How To Blame Party of Abraham Lincoln For Any New Economic Downturn

The contraction of the U. S. economy is known to Washington D. C. as the outcome of the Party of Boehner-Cantor-McConnell-Romney-Paul-Paul-et. al., agenda. It is on their permanent recrods, of the Party of Abraham Lincoln.

Ben Bernanke: Reports Overstate Damage From GOP Spending Cuts

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Anyone can ask of Ivy League if they support the Law--just like Third Reich Germany of heritage of Boehner! Ask If Boehner staffers support the law! Ask if Cantor Supporters support the Law. Some staffers you really don't even have to ask!)
The Party of Abraham Lincoln is famous for taking away human lives and offering no replacement value for them. The dead white people killed by the party of Boehner-Cantor-McConnell-Romney-Paul-Paul approach three quarter million, only through 1865.....
You forgot GEORGE BOOOOOOSH! wanker boy.:cuckoo:
The tradition of the Party of Abraham Lincoln--the anti-business credit party--is take away what the people now have and offer nothing of replacement value in return. Iraq took away the lives of U. S. nationals--directed by the GOP--and so far has not much of value in return.

Obama sent a squad of flipper-creatures, and provided a John Wilkes Booth alternative instead. The targets herein referenced are one in the same guy: One from 1865, and one from 2011. Both events were cost-efficient. Soon The Party Of Abraham Lincoln will try to hang the U. S. Navy! Lincoln didn't even like his generals, at any rate, anyway!

The decrease of customers in the stores will include the grandmas who suddenly own the suddenly less valueable paper: Of the U. S. federal government.

Who Owns The U.S. National Debt?

Individuals own the paper.

The Party of Abraham Lincoln wants to take it away, and offers nothing of value to replace it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Likely even Bill Cosby, Ed.d., can understand this: Who knows so much about education! Sidwell Friends, for example, is not like the D. C. schools!)
The tradition of the Party of Abraham Lincoln--the anti-business credit party--is take away what the people now have and offer nothing of replacement value in return. Iraq took away the lives of U. S. nationals--directed by the GOP--and so far has not much of value in return.

Obama sent a squad of flipper-creatures, and provided a John Wilkes Booth alternative instead. The targets herein referenced are one in the same guy: One from 1865, and one from 2011. Both events were cost-efficient. Soon The Party Of Abraham Lincoln will try to hang the U. S. Navy! Lincoln didn't even like his generals, at any rate, anyway!

The decrease of customers in the stores will include the grandmas who suddenly own the suddenly less valueable paper: Of the U. S. federal government.

Who Owns The U.S. National Debt?

Individuals own the paper.

The Party of Abraham Lincoln wants to take it away, and offers nothing of value to replace it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Likely even Bill Cosby, Ed.d., can understand this: Who knows so much about education! Sidwell Friends, for example, is not like the D. C. schools!)

See the kinds of families Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, Romney, Santorum, Paul-Paul, et. al. really are!

See the kinds of babies those staffers have created, and what they believe in, posted by daveman as methamphetamine.

Here is why:

Disaster scenarios if U.S. defaults on debt

The actual increase of federal deficit through 2008 is about 22% at current spending levels. That is supportive of a slow recovery scenario, and a debt limit increase scenario.

The Party of Abraham Lincoln has its permanent record, however, of taking away lives of living White People, offering nothing of value in replacement. In the coming year, that would be $242.0 bil. in personal income of T-Bill holders--the usual Old, Fat, White People Suspects. Instead of arresting them, and housing them in jails: The Republicans will declare them, "Freed!" When allowed, they will even be able to work for a reasonable wage--but only when allowed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes of War God support declaration--1852--Not Too Entirely Clear About What Greeks and Italians Actually Look like!)
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See the kinds of families Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, Romney, Santorum, Paul-Paul, et. al. really are!

See the kinds of babies those staffers have created, and what they believe in, posted by daveman as methamphetamine.

Here is why:

Disaster scenarios if U.S. defaults on debt

The actual increase of federal deficit through 2008 is about 22% at current spending levels. That is supportive of a slow recovery scenario, and a debt limit increase scenario.

The Party of Abraham Lincoln has its permanent record, however, of taking away lives of living White People, offering nothing of value in replacement. In the coming year, that would be $242.0 bil. in personal income of T-Bill holders--the usual Old, Fat, White People Suspects. Instead of arresting them, and housing them in jails: The Republicans will declare them, "Freed!" When allowed, they will even be able to work for a reasonable wage--but only when allowed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes of War God support declaration--1852--Not Too Entirely Clear About What Greeks and Italians Actually Look like!)

Have you had a CAT scan recently?
The Party of Abraham Lincoln famously takes human lives away, and offers nothing of value in replacement. A few soldier college-types fired on a fort and Lincoln only saw the opporunity to create a genocide--and provide no solution to the problem.

Several Millions of people did not attack the United States. Some rebels actually took over one or another of the forts. The opening for negotiations was there. The Republicans were, however, then in office and making noise about not supporting settled law.

The Federal Debt Has more than doubled in the last few years, but the pace of the increase is slowing.

That is even arithmetic--should anyone care to notice.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe Tea Party--like young warriors freely riding with the winds on ponies from Great Spirit--make treaties with Great White Father in Washington, instead! Vice-Level President Biden is already: Doing that work of the Lord of all White Eyes!)
See the kinds of families Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, Romney, Santorum, Paul-Paul, et. al. really are!

See the kinds of babies those staffers have created, and what they believe in, posted by daveman as methamphetamine.

Here is why:

Disaster scenarios if U.S. defaults on debt

The actual increase of federal deficit through 2008 is about 22% at current spending levels. That is supportive of a slow recovery scenario, and a debt limit increase scenario.

The Party of Abraham Lincoln has its permanent record, however, of taking away lives of living White People, offering nothing of value in replacement. In the coming year, that would be $242.0 bil. in personal income of T-Bill holders--the usual Old, Fat, White People Suspects. Instead of arresting them, and housing them in jails: The Republicans will declare them, "Freed!" When allowed, they will even be able to work for a reasonable wage--but only when allowed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes of War God support declaration--1852--Not Too Entirely Clear About What Greeks and Italians Actually Look like!)

Have you had a CAT scan recently?

The results showed nothing.... literally.
The Party of Abraham Lincoln famously takes human lives away, and offers nothing of value in replacement. A few soldier college-types fired on a fort and Lincoln only saw the opporunity to create a genocide--and provide no solution to the problem.

Several Millions of people did not attack the United States. Some rebels actually took over one or another of the forts. The opening for negotiations was there. The Republicans were, however, then in office and making noise about not supporting settled law.

The Federal Debt Has more than doubled in the last few years, but the pace of the increase is slowing.

That is even arithmetic--should anyone care to notice.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe Tea Party--like young warriors freely riding with the winds on ponies from Great Spirit--make treaties with Great White Father in Washington, instead! Vice-Level President Biden is already: Doing that work of the Lord of all White Eyes!)
The Party of Abraham Lincoln famously takes human lives away, and offers no thing of value to replace them.

Lincoln had a bee so far into that bonnett that he couldn't even ask for summit with Jefferson Davis all those years. He wanted generals to shoot to kill. These were white people!

The Republicans has not been happy with Dred Scott then, but were famously on board with it only last year.

GOP Wants To Revisit Dred Scott - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

A lot of Hispanics are light-skinned, even now.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(When Boehner and McConnell talk cheap, they also intend very, very mean!)
From Sandersen Beck, "How Lincoln Could Have Avoided The Civil War," pertinent excerpts:

". . . .Lincoln was careful to avoid beginning the war with an attack. However, he managed to instigate an attack on Fort Sumter by refusing to negotiate with South Carolina or to withdraw Federal forces from there. He informed the government of South Carolina that he was sending in supplies to his besieged men with the warning that he would retaliate against an attack. President Jefferson Davis and his cabinet authorized the attack by the forces of South Carolina that began the fighting. Lincoln had provoked it by insisting on keeping control over Federal forts in their territory. He took the position that a minority who lost an election should not be allowed to withdraw from the nation, and he jumped to the erroneous conclusion that to do so would destroy democracy. Yet from the other point of view, he was denying democracy to the seceding states. If he had recognized their right to be independent states, surely both nations could have co-existed as republics. I do not believe that we should be blind to these democratic rights, as he was, simply because we believe that slavery is wrong or because we have a desire that the Union should be perpetual. . . ."

1. The GOP in the House is a minority of government, split among minority factions. One faction has jumped to the erroneous conclusion that "Big Government" would destroy that democracy, and is therefore opposed as a minority of split factions: Opposed to the majority factions, entirely also in power.

". . . .Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers for three months to add to the small Union army of 17,000, and he proclaimed a naval blockade of southern ports in May, excluding even drugs and medicine. By June 8 the states of Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee had also seceded and joined the Confederate States. On June 26 the New York Tribune published “The Nation’s War Cry,” urging capture of the new Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia. The next day the Republican Chicago Tribune repeated the same cry. Nearly four years later on February 23, 1865 when Chicago Tribune editor Joseph Medill and others pleaded with Lincoln not to draft more men, the President reminded them that Chicago was one of the cities that had called for war, and he told them to go home and raise the men. The Union Army began robbing and plundering in the disastrous battle at Manassas (or Bull Run) on July 21, 1861, and the next day Lincoln called for the enlistment of 500,000 men for three years. This military victory gave the South hope that they could win the war despite their disadvantages because they believed the northerners would eventually give up the task as not worth the costs. However, Lincoln had extraordinary determination, and he eventually found generals ruthless enough to win battles while suffering enormous losses. During the Civil War about 2,100,000 men served in the Union Army, and about 850,000 were in the Confederate Army. . . ."

2. In the manner of Abraham Lincoln, the split majority in the House is inntending to use sufficient ruthlessness to decimate even the credit standing of the minority of government, and the majority of government to boot.

". . . .On April 22 Rev. Richard Fuller had led a delegation of 35 delegates of the Young Men’s Christian Association from Baltimore, and he asked President Lincoln to avoid war by recognizing the independence of the southern states; but Lincoln obstinately referred to Washington, Jackson, and manhood in refusing to consider a peaceful approach. He complained that people in Baltimore had harassed Federal troops on their way to Washington, and five days later he suspended the writ of habeas corpus so that such people could be arrested without being charged with a crime. Conflicts in Missouri led to the imposition of martial law there. In May a list of more than a hundred newspapers that opposed the war was published, and Lincoln ordered Postmaster General Blair to deny those papers mail delivery, the usual means of circulating newspapers at that time. President Lincoln widened the suspension of habeas corpus, and during the summer of 1861 Maryland legislators who favored secession were imprisoned so that they could not even meet to decide the issue. Lincoln was a pragmatic commander-in-chief, and he was afraid that if Maryland seceded, his capital at Washington would be surrounded by Virginia and Maryland. General Nathaniel Banks reported to Lincoln that every Maryland legislator who advocated peace had been arrested, and in their November elections judges were instructed to disallow votes for candidates who opposed the war. Peace Party ballots were a different color so that they could be thrown out, and those carrying them were arrested. In the first ten months of the war the Federal Government arrested 854 civilians."

3. The Reagan Trajectory called it, "Peace Through Strength," which was called in the famous movie, "Casablanca," "Arrest the Usual Suspects."

". . . .After suffering several defeats by the Confederates led by General Stonewall Jackson, General John Pope began waging war on civilians in Virginia. His General Order No. 11 was issued on July 23, 1862 and required men behind Union lines to take a loyalty oath to the United States; those suspected of breaking their oath could be shot and have their property confiscated. Hundreds of southern churches were burned, and ministers who refused to pray publicly for Lincoln were imprisoned. On July 25 Pope issued General Order No. 13 which ordered soldiers not to guard private homes or property of those who were hostile to the Federal Government. This and the previous General Order No. 5 allowed Union soldiers to rob and mistreat civilians. . . ."

4. And so now for the people holding government paper, there is the Minority of Government: Going after what they have again. This will mainly just be about their money, and their jobs, and their business investments. The Party of Lincoln knows how to do this.

". . . .Two days after he announced the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862, Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus throughout the nation. Careful research by scholars, such as Mark E. Neely, Jr., indicates that during the Civil War the Federal Government imprisoned more than 14,000 civilians for opposing the Government or its war in some way. Lincoln authorized military officers to shut down newspapers if they were disrupting recruiting or the war effort. The Provost Marshal General’s Bureau was organized in 1863, and by the end of the war two years later they had arrested and returned to the Union Army 76,526 deserters. During the draft 161,286 citizens failed to report to the Union Army, but how many of them were arrested is unknown. . . ."

". . . .Lincoln also had imperial ambitions for the United States, and he used Government subsidies to finance the transcontinental railroad to the west coast. In 1862 a crop failure caused starvation among the Santee Sioux because the Federal Government refused to pay them the $1,410,000 owed them from the sale of 24 million acres in 1851. When the Sioux revolted, General John Pope tried to exterminate them. Hundreds of Indians were held as prisoners of war and were given military trials that sentenced 303 to death. President Lincoln commuted most of these sentences, but thirty-nine were put to death in the largest mass execution in the history of the United States. After Lincoln’s death under mostly Republican administrations the experienced military would be used to attack any Indians who were in the way of the railroads and the western expansion of the United States. Lincoln was ambitious on behalf of the United States and did not want to see the empire divided. He developed the power of the imperial presidency as commander-in-chief by arrogating to himself extra-constitutional “war powers.. . . .”

5. Lincoln's god had been War since 1852, and blindness to other peoples was all about The Party of Abraham Lincoln, even then. Now it is a Minority of Government, impeding the Majority of Government.

". . . .The question I am raising is whether war was the best way to resolve these conflicts. To answer this question as best we can, let us explore various scenarios of what might have happened if Lincoln had allowed the South to secede. In the 19th century most nations in the world abolished slavery by peaceful means. The British freed all the slaves in their empire in six years, completing the process in 1840. Most Latin American nations emancipated all their slaves between 1813 and 1854, and the gradual liberation of slaves in Brazil was completed in 1888. The only other violent emancipation of slaves was the slave uprising in Haiti in 1794. . . ."

". . . .Clearly the historical trend in this era was toward emancipation and the abolition of slavery. The proportion of slaves in the population had been declining for three decades in Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and most of Virginia. The American Civil War, which Lincoln called the War of the Rebellion and others called the War Between the States, cost $6.6 billion and was borne about equally by both sides. The greatest cost of the Civil War was the death of 625,000 people—one-third in combat and two-thirds by disease. In the South one out of four males between the ages of twenty and forty perished in the war. Hundreds of thousands were also wounded, and tens of thousands were crippled. Nearly forty percent of the American economy was destroyed directly by the war. From the monetary costs alone all the slaves could have been freed by compensating their former owners while providing each of the former slaves with forty acres. . . ."

6. Then as now, the Party of Abraham Lincoln has no concept of what the cost of the outcome of its actions will be, and offers no solutions or scenarios regarding what the outcome will be like.

". . . .If Lincoln had agreed to negotiate the settlement of the Federal installations in the seceded states and their portion of the national debt, and if he gave up the exploitative taxes, then most of the costs of the war probably could have been saved. The remaining northern states may have lost some of the wealth they were exploiting from the South by the tariffs, but that would have been a small loss compared to the war costs. The greatest advantage of a peaceful settlement would have been saving the 625,000 lives that were lost and the other injuries. One can hardly overestimate the psychological trauma caused by young men being forced to kill their fellow countrymen in miserable conditions that caused so many to die of disease. Many civilians were also killed, wounded, or imprisoned. . . ."

7. Then as now, shown below: The Republicans want to take the spending from the credit away, but offer no compensation in return. If Granny bought the T-Bills, them the old 'ho should have know better before she bought! Caveat Emptor, Party of Abraham Lincoln.

'. . . .If some of the slave states had remained in the Union, then they would have continued as before. Gradual emancipation with compensation to the former owners might have been negotiated so that the Union would eventually have become free of slavery. The question is how long the Confederate States would have maintained their “peculiar institution” of slavery against the trend of modern history. Instead of being forced to emancipate the slaves without compensation, they could have worked out some sort of gradual emancipation eventually. Without a war surely almost all those staying in the Union would have been much better off. Also the whites in the seceded states would have been more prosperous and safe compared to the utter defeat they suffered in the war and during the military occupation referred to as “Reconstruction. . . . .”

8. Actually, even the current GOP is not planning at all to even help business owners with the slack that they intned to take away, even now!

". . . .One can argue that the slaves in the seceded states would have been worse off. Yet they also suffered in the devastating war. The southern slaves liberated by the North were given a period of twelve years to reconstruct their lives during which they were favored with exceptional political opportunities because of the Union occupation that disenfranchised the rebels. Yet the resentment of the white southerners to having this forced on them led to a strong reaction after Reconstruction was ended in 1877. The whites then developed the segregation system of Jim Crow laws that perpetuated hatred between the races for the next century. So for several generations this discrimination lowered the quality of life for the slaves’ descendants. . . ."

9. Mostly, no one cares about de facto divisions like that, even now at RNC!

". . . .If there had been no war, the northern abolitionists could have found ways to help the slaves in the South, and most likely the Fugitive Slave Law would not have been enforced. If all the slave states seceded, then slaves could have run away to the northern states. One could argue that this might also have led to a war. Yet the North could simply defend its borders. It seems to me that in this situation it would have been much less likely that either side would have significantly invaded the other’s territory. The northerners might have used economic pressures to urge the southerners to emancipate their slaves. Eventually the southern states would have learned what all other countries had found out—that free labor is more productive and more socially desirable than slavery. . . ."

10. Point punctuated: There were not millions invading the north. Point punctuated: The deficit of the United States is only 25% of the Total Credit Market.

". . . .After the Confederate States emancipated their slaves, they would likely have wanted to be readmitted into the United States. Thus the nation could have been reunited with less resentment than after a war because the northerners would have respected the right of the southerners to exercise their own sovereignty and learn their own lessons their own way without having them forced upon them. Americans claim to value freedom greatly, but the military tradition of fighting and winning wars is the opposite of the respect for the freedom of others. The history of the United States since then would probably have been more peaceful. The United States might not have gone to war against the Spanish empire in 1898. If the United States had not gone abroad to join the useless carnage of the First World War in Europe, some historians have argued that the peace may not have caused the resentments in Germany that led to the Second World War."

11. The Intent of the Minority, to harsh measures against the Majority--is now intended by GOP again! The Spending will be taken away, and contraction of business activity is proposed: And it is all math that anyone can do!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Real Socialists do not take kindly to austerity, even now! Real Anarchy requires a Widespread Wealth Worldwide computing!)
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See the kinds of families Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, Romney, Santorum, Paul-Paul, et. al. really are!

See the kinds of babies those staffers have created, and what they believe in, posted by daveman as methamphetamine.

Here is why:

Disaster scenarios if U.S. defaults on debt

The actual increase of federal deficit through 2008 is about 22% at current spending levels. That is supportive of a slow recovery scenario, and a debt limit increase scenario.

The Party of Abraham Lincoln has its permanent record, however, of taking away lives of living White People, offering nothing of value in replacement. In the coming year, that would be $242.0 bil. in personal income of T-Bill holders--the usual Old, Fat, White People Suspects. Instead of arresting them, and housing them in jails: The Republicans will declare them, "Freed!" When allowed, they will even be able to work for a reasonable wage--but only when allowed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes of War God support declaration--1852--Not Too Entirely Clear About What Greeks and Italians Actually Look like!)

Have you had a CAT scan recently?

The results showed nothing.... literally.
Anyone sees what Boehner-Cantor-Romney-Santorum-Paul-Paul, et. al., and their staffers--and the babies of their staffers all intend. They will take all the spending math away from all the stores.

All are opposed to all of the spending. They all are opposed to any more spending, ever again.

It is on their permanent records.

Anyone knows the outcome.

Even their Christ-hating babies are not allowed to know the law: Shown in Matt 25:14-30 of the foreclosure crisis into Outer Darkness. Anyone can validate that so.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Spirit Only Teaches Many White Eyes: That seven comes before eleven!)
Daveman, you're a killer of children. He labeled me something too a few posts back. I'm sure we're both in the same boat.
Even Jesus Christ showed that math computes in Matt 25:14-30, which is the math which LordBrownTrout, Daveman Poster, Boehner-McConnell-Cantor-Mormon Romney-Santorum-Paul-Paul-et. al.: All support in the U. S. Law.

There are the causers, just like staffers and their babies, of the outer darkness crisis of foreclosures in the United States in recent years.

Anyone can ask if they drew pay, were participants in Social Security payroll or self-employment taxes, or investors in any stocks, or savers in any investment accounts, or with savings in any banks, or recipients of any COLA's, or across-the-board pay raises, or participants in any marketplace. Anyone can ask if they drew Social Security in the USA.

They are the cause, all known in history: Just like at the Ivy League, and in The German Third Republic.

It's all intended! It's all math, an intentional act.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirrred!"
(Support of the Law has always been common, in the United States!)

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