms of the target. Of course hind sight is 20-20, something endemic to most political hacks.

When criminals pull off the crime of the century, they rarely begin to plan for their next job.
Dean is either insane and I mean like a Batman Villain Crazy, or he's paid by the Koch Brothers to embarrass Progressives
It's always the same thing

Republicans want to blah blah blah and dear gawd we can't cut any government that would be the end of our country

and HERE's lie number one, that it's only Republicans who believes vaccines cause autism...LIE LIE LIE

And that HUGE guberment you say can't be cut, was so on top of things when Anthrax was sent through the mail, weren't they?

Say one deliberately infected himself and then blew himself up at a crowded train station. You could infect hundreds, perhaps thousands of people and it would be days before anyone would even know about it

Republicans want government so limited, it would be overwhelmed by such an attack.

You really need to stop being such a hateful chicken little and try being honest for once in your life
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It's democrats that are bringing living bioweapons into the country. obama would come in his pants if some ebola suicide bomber lit off in Times Square. As it is, he has to content himself with distributing TB around the country.
Obama calls Hammas "irresponsible"

Has there ever been a responsible terrorist organization?

Yep. The NRA. Their policy of no gun controls of any kind are responsible for the deaths of thousands.

^ Moron.

Thank you CF, one of your better posts, concise yet still an idiot-gram. I noticed Wildman thanked you and Stephanie for your posts on this thread. I'd suggest Moron is more fitting for him, and anyone who considers a post by you and Stephanie as anything substantive.

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