Howlin' Eric Holder to Mendacious Bill Maher: Trump won't leave office if he loses the 2020 election, the Secret Service will have to deal with him

Trump Derangement Syndrome has established itself as a debility more pernicious to the overall health of our Great Country...than the The Covid could ever have.

But, it had not occurred to me that someone who could ever reach the high status of Attorney General of the United States---could be such a complete Dumb-Ass and Liar.

Dumb-Ass, Liar...the only other word that comes to mind as I read this is Fraud...but then...Dumb-Ass, Liar and Fraud applies to all Democrats. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Trump. Derangement. Syndrome.

Holy shit! And that's the clown Barry Hussein put in charge of our Justice Dept. What a loon.

It's starting to make sense why he thought it was a good idea to sell thousands of assault weapons to the Mexican drug cartels.............he is batshit crazy.

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