How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

And what exactly is preventing a all powerful, all knowing God from revealing His thoughts to YWC? I'm not saying whether He did or not. I don't know YWC's experiences. But it seems alittle silly to cite the Bible to support your position when the Bible expressly teaches that God communicates with man.

So do you believe God communicated with YWC and told him some of his secrets for the world? Im thinking he did not. Im pretty sure you know he didnt.

Im thinking hes making a judgement. I believe he thinks he knows what God thinks. Thats my opinion.

Let me speak for myself.

No,i have never heard the voice of God, but i have felt his presence and felt what i was writing was correct at the time. I continue to pray for the truth and for help to keep his words in context. so i am not turing and twisting his words as many do.

Sorry but you do twist Gods words.

Yes i did in another thread.

Pro choice,so you are ok with women aborting defenseless children but you're not ok with God handing down punishment to those that he warned before hand.

Really,you see the importance of the sacrifice of Christ because he no longer has to take that action until the end.

An embryo is not a defenseless child.

A living breathing first born son who your god killed was an innocent defenseless child.

jesus christ didn't sacrifice anything. in fact he never really died. he was tortured for a while then supposedly given everlasting life as one of gods split personalities.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

An embryo :lol: it is a living breathing human in the womb if that were not true why did God give that child an umbilical cord if you don't mind answering please ?

Face it skull, you support women to commit murder.

Talk about a double standard.

Psa 22:10 I was cast on You from the womb; You are My God from My mother's belly.

Psa 58:3 The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray from the womb, speaking lies.

Isa 44:2 So says Jehovah who made you, and formed you from the womb, who will help you; Fear not, O Jacob My servant, and you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.

Isa 44:24 So says Jehovah, your Redeemer, and He who formed you from the womb, I am Jehovah who makes all things; who stretches out the heavens alone; who spreads out the earth; who was with Me?

Hos 9:11 Ephraim is like a bird; their glory shall fly away from birth, and from the womb, and from conception.

If God is creating us from the womb anyone who kills the child in the womb is commiting murder. The only one has the right and the ability to judge a child through the parents is Almighty God.

He came to this planet and sacrficed himself so this no longer takes place but yet you still support what you claim God commited.
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Sillywabbit twicks are for kids try your twicks on someone else.

I don't believe in unjustified killing do you ?

No I don't. Murder is murder.

There is a difference between murder and killing.

Handing down justice whether it's by man or God is considered killing not murder.

Willfully taking the life of the baby in the womb and allowing the women to live is murder.

God judging the young through the parents is killing.

So if parents are concerned for their young, maybe they should care what God thinks of them.

Its ok for God to do blooded.....

YWC, as a friend, I dont think you should be hanging out with this God guy. He sounds like trouble.
You're being asked to believe things from the science text books that has never been tested or observed but it is taught as fact.

Young people don't have a clue but trust what's written in the text books.

What things have never been tested?

Additionally, why do you constantly make scientists look like they are mentally challenged?

Tested or observed.

First answer my questions because if you can't answer those questions you will not understand what i will present from this post.

Alright mister perfectionist patronizer, what things have never been tested or observed?

Why do you constantly make scientists look like brain dead patients?
Let me speak for myself.

No,i have never heard the voice of God, but i have felt his presence and felt what i was writing was correct at the time. I continue to pray for the truth and for help to keep his words in context. so i am not turing and twisting his words as many do.

You twist his words every time you post them. Check out your womb comments.

I am showing you God created us from the womb and i am also showing you the child is a living,breathing,growing human being in the womb. If you understood what an umbilical cord does you would understand what i was doing.

Job 3:11 Why did I not die from the womb, come from the womb and expire?

The child is alive in the womb so how am i twisting the words ?


Psa 22:10 I was cast on You from the womb; You are My God from My mother's belly.

God is a God to the child in the womb how did i twist his words ?

Ok, so how does abortion fit into those passages? They dont, at all. Thats how you twist them. You did a google search on passages with the word womb in them, thats all.
Now impress me by explaining how it works according to your views ?

What is the engine for evolution ?

How about you tell me how the origins of life fit into evolution?

You see this is the one question evolutionist admit ignorance on is the origins of life.

They have no explanation to how life began if you knew anything about the theory you would have known this.

As for the origins of life God took ingredients from the ground and created us and blew into our nostrils the breath of life.

Remember me showing you that the bible said we were created from the dust of the earth. Which science has proven we are made up of over 28 elements of the earth. Care to name the elements that make up a human body ?

How does it fit into the theory....if youre so bright.....
Most what ?

Most mutations may be harmful or neutral but there are the mutations that improve an organism. That can cause a shift.

The keyword is "most".

What are you talking about ? :lol:

What you tried to say is a beneficial mutation can take over a population so evolution can happen thank me.

Now what knid of mutations are you talking about ?

Thanks for taking credit for something I said. I think the term you are looking for is "beneficial mutations".

What do you think I mean when I say "beneficial mutations"? Do you think I mean a bigger nipple? Or maybe two sex organs? What exactly do you want? We know an organism cant grow a car out their butts or vomit a new Xbox.
Nonsense is what you just posted.

Refer to my response to jscooter to understand what the umbilical cord is and does for the child. It is not an embryo or fetus as you refer the proper term is human being.

What do you call a person in the state of the coma that needs aid to survive ?

What do you call your appendix?

If you want to call the appendix a tail you go right ahead but how come it's absorbed in to the stomach ?

An appendix is attached to people as well. Its the same as a fetus or a person in the state of coma.
You're being asked to believe things from the science text books that has never been tested or observed but it is taught as fact.

Young people don't have a clue but trust what's written in the text books.

What things have never been tested?

Additionally, why do you constantly make scientists look like they are mentally challenged?

Tested or observed.

First answer my questions because if you can't answer those questions you will not understand what i will present from this post.

Observations are highly subjective.

For instance my observations while watching Glenn Beck are totally different than others observations.
Most what ?

Most mutations may be harmful or neutral but there are the mutations that improve an organism. That can cause a shift.

The keyword is "most".

If you admit that most mutations are harmful why does not natural selection allow the hamrful mutation to take over a population and humans are either are deformed or die ?

And youre a scientist?

A harmful or neutral mutation does not benefit the organism. If it does not benefit the organism there is no change. If a blob gained teeth or horns it might survive much better.


1. Blob born with no motor skills. This is harmful to the organism because they float there and are easy pickins for the bigger blobs with motor skills.

2. Blob born with an extra nipple. This is a neutral mutation. This doesnt effect the organism at all.
How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

Why do those free from the delusion of ‘faith’ constitute a ‘crowd,’ which is clearly pejorative.

Otherwise, since there was no ‘Jesus’ the question is moot.
Ohh I think there may well have been a Jesus, who was reveloutaniary in his humanitarianism and applying it to the Jewish religion.

However his being a god and such I do not believe.
When has God ever wiped out mortals on a whim?
2 Kings 2: 23* And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

Clearly you didn't bother reading my post did you? Every mortal who has ever lived is giving the gift of immortality through the resurrection of Christ. Including those mentioned in the verses you cited.

Exactly how can you wipe people out at a whim when you've given them Immortality?
When Jesus comes, I will buy him a beer

Let him know for me

Why dont you let Him know yourself. I'm sure He will appreciate the gesture, though Im sure He'd much prefer you serve your fellow man.

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