HowTrump can end this hoax and witch hunt impeachment process!

all pelosi has to do is have a vote. that's easier.
And then Tramp will claim the vote was rigged.
not at all. if that were the case the vote would have already been taken. you act like they care what he thinks. take the vote.
As you well know, Lying "human scum" Tramp will just make another excuse to stonewall no matter how many votes are taken.
You mistake stonewall for control the situation as a good president should.
all pelosi has to do is have a vote. that's easier.
And then Tramp will claim the vote was rigged.
not at all. if that were the case the vote would have already been taken. you act like they care what he thinks. take the vote.
As you well know, Lying "human scum" Tramp will just make another excuse to stonewall no matter how many votes are taken.
how can he do that. it's each rep voting. you're strange.
Just watch, when the vote is taken he will still stonewall and you will mindlessly parrot whatever excuse he gives.
I could ask questions to make anyone look guilty-"when did you stop beating your wife"? Why testify, he is innocent.
I never beat my wife.
So how does that answer look guilty???? :cuckoo:
anonymous source says edthechnic beat his wife. you now have perjured yourself.

The ole anonymous source got you.
"Many people say" your sources are lying.
"Many people say" just trumped your anonymous sources.
I think the Democrats lie, you think Trump is lying-here we are.
Trump says he wants to focus on keeping America great, unfortunately he is distracted by this impeachment.
He has nothing to hide, why not testify under oath on live TV? Look, when he left "The Apprentice" that ratings went way down.
He's a master of TV, he has nothing to hide. Trump would be doing his country and himself a favor, so America can move forward and continue to be great
all pelosi has to do is have a vote. that's easier.
And then Tramp will claim the vote was rigged.
not at all. if that were the case the vote would have already been taken. you act like they care what he thinks. take the vote.
As you well know, Lying "human scum" Tramp will just make another excuse to stonewall no matter how many votes are taken.
You mistake stonewall for control the situation as a good president should.
You mistake "control the situation" for hide the evidence against him.
all pelosi has to do is have a vote. that's easier.
Pelosi fully intends to have a vote..if you have been following the news you'd know that.They're setting it up right now..after the public investigation and the revealing of the counts.
It's coming...
nope, won't happen. hahahahaahaha the fact you believe that is amazing. they have been saying impeach since the election night. before he was ever sworn in. too funny. how can someone be impeached before being in office? can you explain how?

just take a vote.

I think we all recall the meeting of rabid frothy-mouthed white males on the eve of the Obama inauguration in which Newt, Paul Ryan, the Turtle and others pledged to cockblock the will of the people and shut down anything Obama attempted, except for ever more war of course, even resisting when Obama rolled out a Heritage Foundation think tank hellthcare agenda.
ain't impeachment is it.

Neither is what's going on now, not yet son. Imagine if Obama had set his daughters up in his administration. The caterwauling would still not have died down. Don has laid bare the the utter corruption and lack of integrity in american society and it's political system for the world to see.
I could ask questions to make anyone look guilty-"when did you stop beating your wife"? Why testify, he is innocent.
I never beat my wife.
So how does that answer look guilty???? :cuckoo:
anonymous source says edthechnic beat his wife. you now have perjured yourself.

The ole anonymous source got you.
"Many people say" your sources are lying.
"Many people say" just trumped your anonymous sources.
yeah ask kavanaugh. you're too stupid to understand.
Trump says he wants to focus on keeping America great, unfortunately he is distracted by this impeachment.
He has nothing to hide, why not testify under oath on live TV? Look, when he left "The Apprentice" that ratings went way down.
He's a master of TV, he has nothing to hide. Trump would be doing his country and himself a favor, so America can move forward and continue to be great
Nobody should ever get on the stand unless there is no other choice. Too many innocent men have been convicted for no good reason. Trump tells his story, the dems say he's lying and pays somebody to say he did something else-BOOM-new impeachment inquiry. Hey, they did it with Kavanaugh.
I could ask questions to make anyone look guilty-"when did you stop beating your wife"? Why testify, he is innocent.
I never beat my wife.
So how does that answer look guilty???? :cuckoo:
anonymous source says edthechnic beat his wife. you now have perjured yourself.

The ole anonymous source got you.
"Many people say" your sources are lying.
"Many people say" just trumped your anonymous sources.
I think the Democrats lie, you think Trump is lying-here we are.
Everyone KNOWS "human scum" Tramp is a pathological lying scum POS even YOU, but you are not honest enough to admit it.
I could ask questions to make anyone look guilty-"when did you stop beating your wife"? Why testify, he is innocent.
I never beat my wife.
So how does that answer look guilty???? :cuckoo:
anonymous source says edthechnic beat his wife. you now have perjured yourself.

The ole anonymous source got you.
"Many people say" your sources are lying.
"Many people say" just trumped your anonymous sources.
I think the Democrats lie, you think Trump is lying-here we are.
Everyone KNOWS "human scum" Tramp is a pathological lying scum POS even YOU, but you are not honest enough to admit it.
who is everyone?
Trump says he wants to focus on keeping America great, unfortunately he is distracted by this impeachment.
He has nothing to hide, why not testify under oath on live TV? Look, when he left "The Apprentice" that ratings went way down.
He's a master of TV, he has nothing to hide. Trump would be doing his country and himself a favor, so America can move forward and continue to be great
He can't, he's a fraud.
I could ask questions to make anyone look guilty-"when did you stop beating your wife"? Why testify, he is innocent.
I never beat my wife.
So how does that answer look guilty???? :cuckoo:
anonymous source says edthechnic beat his wife. you now have perjured yourself.

The ole anonymous source got you.
"Many people say" your sources are lying.
"Many people say" just trumped your anonymous sources.
yeah ask kavanaugh. you're too stupid to understand.
Do you mean lying rapist Kavanaugh?
I could ask questions to make anyone look guilty-"when did you stop beating your wife"? Why testify, he is innocent.
I never beat my wife.
So how does that answer look guilty???? :cuckoo:
anonymous source says edthechnic beat his wife. you now have perjured yourself.

The ole anonymous source got you.
"Many people say" your sources are lying.
"Many people say" just trumped your anonymous sources.
yeah ask kavanaugh. you're too stupid to understand.
Do you mean lying rapist Kavanaugh?
I rest my case.
I never beat my wife.
So how does that answer look guilty???? :cuckoo:
anonymous source says edthechnic beat his wife. you now have perjured yourself.

The ole anonymous source got you.
"Many people say" your sources are lying.
"Many people say" just trumped your anonymous sources.
I think the Democrats lie, you think Trump is lying-here we are.
Everyone KNOWS "human scum" Tramp is a pathological lying scum POS even YOU, but you are not honest enough to admit it.
who is everyone?
Damn you are STUPID!
I never beat my wife.
So how does that answer look guilty???? :cuckoo:
anonymous source says edthechnic beat his wife. you now have perjured yourself.

The ole anonymous source got you.
"Many people say" your sources are lying.
"Many people say" just trumped your anonymous sources.
yeah ask kavanaugh. you're too stupid to understand.
Do you mean lying rapist Kavanaugh?
I rest my case.
You have NO case!

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