How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

Please point out the facts you say i don't back up please ?

Here is an example.

No not true,many evolutionist believed this because that is what they were taught, the same things are still happening to our children.

Completely an utterly baseless. No facts presented. Its a statement which lacks any credibility.

You're being asked to believe things from the science text books that has never been tested or observed but it is taught as fact.

Young people don't have a clue but trust what's written in the text books.

What things have never been tested?

Additionally, why do you constantly make scientists look like they are mentally challenged?
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How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

They would take Him to the hospital and have Him put on an antipsychotic. I have seen that happen many times. The next day He would be real pissed, real mean, and a lot of people would comment that they liked Him better when He was God. I've seen that as well.
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Here is an example.

Completely an utterly baseless. No facts presented. Its a statement which lacks any credibility.

You're being asked to believe things from the science text books that has never been tested or observed but it is taught as fact.

Young people don't have a clue but trust what's written in the text books.

What things have never been tested?

Additionally, why do you constantly make scientists look like they are mentally challenged?

Tested or observed.

First answer my questions because if you can't answer those questions you will not understand what i will present from this post.
And what exactly is preventing a all powerful, all knowing God from revealing His thoughts to YWC? I'm not saying whether He did or not. I don't know YWC's experiences. But it seems alittle silly to cite the Bible to support your position when the Bible expressly teaches that God communicates with man.

So do you believe God communicated with YWC and told him some of his secrets for the world? Im thinking he did not. Im pretty sure you know he didnt.

Im thinking hes making a judgement. I believe he thinks he knows what God thinks. Thats my opinion.

Let me speak for myself.

No,i have never heard the voice of God, but i have felt his presence and felt what i was writing was correct at the time. I continue to pray for the truth and for help to keep his words in context. so i am not turing and twisting his words as many do.

You twist his words every time you post them. Check out your womb comments.
While I'm not terribly shocked that you ignored everything I said, I'm still a bit disappointed.

I dont see how you could think I ignored anything you said. I just made a statement.

How about you tell me what really happened if the history books are so wrong? Instead of burning people on the stake did they slow roast them or what? Whats missing?

Again religion is to blame, not God.

The fact being, religious zealots, like yourself, will stoop at nothing to push their "righteous" agendas, even if they have to kill.
I have to leave for a while J if you answer the questions i asked when i return we will proceed with the debate.

I have already given you the answers in the past to the questions i asked you today.

Let's see if you know science well enough to judge me as a man of science.
There are alot of people who say they defend themselves with fact. I suppose it's a way to bolster their argument. I mean what honest person thinks they don't defend themselves with facts?

Sadly, It's not as common as is professed. If it was, everyone would agree pretty easily.

I can tell you as a fact that I know by the power of the Holy Spirit that God exists and Jesus lives. This certainly is a fact. I doubt you'd believe me though. It wouldn't change that I do know. And I know that God knows that because for whatever reason He shared this knowledge with me. I don't know why exactly. But I am grateful for the knowledge and the joy it's brought me since I learned.

But will you believe my real experience and the knowledge I've learned from the Lord? Probably not. And quite honestly, I wouldn't expect you to. I'm not sure Id believe it if I didn't experience it myself. That's why the scriptures teach us that we need to learn for ourselves. We have to call upon God. We have to have our own experiences with the Lord if we are to know the things of God.

If you refuse to seek the Lord for yourself. If you expect others to prove it to you rather than learning for yourself, you will never learn. Because it is something that must be learned by the Spirit. And if it's learned some other way, it's not of God.

People want to learn the things of God with no study or personal effort. They want someone to hand it to them. You can't learn the things of God except by doing them any more than you can learn mathematics and never do any equations. It simply doesn't work that way.

You have me completely wrong. I dont hate religion. I think its beneficial to many people. Its just not for me.

What I do have a problem with is people like YWC who try to convince people of untrue things. People who discombobulate facts to fit an agenda. People who say scientists are pea brains and then deny it, on their computers which run on electricity all created by scientists. We owe our lives to scientists.

Thats what I have a problem with. If you are a Christian thats fine. Jesus had some good ideas as did Muhammad as did Buddha. It doesnt matter to me what religion you are. Live long and prosper.

If you're gonna refer to me please be specific and stop with the rhetoric.

You have not shown one thing i said to be false if you do i will admit the mistake.

I can't stand people that make blanket statements that they can't back up with anything.

That shows me what a true liar is out to purposely try and make someone look bad because they can't debate in a rational way.

Ive shown you many, many, many facts backed up with links and you disregarded every one of them. I dont even post links for you anymore because you dont learn. I can back it up but theres way to much, as you say, rhetoric to scan through.

I cant prove any of your hocus pocus ideas because they are just that, hocus pocus, in my opinion.

Heh, a "man of science" that thinks every know technology today that was spoken of in the bible....right.....

101 Biblical Scientific Facts
My classes were taken from an accredited school.

The work i did was from the same evidence your evolutionist observed.

You can't even explain the engine of evolution so why go down this road again ?

Natural selection is how it works and always has.

How about you tell me how the origins of life fit into evolution?

Now impress me by explaining how it works according to your views ?

What is the engine for evolution ?

How about you tell me how the origins of life fit into evolution?
So do you believe God communicated with YWC and told him some of his secrets for the world? Im thinking he did not. Im pretty sure you know he didnt.

Im thinking hes making a judgement. I believe he thinks he knows what God thinks. Thats my opinion.

Let me speak for myself.

No,i have never heard the voice of God, but i have felt his presence and felt what i was writing was correct at the time. I continue to pray for the truth and for help to keep his words in context. so i am not turing and twisting his words as many do.

You twist his words every time you post them. Check out your womb comments.

I am showing you God created us from the womb and i am also showing you the child is a living,breathing,growing human being in the womb. If you understood what an umbilical cord does you would understand what i was doing.

Job 3:11 Why did I not die from the womb, come from the womb and expire?

The child is alive in the womb so how am i twisting the words ?


Psa 22:10 I was cast on You from the womb; You are My God from My mother's belly.

God is a God to the child in the womb how did i twist his words ?
You have me completely wrong. I dont hate religion. I think its beneficial to many people. Its just not for me.

What I do have a problem with is people like YWC who try to convince people of untrue things. People who discombobulate facts to fit an agenda. People who say scientists are pea brains and then deny it, on their computers which run on electricity all created by scientists. We owe our lives to scientists.

Thats what I have a problem with. If you are a Christian thats fine. Jesus had some good ideas as did Muhammad as did Buddha. It doesnt matter to me what religion you are. Live long and prosper.

If you're gonna refer to me please be specific and stop with the rhetoric.

You have not shown one thing i said to be false if you do i will admit the mistake.

I can't stand people that make blanket statements that they can't back up with anything.

That shows me what a true liar is out to purposely try and make someone look bad because they can't debate in a rational way.

Ive shown you many, many, many facts backed up with links and you disregarded every one of them. I dont even post links for you anymore because you dont learn. I can back it up but theres way to much, as you say, rhetoric to scan through.

I cant prove any of your hocus pocus ideas because they are just that, hocus pocus, in my opinion.

Heh, a "man of science" that thinks every know technology today that was spoken of in the bible....right.....

101 Biblical Scientific Facts


Here is your chance to teach us science are you worthy or not ?

You can start by answering my questions.
When Jesus comes we will will watch football and drink some beer

I bet Jesus can't wait
You are very ignorant,Neo darwinism is the preferred theory of evolution. :lol:

You better stay away from google til you understand the theory a little better :lol:

The theory of evolution is just that, the theory of evolution.

Darwinism is just a title creationists like to spread around to sound special.

You should learn to use google a little more efficiently.

Darwin was not even the one who started the theory he is just the one that got the attention.

What is the theory that is accepted by most evolutionist ?

How does it work ?

Yes, Darwin did create the Theory of Evolution. The theory most evolutionists accept is the Theory of Evolution.

Im done with your patronization. Any scientist that believes that the mention of a dragon in the bible would encompass all dinosaurs, isnt really a scientist.
Natural selection is how it works and always has.

How about you tell me how the origins of life fit into evolution?

Now impress me by explaining how it works according to your views ?

What is the engine for evolution ?

How about you tell me how the origins of life fit into evolution?

You see this is the one question evolutionist admit ignorance on is the origins of life.

They have no explanation to how life began if you knew anything about the theory you would have known this.

As for the origins of life God took ingredients from the ground and created us and blew into our nostrils the breath of life.

Remember me showing you that the bible said we were created from the dust of the earth. Which science has proven we are made up of over 28 elements of the earth. Care to name the elements that make up a human body ?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

An embryo :lol: it is a living breathing human in the womb if that were not true why did God give that child an umbilical cord if you don't mind answering please ?

Face it skull, you support women to commit murder.

A fetus in the womb does not breathe. The umbilical cord connects the fetus to the mother because the fetus in incapable of breathing on its own

It's not murder as defined by the laws of the land. And I neither support nor condemn abortion. It's none of my business what another chooses to do insofar as their own body is concerned.

I am however against killing people who have actually been born unlike you and your god.

Psa 22:10 I was cast on You from the womb; You are My God from My mother's belly.

Psa 58:3 The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray from the womb, speaking lies.

Isa 44:2 So says Jehovah who made you, and formed you from the womb, who will help you; Fear not, O Jacob My servant, and you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.

Isa 44:24 So says Jehovah, your Redeemer, and He who formed you from the womb, I am Jehovah who makes all things; who stretches out the heavens alone; who spreads out the earth; who was with Me?

Hos 9:11 Ephraim is like a bird; their glory shall fly away from birth, and from the womb, and from conception.

If God is creating us from the womb anyone who kills the child in the womb is commiting murder. The only one has the right and the ability to judge a child through the parents is Almighty God.

He came to this planet and sacrficed himself so this no longer takes place but yet you still support what you claim God commited.

None of those passages define when life begins.

And the only two people that god actually created were adam and eve, if you believe in such nonsense

All the rest of us were born the old fashioned way.

Nonsense is what you just posted.

Refer to my response to jscooter to understand what the umbilical cord is and does for the child. It is not an embryo or fetus as you refer the proper term is human being.

What do you call a person in the state of the coma that needs aid to survive ?

What do you call your appendix?
A fetus in the womb does not breathe. The umbilical cord connects the fetus to the mother because the fetus in incapable of breathing on its own

It's not murder as defined by the laws of the land. And I neither support nor condemn abortion. It's none of my business what another chooses to do insofar as their own body is concerned.

I am however against killing people who have actually been born unlike you and your god.

None of those passages define when life begins.

And the only two people that god actually created were adam and eve, if you believe in such nonsense

All the rest of us were born the old fashioned way.

Nonsense is what you just posted.

Refer to my response to jscooter to understand what the umbilical cord is and does for the child. It is not an embryo or fetus as you refer the proper term is human being.

What do you call a person in the state of the coma that needs aid to survive ?

What do you call your appendix?

If you want to call the appendix a tail you go right ahead but how come it's absorbed in to the stomach ?
How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

They would take Him to the hospital and have Him put on an antipsychotic. I have seen that happen many times. The next day He would be real pissed, real mean, and a lot of people would comment that they liked Him better when He was God. I've seen that as well.

Jesus is the hospital--and god.




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Anyway. . .

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