How Stupid is Trump?

Where do you get your news?
Not from the corporate media that is owned and controlled by a handful of billionaires. Too bad some Americans still believe what the criminal ruling class tells them.

To bab people still believe what Dear Leader tells them.
LOL...."Dear Leader"...another term often used by righties, to describe Obama.

round and must be dizzy.
First time I hear of it. In any case it's just an expression.
/----/ Actually...
The most common colloquial title given to him during his reign was "The Dear Leader" to distinguish him from his father Kim Il-sung, "The Great Leader".
How interesting...:45:
Where do you get your news?
Not from the corporate media that is owned and controlled by a handful of billionaires. Too bad some Americans still believe what the criminal ruling class tells them.

To bab people still believe what Dear Leader tells them.
LOL...."Dear Leader"...another term often used by righties, to describe Obama.

round and must be dizzy.
First time I hear of it. In any case it's just an expression.

If you know how to use the search box on this forum, plug in DEAR LEADER.

If you have never heard the expression, you need to recognize you have missed something. It was a term commonly used for the leader of communist nations, most specifically North Korea.
Why would I have an interest in north Korea? I'm not a trump supporter
The whole NK thing I will most certainly give him credit for. The economy and unemployment rate were headed in positive directions years before he took office. He hasn't fucked it up yet, I give him credit for that as well. But give him time.
The ONLY reason I voted for him was his stance on war during the campaign. I feared the pantsuit would start WWIII and clearly she is a criminal. When Trump told Little Jebby in the debates, that his dumb fuck brother was a warmongering fool (paraphrased), he got my vote.

Had the DNC and MSM not screwed Bernie, I would have voted for him due to his long anti-war positions and votes.

I too am very much against the many unnecessary wars we have participated in for decades now as well. Criminal, are you serious, the Don will be exposed for truely how criminal he has been his whole adult life.
This clown has been on the stage for over 40 years so it is no surprise he is still the boob he always has been only worse. There is no doubt our options sucked November of 2016, but you chose pure evil.
Silly. Why must you people base everything on emotion? Think!!!

At the time of the election, we knew she was a criminal. Trump not so much.

War is my biggest issue. Clearly, Hillsry is a proven warmonger. Trump not so much

Emotion is what keeps you from seeing Rump as a criminal, he is it will all come out. Remember Rump University and Rump Foundation? That is not even tip of iceburgh ask Michael Cohen the pitbull. the time of the election, the choice was Trump or a known warmongering criminal. So, don't give me your judgmental BS. I voted for the lesser of two evils. Did you?
I thought you were Trumps bitch
Not from the corporate media that is owned and controlled by a handful of billionaires. Too bad some Americans still believe what the criminal ruling class tells them.

To bab people still believe what Dear Leader tells them.
LOL...."Dear Leader"...another term often used by righties, to describe Obama.

round and must be dizzy.
First time I hear of it. In any case it's just an expression.

If you know how to use the search box on this forum, plug in DEAR LEADER.

If you have never heard the expression, you need to recognize you have missed something. It was a term commonly used for the leader of communist nations, most specifically North Korea.
Why would I have an interest in north Korea? I'm not a trump supporter
Oh God...that is funny.

Are you trying to hide your ignorance with humor?
To bab people still believe what Dear Leader tells them.
LOL...."Dear Leader"...another term often used by righties, to describe Obama.

round and must be dizzy.
First time I hear of it. In any case it's just an expression.

If you know how to use the search box on this forum, plug in DEAR LEADER.

If you have never heard the expression, you need to recognize you have missed something. It was a term commonly used for the leader of communist nations, most specifically North Korea.
Why would I have an interest in north Korea? I'm not a trump supporter
Oh God...that is funny.

Are you trying to hide your ignorance with humor?
It was not at all humoristic.
The ONLY reason I voted for him was his stance on war during the campaign. I feared the pantsuit would start WWIII and clearly she is a criminal. When Trump told Little Jebby in the debates, that his dumb fuck brother was a warmongering fool (paraphrased), he got my vote.

Had the DNC and MSM not screwed Bernie, I would have voted for him due to his long anti-war positions and votes.

I too am very much against the many unnecessary wars we have participated in for decades now as well. Criminal, are you serious, the Don will be exposed for truely how criminal he has been his whole adult life.
This clown has been on the stage for over 40 years so it is no surprise he is still the boob he always has been only worse. There is no doubt our options sucked November of 2016, but you chose pure evil.
Silly. Why must you people base everything on emotion? Think!!!

At the time of the election, we knew she was a criminal. Trump not so much.

War is my biggest issue. Clearly, Hillsry is a proven warmonger. Trump not so much

Emotion is what keeps you from seeing Rump as a criminal, he is it will all come out. Remember Rump University and Rump Foundation? That is not even tip of iceburgh ask Michael Cohen the pitbull. the time of the election, the choice was Trump or a known warmongering criminal. So, don't give me your judgmental BS. I voted for the lesser of two evils. Did you?
I thought you were Trumps bitch
You thought wrong.

Stop with the binary thinking so common among partisans of the right and left.
Where do you get your news?
Not from the corporate media that is owned and controlled by a handful of billionaires. Too bad some Americans still believe what the criminal ruling class tells them.

To bab people still believe what Dear Leader tells them.
LOL...."Dear Leader"...another term often used by righties, to describe Obama.

round and must be dizzy.

I guess you're taking a pass on your sources of news. Thanks for playing.
If you think the only source for news is the corporate media, well...I can't help you.

I think you're a gullible slurper of right wing propaganda, embarrassed to reveal your sources.
Not from the corporate media that is owned and controlled by a handful of billionaires. Too bad some Americans still believe what the criminal ruling class tells them.

To bab people still believe what Dear Leader tells them.
LOL...."Dear Leader"...another term often used by righties, to describe Obama.

round and must be dizzy.

I guess you're taking a pass on your sources of news. Thanks for playing.
If you think the only source for news is the corporate media, well...I can't help you.

I think you're a gullible slurper of right wing propaganda, embarrassed to reveal your sources.
You got me!!!
I too am very much against the many unnecessary wars we have participated in for decades now as well. Criminal, are you serious, the Don will be exposed for truely how criminal he has been his whole adult life.
This clown has been on the stage for over 40 years so it is no surprise he is still the boob he always has been only worse. There is no doubt our options sucked November of 2016, but you chose pure evil.
Silly. Why must you people base everything on emotion? Think!!!

At the time of the election, we knew she was a criminal. Trump not so much.

War is my biggest issue. Clearly, Hillsry is a proven warmonger. Trump not so much

Emotion is what keeps you from seeing Rump as a criminal, he is it will all come out. Remember Rump University and Rump Foundation? That is not even tip of iceburgh ask Michael Cohen the pitbull. the time of the election, the choice was Trump or a known warmongering criminal. So, don't give me your judgmental BS. I voted for the lesser of two evils. Did you?
I thought you were Trumps bitch
You thought wrong.

Stop with the binary thinking so common among partisans of the right and left.
I can't. I'm stupid.
Not from the corporate media that is owned and controlled by a handful of billionaires. Too bad some Americans still believe what the criminal ruling class tells them.

To bab people still believe what Dear Leader tells them.
LOL...."Dear Leader"...another term often used by righties, to describe Obama.

round and must be dizzy.

I guess you're taking a pass on your sources of news. Thanks for playing.
If you think the only source for news is the corporate media, well...I can't help you.

I think you're a gullible slurper of right wing propaganda, embarrassed to reveal your sources.
He feels no shame. A Putin supporter:71:
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron. NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

Hey but he "sticks it" to people.... "real" Americans like that. LOL

I agree with you; he is a man without conviction, a soul less blob who lurches from stance to stance depending on data points that are gleamed from light research if any.
Someday when the book is written about this pervert's administration, it will serve as a cautionary tale that we should never elect someone who sees the Presidency as just a cool gig and doesn't understand and isn't prepared for the responsibilities of the office.

So you say……………..

“ we should never elect someone who sees the Presidency as just a
cool gig and doesn't understand and isn't prepared for the responsibilities of the office”

Then why did you dumb ass liberal know nothings vote for obongo?

If obongo were White we wouldn’t know his name….

obongo was elected only because of his Black Privilege.


Suck on that….
To bab people still believe what Dear Leader tells them.
LOL...."Dear Leader"...another term often used by righties, to describe Obama.

round and must be dizzy.

I guess you're taking a pass on your sources of news. Thanks for playing.
If you think the only source for news is the corporate media, well...I can't help you.

I think you're a gullible slurper of right wing propaganda, embarrassed to reveal your sources.
You got me!!!

You were gotten the first time you deflected from Trump to my sources of news. You just hoped no one noticed.
To bab people still believe what Dear Leader tells them.
LOL...."Dear Leader"...another term often used by righties, to describe Obama.

round and must be dizzy.

I guess you're taking a pass on your sources of news. Thanks for playing.
If you think the only source for news is the corporate media, well...I can't help you.

I think you're a gullible slurper of right wing propaganda, embarrassed to reveal your sources.
He feels no shame. A Putin supporter:71:

He appears to be somewhere between stupid and smart-enough-to-play-stupid.

That's the happy intersection of theory and practice!
All emotion. Lacking logic.

Correct, that is exactly what Rump is, and so much worse.
Well yes some of that, but did you forget the booming economy, peace with NK, and lowest unemployment?

The whole NK thing I will most certainly give him credit for. The economy and unemployment rate were headed in positive directions years before he took office. He hasn't fucked it up yet, I give him credit for that as well. But give him time.

The funny thing about NK was that the very people applauding the summit meeting were the same ones melting down when Obama suggested meeting with the NK dictator.

Agreed. But let's get past that and hope good comes from this.

I’ll drink to that. It’s also helpful to realize why nations think they need a nuke. If we’re going to keep sending troops into the far corners of the globe, nations will continue to question our intentions.
Trump is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid, Hillary couldn't beat him. That's how stupid PRESIDENT Trump is.
And that's the bottom line.

The Regressives continue to refuse to see why so many people are repulsed by them. You'd think this loss might have sunk in, just a bit.

But no, they are (completely convinced that they are) simply too smart for everyone else. Even after they lose.

They're part of the reason this guy is in the White House, and they're just too dang smart to see that, too.

Oh good, another shallow, emotion-based post from yet another Trumpbot pig who has a thing for 16 year old girls. We need at least two or three of these per day...not.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.
Thomas ,,another pervert who at least keeps his mouth shut
/——/ Thanks for making my point, you racist democRAT.
A pervert is a pervert dummy not a racist like most of Repub party is including their leader
/----/ democRATs taught us that any criticism of a Black is a racist remark. So wear your racist label proudly.
LOL If I was a racist I'd have never lived through an almost all black HS But Thomas is a fn jerk who followed Scalia around like a pet dog
/---/ Typical racist deflection. We're on to you, racist.
With all the racists and KKKers in republican party I'm sure there are some good people among you LOL

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