How the rest of the world views our "beloved" President

Note the "and you for voting for him"

And you people claim that he is the one being divisive?

Do you even know what the word means?

Trump divisive?

He has divided his own party...

He won the primaries fair and square.

It was the Establishment Republicans that divided the Party when they tried to steal the primary from him and then worked with the dems to actually fucking lose.

The party is divided

Trump only needed 50 votes to repeal Obamacare and he failed. Trump is at war with his own Congress and the majority are in his party

That is divisive

I addressed your point in my previous post.

THat you failed to address my counter point, and simply repeated your position, is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

THus, your post is invalid, you lose, and my point stands as the last word on the subject until the day you can honestly address it.

He won the primaries fair and square.

It was the Establishment Republicans that divided the Party when they tried to steal the primary from him and then worked with the dems to actually fucking lose.

Trump is at war with members of his own party

McCain, Flake, Collins, Ryan, McConnell, Corker

Doesn't bode well for getting legislation passed

YOu really have the concept of repetition down, don't ya?

Too bad I already addressed that.

YOu've lost until you address my counter point.

Repetition just makes you dishonest.
Trump divisive?

He has divided his own party...

He won the primaries fair and square.

It was the Establishment Republicans that divided the Party when they tried to steal the primary from him and then worked with the dems to actually fucking lose.

The party is divided

Trump only needed 50 votes to repeal Obamacare and he failed. Trump is at war with his own Congress and the majority are in his party

That is divisive

I addressed your point in my previous post.

THat you failed to address my counter point, and simply repeated your position, is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

THus, your post is invalid, you lose, and my point stands as the last word on the subject until the day you can honestly address it.

He won the primaries fair and square.

It was the Establishment Republicans that divided the Party when they tried to steal the primary from him and then worked with the dems to actually fucking lose.

Trump is at war with members of his own party

McCain, Flake, Collins, Ryan, McConnell, Corker

Doesn't bode well for getting legislation passed

YOu really have the concept of repetition down, don't ya?

Too bad I already addressed that.

YOu've lost until you address my counter point.

Repetition just makes you dishonest.

Trump sold himself as a great dealmaker. Something Washington had never seen the likes of. Bring in an outsider and watch him break the gridlock in Washington

Trump is going on a year without a major legislative accomplishment. All with a Republican House and Senate

His childlike dealings with his own party have only served to make matters worse.....some dealmaker
He won the primaries fair and square.

It was the Establishment Republicans that divided the Party when they tried to steal the primary from him and then worked with the dems to actually fucking lose.

The party is divided

Trump only needed 50 votes to repeal Obamacare and he failed. Trump is at war with his own Congress and the majority are in his party

That is divisive

I addressed your point in my previous post.

THat you failed to address my counter point, and simply repeated your position, is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

THus, your post is invalid, you lose, and my point stands as the last word on the subject until the day you can honestly address it.

He won the primaries fair and square.

It was the Establishment Republicans that divided the Party when they tried to steal the primary from him and then worked with the dems to actually fucking lose.

Trump is at war with members of his own party

McCain, Flake, Collins, Ryan, McConnell, Corker

Doesn't bode well for getting legislation passed

YOu really have the concept of repetition down, don't ya?

Too bad I already addressed that.

YOu've lost until you address my counter point.

Repetition just makes you dishonest.

Trump sold himself as a great dealmaker. Something Washington had never seen the likes of. Bring in an outsider and watch him break the gridlock in Washington

Trump is going on a year without a major legislative accomplishment. All with a Republican House and Senate

His childlike dealings with his own party have only served to make matters worse.....some dealmaker

As you can't address, let along refute my point about the division being the result of the actions of the Establishment Republicans, your repetition of the same refuted point over and over again, makes you a vile propagandist.

He won the primaries fair and square, and the Establishment being dicks about it, is what divided the party.

Do you remember what happened when McCain won the Primaries? What the cons did?
EXCELLENT. The less popular the POTUS and America in general are internationally, the better. It reminds us that the USA does not actually have any real allies in the world. We are truly alone as the last bastion of hope for humanity.
Seeing you either ignore or forget all the allies who died for you in Afghanistan I'd say it more likely you are a bastion of victimhood rather than hope.
Don't blame the American people for their government's atrocities and murderous actions. Though sadly, many Americans do not see their government for what it is...a corrupt criminal empire building operation capable of the most heinous crimes.

We voted for them and still do
Yeah...we get two choices...bad and very bad.
The party is divided

Trump only needed 50 votes to repeal Obamacare and he failed. Trump is at war with his own Congress and the majority are in his party

That is divisive

I addressed your point in my previous post.

THat you failed to address my counter point, and simply repeated your position, is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

THus, your post is invalid, you lose, and my point stands as the last word on the subject until the day you can honestly address it.

He won the primaries fair and square.

It was the Establishment Republicans that divided the Party when they tried to steal the primary from him and then worked with the dems to actually fucking lose.

Trump is at war with members of his own party

McCain, Flake, Collins, Ryan, McConnell, Corker

Doesn't bode well for getting legislation passed

YOu really have the concept of repetition down, don't ya?

Too bad I already addressed that.

YOu've lost until you address my counter point.

Repetition just makes you dishonest.

Trump sold himself as a great dealmaker. Something Washington had never seen the likes of. Bring in an outsider and watch him break the gridlock in Washington

Trump is going on a year without a major legislative accomplishment. All with a Republican House and Senate

His childlike dealings with his own party have only served to make matters worse.....some dealmaker

As you can't address, let along refute my point about the division being the result of the actions of the Establishment Republicans, your repetition of the same refuted point over and over again, makes you a vile propagandist.

He won the primaries fair and square, and the Establishment being dicks about it, is what divided the party.

Do you remember what happened when McCain won the Primaries? What the cons did?

I know you are a Trump sycophant

But you can't always blame others for Trumps inability to get along. Many, many Presidents have had to deal with politicians they do not like or cannot get along with. They handled things behind the scenes and did not engage in petty name-calling....especially in their own party

What Trump is engaging in is divisive and he is paying a political price for it
Trump derangement syndrome is still in full swing.

True, the orange moron IS deranged.......(Finally some sense, eh, Blues??)

:itsok: its going to be a long 4 to 8 years for some liberals.
You dumb fuck, we are all under the same government. If Trmp succeeds in having a good economy and good governance every american benefits not just conservatives. If Trump does not succeed this is not a success for democrats. Republicans and Democrats alike will suffer if our presidents fails to have a good economy and good governance. We go as our nation goes. I sure as hell am not wanting trump to fail at his job because I, my children, my freinds, and everybody suffers from this.

First liberals must be destroyed, then we can discuss reconciliation.
Seeing you either ignore or forget all the allies who died for you in Afghanistan I'd say it more likely you are a bastion of victimhood rather than hope.

Nobody forced them to be there. We shouldn' even have been there. The Taliban government shoild have been given r8 hours to turn over OBL or we should have carpet-nuked the entire country.

His actions showed unity and common decency

You need to dismiss it to justify not giving him credit where it is due.

Do you note how closed your mind is?

You assume the worst about every action he takes. If his action is one you agree with, you dismiss it as done for the wrong reasons.

There is no way that any contrary information can enter your world view.

I go on his previous actions. They speak for themselves. he is a narcissistic, misogynistic pig..

His actions showed unity and common decency

You need to dismiss it to justify not giving him credit where it is due.

Do you note how closed your mind is?

You assume the worst about every action he takes. If his action is one you agree with, you dismiss it as done for the wrong reasons.

There is no way that any contrary information can enter your world view.

I go on his previous actions. They speak for themselves. he is a narcissistic, misogynistic pig..

YOu use past spin and lies to justify your current dismissal of evidence contrary to your assumptions.

In a week you will be using your assumptions about this incident as reason to dismiss or spin the next issue.

YOur mind is closed.
Seeing you either ignore or forget all the allies who died for you in Afghanistan I'd say it more likely you are a bastion of victimhood rather than hope.

Nobody forced them to be there. We shouldn' even have been there. The Taliban government shoild have been given r8 hours to turn over OBL or we should have carpet-nuked the entire country.

He was in Pakistan

His actions showed unity and common decency

You need to dismiss it to justify not giving him credit where it is due.

Do you note how closed your mind is?

You assume the worst about every action he takes. If his action is one you agree with, you dismiss it as done for the wrong reasons.

There is no way that any contrary information can enter your world view.

I go on his previous actions. They speak for themselves. he is a narcissistic, misogynistic pig..

YOu use past spin and lies to justify your current dismissal of evidence contrary to your assumptions.

In a week you will be using your assumptions about this incident as reason to dismiss or spin the next issue.

YOur mind is closed.

And I could say the same about you and your thoughts on Hillary. Trump has proven over and over again that he is vacuous, narcissistic, misogynistic, out of his depth and a scumbag of a person. There is no evidence of anything else.
Until Bush allowed him to escape

Catching Bin Laden would have messed up his Iraq invasion plans

In "fairness" to Bush (who wasn't all that bright) guess is that Dick-face Cheney was probably the evil mastermind of that fiasco in Iraq. .

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