'Huge groundswell' of grassroots support for Trump a danger for 2020 Dems

Jedediah Bila: 'Huge groundswell' of grassroots support for Trump a danger for 2020 Dems
Bila joked that some of Trump's critics may be secretly working for him.

ME: Story after story after story from sources Left to Right keep repeating this theme. This is good news. Trump will be re-elected, thank God.
It often strikes me that some of the criticism is so strained and unhinged that the authors must be Repubs trying to make the Dems appear STUPID (and successfully I would add).

Meanwhile back on the Dem Plantation, DNC Chair Tom Perez has 3 Mexico City fundraisers on his Sept schedule because neither of the rational Dem supporters are willing to write a check in support of the socialist silliness their candidates are peddling. The party is desperate because - as Perez admitted - “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine..."

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
Just look at the Dem's crop of clowns running in the primary. This election is Trump's to win or lose.
Just look at the Dem's crop of clowns running in the primary. This election is Trump's to win or lose.
I have to agree with that. If Trump loses it will be of his own doing because nobody should ever lose to the morons and idiots running on the Democrat side
While the Trumpians whistle passed the graveyard, the Democrats have yet to name a nominee. Wait one year for that news.

The “nominee” won’t matter....the parties core belief system and foundation is disgusting and unAmerican to the nth degree...good, real Americans have caught on...anybody legitimate, sane, decent, moral and patriotic are ashamed to have anything to do with the Party Of Filth And Foreigners
After seeing Trump policies in action, you have no standing to claim decent, moral and patriotic.
After seeing Trump policies in action, you have no standing to claim decent, moral and patriotic.

You mean creating jobs and fixing the economy? The Democrats are the party of infanticide, sexual perverts and socialism. They are modern day Nazis. The Democrats are the embodiment of evil in American today.
After seeing Trump policies in action, you have no standing to claim decent, moral and patriotic.

You mean creating jobs and fixing the economy? The Democrats are the party of infanticide, sexual perverts and socialism. They are modern day Nazis. The Democrats are the embodiment of evil in American today.
Okay. Back to the echo chamber for you!

Trump,is riding the crest of the Obama policies. His tax breaks helped corporations and the wealthy, but no one else. His trade war is ruining farmers and manufacturers here as well as consumers, but Fox won't tell you that mews. His racism has promoted further gun violence. And his policy of dividing families as a deterrent is just evil. Real evil.

Now, I want you to imagine you're a federal worker. Your boss comes to your desk and says, "Terri, I want you to comb through the records of all the leading pediatric hospitals in America. Find the immigrants so we can kick them out and their children will die as a result." What sort of human soul could come up with such a policy? What sort of human soul is in the leader who approves such a policy

Now, tell me about the embodiment of evil in American today.

Lewandowski predicts Trump will win by wider electoral margin in 2020

“My prediction is Donald Trump will win by a larger electoral margin than he did in the 2016 election,” Lewandowski told Hill.TV.
He was also optimistic about Trump’s ability to win three states that he lost in 2016: New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Nevada. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won all three states by a slim margin.
Trump received 304 electoral votes to Clinton's 227, for a 77-vote margin of victory.
“I think he can win New Hampshire, which he didn’t win; I think Nevada is very competitive and the state has trended much more left recently, but that’s a very competitive state,” Lewandowski told Hill.TV. “If you look at New Mexico, we can put it in play."
Jedediah Bila: 'Huge groundswell' of grassroots support for Trump a danger for 2020 Dems
Jedediah Bila: 'Huge groundswell' of grassroots support for Trump a danger for 2020 Dems

"The Five" reacted to a new report showing that President Trump's small-dollar donations have surged following an attempt by some on the left to target the president's big-money donors.
"The folks on the left aren't used to having to deal with candidates like this on the right. This is a huge groundswell and you're seeing grassroots support and that's very dangerous for ... [the] competition because that means that those people are going to go out and vote... get really passionate around election time," co-host Jedediah Bila said Tuesday.
Bila joked that some of Trump's critics may be secretly working for him.

ME: Story after story after story from sources Left to Right keep repeating this theme. This is good news. Trump will be re-elected, thank God.


And of course, because of this support, this next item was sure to follow:

After seeing Trump policies in action, you have no standing to claim decent, moral and patriotic.

You mean creating jobs and fixing the economy? The Democrats are the party of infanticide, sexual perverts and socialism. They are modern day Nazis. The Democrats are the embodiment of evil in American today.
Okay. Back to the echo chamber for you!

Trump,is riding the crest of the Obama policies. His tax breaks helped corporations and the wealthy, but no one else. His trade war is ruining farmers and manufacturers here as well as consumers, but Fox won't tell you that mews. His racism has promoted further gun violence. And his policy of dividing families as a deterrent is just evil. Real evil.

Now, I want you to imagine you're a federal worker. Your boss comes to your desk and says, "Terri, I want you to comb through the records of all the leading pediatric hospitals in America. Find the immigrants so we can kick them out and their children will die as a result." What sort of human soul could come up with such a policy? What sort of human soul is in the leader who approves such a policy

Now, tell me about the embodiment of evil in American today.
When you post garbage talking points w/o proof, why should we respond?
1. My 401K is doing quite nicely since Trump was elected. So your claim that "no one else benefited" from the Trump economy is wrong
2. The trade war with China is a necessary evil. China has to be restrained, even democrats like Chuck and Nancy agree with that

Chuck Schumer urges Trump to 'hang tough on China' after latest tariff threat while other top Democrats are quiet
Broad Support for Trump’s China Fight Faces Test as Tariffs Escalate
3. The democrat urban plantations are the centers of gun violence
4. Dividing migrant families is a court ordered requirement from the Obama era. Obama built those "cages" you whine about
5. How about a link for that "pediatric hospital;" claim. But who is supposed to pay for migrant healthcare? Healthcare is expensive, and since Obamacare our deductibles are about $10,000 so WTF are we paying premiums for? For free healthcare for migrants? Obamacare is a disaster.
After seeing Trump policies in action, you have no standing to claim decent, moral and patriotic.

You mean creating jobs and fixing the economy? The Democrats are the party of infanticide, sexual perverts and socialism. They are modern day Nazis. The Democrats are the embodiment of evil in American today.
Okay. Back to the echo chamber for you!

Trump,is riding the crest of the Obama policies. His tax breaks helped corporations and the wealthy, but no one else. His trade war is ruining farmers and manufacturers here as well as consumers, but Fox won't tell you that mews. His racism has promoted further gun violence. And his policy of dividing families as a deterrent is just evil. Real evil.

Now, I want you to imagine you're a federal worker. Your boss comes to your desk and says, "Terri, I want you to comb through the records of all the leading pediatric hospitals in America. Find the immigrants so we can kick them out and their children will die as a result." What sort of human soul could come up with such a policy? What sort of human soul is in the leader who approves such a policy

Now, tell me about the embodiment of evil in American today.

All of your points are lies:

Trump is not a racist, his tax cuts were not for the wealthy, he does not divide families... ...that is all stupid, ignorant propaganda. You obviously have no ability to discern truth from fiction. It is the likes of you who are a danger to America.
Trump,is riding the crest of the Obama policies. His tax breaks helped corporations and the wealthy, but no one else. His trade war is ruining farmers and manufacturers here as well as consumers, but Fox won't tell you that mews. His racism has promoted further gun violence. And his policy of dividing families as a deterrent is just evil. Real evil.

Now, I want you to imagine you're a federal worker. Your boss comes to your desk and says, "Terri, I want you to comb through the records of all the leading pediatric hospitals in America. Find the immigrants so we can kick them out and their children will die as a result." What sort of human soul could come up with such a policy? What sort of human soul is in the leader who approves such a policy

Now, tell me about the embodiment of evil in American today.
When you post garbage talking points w/o proof, why should we respond?
1. My 401K is doing quite nicely since Trump was elected. So your claim that "no one else benefited" from the Trump economy is wrong
2. The trade war with China is a necessary evil. China has to be restrained, even democrats like Chuck and Nancy agree with that

Chuck Schumer urges Trump to 'hang tough on China' after latest tariff threat while other top Democrats are quiet
Broad Support for Trump’s China Fight Faces Test as Tariffs Escalate
3. The democrat urban plantations are the centers of gun violence
4. Dividing migrant families is a court ordered requirement from the Obama era. Obama built those "cages" you whine about
5. How about a link for that "pediatric hospital;" claim. But who is supposed to pay for migrant healthcare? Healthcare is expensive, and since Obamacare our deductibles are about $10,000 so WTF are we paying premiums for? For free healthcare for migrants? Obamacare is a disaster.

kyzr , your post is excellent. Well done. Thank you.
After seeing Trump policies in action, you have no standing to claim decent, moral and patriotic.

You mean creating jobs and fixing the economy? The Democrats are the party of infanticide, sexual perverts and socialism. They are modern day Nazis. The Democrats are the embodiment of evil in American today.
Okay. Back to the echo chamber for you!

Trump,is riding the crest of the Obama policies. His tax breaks helped corporations and the wealthy, but no one else. His trade war is ruining farmers and manufacturers here as well as consumers, but Fox won't tell you that mews. His racism has promoted further gun violence. And his policy of dividing families as a deterrent is just evil. Real evil.

Now, I want you to imagine you're a federal worker. Your boss comes to your desk and says, "Terri, I want you to comb through the records of all the leading pediatric hospitals in America. Find the immigrants so we can kick them out and their children will die as a result." What sort of human soul could come up with such a policy? What sort of human soul is in the leader who approves such a policy

Now, tell me about the embodiment of evil in American today.
Trump has made Obama's legacy just a bad memory. This is Trumps economy.
After seeing Trump policies in action, you have no standing to claim decent, moral and patriotic.

You mean creating jobs and fixing the economy? The Democrats are the party of infanticide, sexual perverts and socialism. They are modern day Nazis. The Democrats are the embodiment of evil in American today.
Okay. Back to the echo chamber for you!

Trump,is riding the crest of the Obama policies. His tax breaks helped corporations and the wealthy, but no one else. His trade war is ruining farmers and manufacturers here as well as consumers, but Fox won't tell you that mews. His racism has promoted further gun violence. And his policy of dividing families as a deterrent is just evil. Real evil.

Now, I want you to imagine you're a federal worker. Your boss comes to your desk and says, "Terri, I want you to comb through the records of all the leading pediatric hospitals in America. Find the immigrants so we can kick them out and their children will die as a result." What sort of human soul could come up with such a policy? What sort of human soul is in the leader who approves such a policy

Now, tell me about the embodiment of evil in American today.

All of your points are lies:

Trump is not a racist, his tax cuts were not for the wealthy, he does not divide families... ...that is all stupid, ignorant propaganda. You obviously have no ability to discern truth from fiction. It is the likes of you who are a danger to America.
There it is. Your devotion to Trump has kidnapped your soul. Lay down with dogs and get up with fleas.
There it is. Your devotion to Trump has kidnapped your soul. Lay down with dogs and get up with fleas.

Stuff that bullshit up your rear. I do not take lectures in morality from socialists and baby-killers like you.
After seeing Trump policies in action, you have no standing to claim decent, moral and patriotic.

You mean creating jobs and fixing the economy? The Democrats are the party of infanticide, sexual perverts and socialism. They are modern day Nazis. The Democrats are the embodiment of evil in American today.
Okay. Back to the echo chamber for you!

Trump,is riding the crest of the Obama policies. His tax breaks helped corporations and the wealthy, but no one else. His trade war is ruining farmers and manufacturers here as well as consumers, but Fox won't tell you that mews. His racism has promoted further gun violence. And his policy of dividing families as a deterrent is just evil. Real evil.

Now, I want you to imagine you're a federal worker. Your boss comes to your desk and says, "Terri, I want you to comb through the records of all the leading pediatric hospitals in America. Find the immigrants so we can kick them out and their children will die as a result." What sort of human soul could come up with such a policy? What sort of human soul is in the leader who approves such a policy

Now, tell me about the embodiment of evil in American today.

All of your points are lies:

Trump is not a racist, his tax cuts were not for the wealthy, he does not divide families... ...that is all stupid, ignorant propaganda. You obviously have no ability to discern truth from fiction. It is the likes of you who are a danger to America.
There it is. Your devotion to Trump has kidnapped your soul. Lay down with dogs and get up with fleas.
You said the same about Bush's tax cuts. But when it was time for Obama to end them like he promised. He realized everyone got a tax cut and broke yet another promise. He kept them in place.
huge groundswell -

yeah right, like the millions of people that showed up for his coming out party -

yeah right, like the millions of people that showed up for his coming out party

This is the 21st century you dope. You don't have to actually be somewhere to be there. There is online streaming, handheld devices, plus traditional tv and radio..... .....Trump did have a huge turn out. Dope
There it is. Your devotion to Trump has kidnapped your soul. Lay down with dogs and get up with fleas.

Stuff that bullshit up your rear. I do not take lectures in morality from socialists and baby-killers like you.
You couldn't understand a lecture on morality! You support policies to deport sick children or strip parents from their children. You regard asylum seekers as vermin. You have no moral center. And neither does the TV character you worship so.

Morality? Hardy har har!

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